Hossain Liaquat, Ph.D
Professor of Information and Technology Studies

The University of Hong Kong
Phone: (852) 2857 8543
E-mail: lhossain@hku.hk



I personally believe that I bring (i) strong transdisciplinairy complex systems and computational social science research as an individual researcher; (ii) experience in cross fertilization of complex systems research approach with other disciplines such as Medicine, Public Health, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Physical, Life and Agricultural Sciences, and Business and Economics; (iii) proven track record of successful development and implementation of multidisciplinary undergraduate and postgraduate coursework programs as well as success in developing and implementing combined degrees with Information Science, Engineering, Commerce, Public Health and Agricultural sciences; and, (iv) significant local and international research partnerships with leading universities and industry contact as well as success in supporting fundraising initiatives.

My research focuses on understanding resilience, robustness, accuracy and precision of information flow in organisational, community and engineered complex systems. I have been investigating the functioning and robustness of hierarchical structures and potential problem leading to disruption or delay in the adaptation of behaviours for optimal functioning. I consider the examination of feedback systems leading to effectiveness and efficiency in learning, correcting or intervention to changed behaviour an important step towards understanding performance outcome of different networks in social, biological, living and organizational systems. I am fascinated by the complexity of interactions of different macro and micro structures which could lead to positive, negative or improved outcome in different types of systems and sub systems.

Currently, I am exploring effects of social networks and technology in supporting communication flow during crisis, coordinated interventions and delivery of health care and sociology of health, coordination of public health interventions, social networks in allied health service learning, effects of social networks in the delivery of nutritional health outcome. I have also been exploring social media analytics and social networks to explore disaster/crisis management and understanding resilience for dealing with disasters related to flood, fire, tsunami, disease outbreaks from food, zoonotic diseases and other man made and bio related security preparedness and response. My work over the past 10 years have evolved to be transdisciplinary where I begin to find links with social, biological, life and computational sciences and its application in exploring robustness, accuracy and precision of information flow problem in organising systems so that underlying innovation process and learning networks can be explored empirically.


Research Interest

  • Epidemics
  • Public Health Interventions
  • Complex Systems
  • Social Networks
  • Evolutionary Systems
  • Information Flow
  • Self Organisation
  • Bio-Security

Scientific Activities

I have been involved in designing and teaching organisational information systems/technology related courses for undergraduate, honours and also for the postgraduate level since 1995. I have been involved in designing and delivery of telecommunications management and policy related courses for the undergraduate and postgraduate program in Information and Communications Technology. I also designed and taught courses such as Systems Analysis and Design, Management Information Systems, Strategic Information Systems and Information Science Research Methods for undergraduate and postgraduate program for Basser Department of Computer Science of the University of Sydney during

1999, 2000 and 2001. Fall 2001 to Spring 2004, I designed and taught undergraduate, graduate and PhD level courses at the School of Information Studies of Syracuse University New York. I taught courses such as Applications of Information Systems, Research Methods, Knowledge Management, Management of Information Systems Project, Systems Analysis and Practice, and Doctoral seminar in Information Management. These courses are offered for both on campus and also for the distance students. I have developed skills in delivery of graduate level courses in distance mode through WebCT or other online platform. I also taught Project Management, Research Methods, Management of IT Innovations for both the undergraduate and postgraduate program at the School of IT of the University of Sydney. I further served as a PhD dissertation committee members for 5 PhD students at Syracuse University. At the University of Sydney, I supervised 8 students at honours level and 10 PhD students completed their dissertation under my supervision.

Professional Community Services
  • IFIP 8.3 DSS- International Federation for Information Processing Technical Committee 8.3 on Decision Support systems
  • International Society for Crisis and Emergency Management
  • PMI-Project Management Institute
Honors and Awards3

During my tenure as Associate Dean and Sub Dean postgraduate studies from 2006-2012, I provided transformational leadership and operational support in the establishment of the Graduate School of Engineering and IT of the University of Sydney, its educational programs as well as administrative procedures. The following successful programs are result of my strategic and operational leadership: PhD program in Complex Systems with 10 PhD completions, Master of IT and Master of IT Management, Master of Engineering Studies (MES) and faculty-wide Master of Engineering (ME), a Faculty-wide 3 year Master of Professional Engineering (MPE) and Project Management and Leadership. Since 2006 to November 2013, I also served as Program Director, Head of Project Management Program, Deputy Head of School, Sub Dean and Associate Dean for the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies for which I have provided transformational leadership and change for the Faculty of Engineering and IT at the University of Sydney.

I have secured more than AU$10M in competitively research funding (2013 EU FP 7 4.5m Euro, 2013 $1.325m NHMRC-National Medical and Health Research Council Australia, $499k ARC Discovery, $720k CRC-Commonwealth Research Centre for Financial Markets, $320K CRC Bushfire, and $1.25m ARDA Advanced Research Development Agency in the US).

I am the founding Editor-in-Chief Springer transdisciplinary International Journal entitled Crisis Communications, which was launched recently with a world renowned international editorial and advisory board. I have published 180 peer reviewed research articles and papers in progress from which 84 papers in major international peer reviewed journals, 75 in peer reviewed international conferences, and 19 peer reviewed book chapters and 2 books. His publications appeared in journals in disciplines ranging from information sciences, computational science, knowledge management, decision support, behavioral sciences, network science, applied mathematics, statistical mechanics, environmental science, engineering management, complexity, physics, medicine and public health.


  1. Abbasi A, Hossain, L., Wigand, RT. (2014) “Measuring Social Capital through Network Analysis and Its Influence on Individual Performance”, Library & Information Science Research, (Acceptance date: 10 October 2013) (Impact factor: 1.40).
  2. Hossain, L., Bdeir, F., and Crawford, JW (2014) “H1N1 Outbreak Surveillance through Social Networks”, Journal of Decision Systems, (Acceptance date: 28 November 2013).
  3. Alireza Abbasi, Liaquat Hossain, Naim Kapucu (2014) “A Longitudinal Study of Emerging Networks during Natural Disaster”, Computational and Mathematical Organisation Theory-CMOT (Accepted October 15 2013) (Impact factor: 0.424).
  4. Tanvir, MH, Uddin, S., and Hossain L (2014) “Transitivity, Hierarchy, and Reciprocity of Organizational Communication Networks during Crisis”, International Journal of Organizational Analysis-IJOA (Acceptance date: 13 November 2013).
  5. Hossain, L., Uddin, S., and Carlsson, S (2014) “Analysis of Longitudinal Networks”, Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory-CMOT (Accepted September 20, 2013) (Impact factor: 0.424).
  6. Uddin, S and Hossain L (2014) “Towards a Crisis Communications Network Theory (CCNT) of Organizations”, International Journal of Organizational Analysis (Acceptance date: 13 July 2013).
  7. Harre, M. S., Atkinson, S. R., and Hossain, L (2013) “Simple nonlinear systems and navigating catastrophes”, The European Physical Journal B, Vol. 86, Issue 6, p.1-8 (Impact factor: 1.282).
  8. Piraveenan M, Prokopenko M, Hossain L (2013) “Percolation Centrality: Quantifying Graph-Theoretic Impact of Nodes during Percolation in Networks”, PLoS ONE 8(1): e53095. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0053095 (Impact Factor: 4.092).
  9. Uddin, S and Hossain L (2013) “Towards a Coordination Performance Model for Healthcare Management”, The Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management-APJHM (Acceptance date: 21 November 2013).
  10. Uddin, S., Hossain, L., Rasmussen, KJR (2013) “Network Effects on Scientific Collaborations”, PLoS ONE 8(2): e57546. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0057546 (Impact Factor: 4.092).
  11. Owen, C., Bearman, C., Brooks, B., Chapman, J., Paton, D., and Hossain, L (2013) “Developing a research framework for complex multi-team coordination in emergency management”, International Journal of Emergency Management, Vol. 9, No. 1, p.1-17.
  12. Uddin, S., Hamra, J., and Hossain L (2013) “Mapping and Modelling of Physician Collaboration Network”, Statistics in Medicine, 32 (20), 3539-3551 (Impact factor: 2.044).
  13. Hamra, J., Hossain, L., Owen, C., and Abbasi, A. (2013) “Network Effects on Learning during Emergency Events,” Knowledge Management Research Practice, doi: 10.1057/kmrp.2012.65) (Impact Factor: 1.13).
  14. Uddin, S., Hossain, L., Hamra, J., and Alam, A (2013) “A Study of Physician Collaborations through Social Network and Exponential Random Graph”, BMC Health Services Research, 13 (1), 234. (Impact factor: 1.66).
  15. Uddin, S., Hossain, L., and Wigand, R. T. (2013) “Time Scale Degree Centrality (TSDC): Towards a Time-Variant Approach to Degree Centrality Measure,” Int. J. Info. Tech. Dec. Mak. DOI: 10.1142/S0219622014500217 (IF: 3.139).
  16. Feczak, S., Hossain, L., and Carlsson, S (2013) “Complex Adaptive Information Flow and Search Transfer,” Knowledge Management Research & Practice, doi: 10.1057/kmrp.2012.47 (Impact Factor: 1.13).
  17. Uddin, S., and Hossain, L. (2013) “Dyad and Triad Census Analysis of Crisis Communication Network”, Social Networking, 2, 32-41.
  18. Abbasi, A., Owen, C., Hossain, L., and Hamra, J. (2013) Social Networks Perspective of Firefighters Job Satisfaction and Adaptive Behaviour on Coordination, Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 59, p30-36 (Impact Factor: 1.222).
  19. Amiri, B., Hossain, L., Crawford, J.W., and Wigand, R. T. (2013) “Toward a Multi-objective Enhanced Firefly Algorithm for Community Detection in Complex Networks”, Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 46, p1-11 (Impact Factor: 4.104).
  20. Hossain, L., Murshed, ST, Uddin, S. (2013) “Communications Network Dynamics during Crisis”, Journal of Informetrics, Vol 7, Issue 1, p. 16-35, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.joi.2012.07.006 (Impact Factor: 4.229).
  21. Uddin, S., Hamra, J., & Hossain, L. (2013). “Exploring communication networks to understand organizational crisis using exponential random graph models”, Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory-CMOT, 1-17.
  22. Kim, D., Hossain L., and Uddin, S. (2013) “Situated Response and Learning of Distributed Bushfire Coordinating Teams,” Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Vol. 10, Issue 1, p. 95-111, De Gruyter Publishing (Impact factor: 0.667).
  23. Abbasi, A., Hossain, L., and Leydesdorff Loet (2012) “Betweenness centrality as a driver of preferential attachment in the evolution of research collaboration networks”, Journal of Informetrics, Volume 6, Issue 3, July 2012, Pages 403–412 (Impact Factor: 4.229)
  24. Hossain, L. and Kit Guan, D. C. (2012) “Modelling coordination in hospital emergency departments through social network analysis,” Disasters- The Journal of Disaster Studies, Policy and Management, Vol. 36, Issue 2, pp. 338-364, doi: 10.1111/j.1467-7717.2011.01260.x (Impact Factor: 0.692).
  25. Hossain, L., Amiri, B., Crawford, J. W. (2012) “A hybrid evolutionary algorithm based on HSA and CLS for multi-objective community detection in complex networks,” Telecommunications Systems, Acceptance 7 July 2011 (IF: 0.67).
  26. Bdeir, F., Hossain, L., and Crawford, J. (2012) “Emerging Coordination and Knowledge transfer Process during Disease Outbreak,” Knowledge Management Research & Practice, (7 May 2012), doi:10.1057/kmrp.2012.1 (Impact Factor: 0.855).
  27. Jafar Hamra, Liaquat Hossain, Christine Owen, Alireza Abbasi, (2012) "Effects of networks on learning during emergency events", Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 21 Iss: 5, pp.584 – 598 (Impact factor: 0.338).
  28. Simon Reay Atkinson, Amanda Goodger, Nicholas Caldwell, Liaquat Hossain, (2012) “How lean the machine: how agile the mind?”, Learning Organization, The, Vol. 19 Iss: 3, pp.183 – 206.
  29. Hossain, L., and Uddin, S (2012) “Design patterns: coordination in complex and dynamic environments”, Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 21 Iss: 3, pp.336 – 350 (Impact factor: 0.338).
  30. Uddin, M.S., and Hossain, L., Kelaher, M., and Dibley, M. (2012) “Effect of physician collaboration network on hospitalization cost and readmission rate,” European Journal of Public Health, Volume 22, Issue 5, Pp. 629-633, doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckr153 (Impact Factor: 2.728).
  31. Abbasi, A., Uddin, S., and Hossain, L. (2012) “Socioeconomic analysis of patient-centric networks: effects of patients and hospitals’ characteristics and network structure on hospitalization costs”, The European Journal of Health Economics, vol. 13, issue 3, pages 267-276 (Impact Factor: 1.50).
  32. Uddin, S., Hossain, L., Abbasi, A., and Rasmussen, K. J. R. (2012) “Trend and efficiency analysis of co-authorship network,” Scientometrics, February, Vol 90, Issue 2, pp. 687-699, DOI 10.1007/s11192-011-0511-x (Impact Factor: 1.966).
  33. Hossain, L., Khalili, S., and Uddin, S. (2011) “Inter-Organizational Coordination Dynamics during Crisis,” Journal of Decision Systems, 20(4): 383-396.
  34. Abbasi, A., Altmann, L., and Hossain, L. (2011) “Identifying the effects of co-authorship networks on the performance of scholars: A correlation and regression analysis of performance measures and social network analysis measures,” Journal of Informetrics (2011), doi:10.1016/j.joi.2011.05.007 (Impact Factor: 4.229).
  35. Abbasi, A., Hossain, L., Uddin, S., and Rasmussen, K. J. R. (2011) “Evolutionary Dynamics of Scientific Collaboration Networks: Multi-Levels and Cross-time Analysis,” Scientometrics, November, Vol 89, Issue 2, pp. 687-710, DOI 10.1007/s11192-011-0463-1 (Impact Factor: 1.966).
  36. Abbasi, A., Chung, K., and Hossain, L. (2011) “Egocentric Analysis of Co-authorship Network Structure, Position and Performance,” Information Processing & Management, Accepted September 2011 (Impact Factor: 1.673).
  37. Uddin, M.S., Tanvir, M.H., and Hossain, L. (2011) “Power-law Behaviour in Complex Organizational Communication Network during Crisis,” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Volume 390, Issue 15, 1 August 2011, Pages 2845-2853 (Impact factor: 1.521).
  38. Uddin, M.S., Hossain, L., Murshed, T.H. and Crawford, J. (2011) “Static versus Dynamic Topology of Complex Communications Network during Organizational Crisis,” Journal of Complexity, 16: 27–36. doi: 10.1002/cplx.20349 (Impact Factor: 1.367).
  39. Uddin, S., and Hossain L. (2011) “Disaster Coordination Preparedness of Soft-Target Organizations,” Disasters-The Journal of Disaster Studies, Policy and Management, Vol. 35, Issue 3, pages 623-638 (Impact Factor: 1.174).
  40. Hossain, L., and Gao, S. (2011) “Temporal social coordination through mobile social networks,” Journal of High Technology Management Research, Accepted November 2011.
  41. Feczak, S., Hossain, L. (2011) “Exploring Computer Supported Collaborative Coordination through Social Networks,” High Technology Management Research, Volume 22, Issue 2, Pages 121-140.
  42. Gupta, S., and Hossain, L. (2011) “Towards a Near Real Time Detection of Insider Trading through Social Networks,” Computer Fraud and Security, Vol. 2011, No. 1. (January 2011), pp. 7-16.
  43. Uddin, M.S. and Hossain, L. (2011) “Social Networks Enabled Coordination Model for Cost Management of Patient Hospital Admissions,” Journal of Healthcare Quality, doi: 10.1111/j.1945-1474.2010.00118.x.
  44. Hossain, L., and Kuti, M. (2010) “Disaster Response Preparedness Coordination through Social Networks,” Disasters-The Journal of Disaster Studies, Policy and Management, Vol. 34, Issue 3, pages 755-786 (Impact Factor: 1.174).
  45. Chung, K. S. K and Hossain, L. (2010) “Towards a social network model for understanding information and communication technology use for general practitioners in rural Australia,” Computers in Human Behaviour, Volume 26, Issue 4, July, 562-571 , doi:10.1016/j.chb.2009.12.008 (Impact factor: 1.865).
  46. Hossain, L. (2010) “Measuring the Efficiency of Personal Networks for Physical, Mental and Psychological Health,” Middle East Journal of Age and Aging, Vol. 7, Issue 1, 2010.
  47. Hossain, L. (2009) “Communications and Coordination in Construction Projects”, Journal of Construction Management and Economics, January, 27, 25–39. (Australian Business Deans Council Ranking = A*).
  48. Hossain, L. (2009) “Measuring Performance of Knowledge Intensive Work Groups through Social Networks”, Project Management Journal, Vol. 40, Issue 2, pp.34-58.
  49. Hossain, L. (2009) “Social Networks on Dynamic and Complex Project Coordination,” Editorial for International Journal of Project Management Special Issue on Social Networks and Dynamic Project Coordination, Vol. 27, pp.433-434. (Impact factor: 1.532).
  50. Hossain L. (2009) “Effect of organisational position and network centrality,” International Journal of Project Management (2008), Vol. 27, pp.680-689. (Impact factor: 1.532).
  51. Hossain, L and Wu, A. (2009) “Communications Network Centrality Correlates to Organizational Coordination,” International Journal of Project Management, Vol. 27, pp.795-811. (Impact factor: 1.532).
  52. Hossain, L and Obbuka, A. (2009) “Exploring connections to unrelated social clusters in a socio temporal communication network,” Journal of High Technology and Management Research, Vol. 20, Issue 2, pp.103-118.
  53. Hossain, L and Fazio, D. (2009) “The social networks of collaborative process,” Journal of High Technology and Management Research, Vol. 20, Issue 2, pp.119-130.
  54. Murshed, S. T and Hossain, L. (2009) “Organizational Communication Networks and its Structural Changes Correlates to Organizational Disintegration,” Journal of Decision Systems, Vol. 18/3, pp.295-317.
  55. Hossain, L and De Silva, A. (2009). “Exploring User Acceptance of Technology Using Social Networks,” Journal of High Technology Management Research, Vol. 20, Issue 1, pp.1–18.
  56. Hossain, L and Zhu, D. (2009) “Social networks and coordination performance of distributed software development teams”, Journal of High Technology and Management Research, Vol. 20, Issue 1, pp52–61.
  57. Hossain, L., and M Kuti, (2008) “CORDNET: Towards a Distributed Behavioural Model for Emergency Response Coordination”, Project Management Journal, Vol. 39, No. 4, 68–94.
  58. Hossain, L., and Wigand, R. T. (2004). ‘ICT Enabled Virtual Collaboration through Trust,’ Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, JCMC 10 (1) November 2004, pp.22-31. (Impact Factor: 1.958).
  59. Hossain, L (2003). ‘Is Formalised Structure a necessary prerequisite for implementation a national telecommunications plan in both Developed and Developing Economies?’ Technovation-International Journal of Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology Management, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 39-49 (Impact Factor: 3.287).
  60. Hossain, L. (2001). ‘The Management Challenges for the Thai Telecom Operators: A Framework for Understanding the Telecommunications Strategic Planning Process for the Case of the Telephone Organization of Thailand (1954-1996),’ Technovation-The International Journal of Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology Management, Vol. 21, No. 7, pp.449-461 (Impact Factor: 3.287).
  61. Hossain, L., and Shakir, M. (2001). ‘Stakeholder Involvement Framework for Understanding the Decision Making Process of ERP Selection,’ Journal of Decision Systems: Special Issue on ERP and its Impact on Decision Making, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 11-27. (ERA Tier C).
  62. Hossain, L (2000). ‘Infrastructure Development Planning in SEA: An Analysis of the National Telecommunications Planning Practice in Thailand.’ Technovation-International Journal of Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology Management, 20, pp. 275-285 (Impact Factor: 3.287).
  63. Hossain, L (1999). 'Fostering Economic Development through Telecommunications in South East Asia: Challenges facing the Thai telecommunications regulators'. Technovation-International Journal of Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology Management, 19, pp.681-689 (Impact Factor: 3.287).
  64. Hossain, L (1998). National Strategic Planning and Practice: The Case of Thai Management Challenges for Developing the 21st Century NII and Incorporating with the GII. International Journal of Computer and Engineering Management (IJCEM) and Thailand Chapter of IEEE. Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 35-49.
  65. Lindley, R., Hossain, L (1996). 'Strategic Challenges For Expanding South East Asian Telecom Economies: The Case of Thailand'. International Journal of Computer and Engineering Management and Thai Chapter of IEEE. Volume 4, Number 1, January-April. pp. 25-36.
  66. Hossain, L (1996). 'Telecommunications Networks Development: Organisational and Societal Challenges for Developing Nations'. International Journal of Computer and Engineering Management and Thai Chapter of IEEE. Volume 4, Number 1, pp. 15-24.
  67. Hossain, L., Cooper, J (1996). 'The Transition of Public Monopolies: A Case Study of TOT (Telephone Organisation of Thailand): An Extended Version'. International Journal of Computer and Engineering Management and Thai Chapter of IEEE. Volume 4, Number 2, May-August. Assumption University. Bangkok 10240, Thailand. pp. 34-42.
  68. Hossain, L (1997). 'Planning for the National Telecommunications Infrastructure: A Framework for Understanding the Telecommunications Strategic Planning Processes (TSPP) of Thailand's National Telecom Operators'. International Journal of Computer and Engineering Management (IJCEM) and Thailand Chapter of IEEE. Vol 5, No 3, pp 29-59.
International Peer Reviewed Conference Papers
  1. Hossain, L., Atkinson, SR., and Carlsson, S. (2014) "From ICT-Machine Determinism to a Socio-ICT Organic Design of Knowledge Sharing Systems", Accepted for the 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2014) and its affiliated conferences to be held in Kraków, Poland, July 19-23, 2014 (acceptance date: 17 December 2013).
  2. Atkinson, SR, Seyedamir TT, Goodger, A., Caldwell, N., and Hossain, L (2013) "The Need for Synthetic Standards in Managing Cyber Relationships," SOTICS 2013, The Third International Conference on Social Eco-Informatics, pp1.7, November 17, 2013, Lisbon, Portugal.
  3. Kim, K. D., and Hossain, L. (2013) "Policy Network Approach to Coordinated Disaster Response", Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM-VN 2013), arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.3693.
  4. Hossain, L., Atkinson, SR,; D'eredita, M., and Wigand, R. T. (2013) "Towards a Mech-Organic Perspective for Knowledge Sharing Networks in Organizations", UK Academy for Information Systems Conference Proceedings 2013. Paper 16. http://aisel.aisnet.org/ukais2013/16.
  5. Uddin, S., Piraveenan, M., Chung, K. S. K., & Hossain, L. (2013, January). Topological analysis of longitudinal networks. In System Sciences (HICSS), 2013 46th Hawaii International Conference on (pp. 3931-3940). IEEE.
  6. Abbasi, A and Hossain, L. (2013) "Investigating Preferential Attachment Behavior on the Evolution of Disaster Response Networks", 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), HICSS - 46, 2013 Conference, January 7-10, Hawaii, USA.
  7. Walker, D., Atkinson, S.R., and Hossain, L (2012) "Collaboration Without Rules: A New Perspective on Stability Operations", 2012 ASE International Conference on Social Informatics, December 14-16, Washington D.C., USA (Acceptance date: 3 November 2012).
  8. Atkinson, S. R., Walker, D., Beaulne, K., and Hossain, L (2012) "Cyber - Transparencies, Assurance and Deterrence", 2012 ASE International Conference on Social Informatics, December 14-16, Washington D.C., USA (Acceptance date: 3 November 2012).
  9. Uddin, S., Atkinson, SR., and Hossain, L. (2012) "New Directions in the Analysis of Social Network Dynamics", 18th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Beijing, China, August 12-16.
  10. Hossain, L., Atkinson, SR., Wigand, RT., and Carlsson, S. (2012) "Knowledge Sharing through Social Networks", Accepted to The Second International Conference on Social Eco-Informatics, SOTICS 2012, October 21-26, Venice, Italy. 96.
  11. Walker, D., Atkinson, SR., and Hossain, L. (2012) "Counterinsurgency Through Civil Infrastructure Networks", Accepted to The Second International Conference on Social Eco-Informatics, SOTICS 2012, October 21-26, Venice, Italy.
  12. Bdeir, F., Hossain, L., Hamra, J., and Crawford, J. (2012) "Coordination Challenges for Global Disease Outbreaks", Accepted to 7th Future Security Research Conference, September 2012, Bonn.
  13. Kim, C., and Hossain, L. (2012) "Expertise Access and Sharing through Social Networks for Complex Disaster Coordination", Accepted to 9th conference on Applications of Social Network Analysis, ASNA 2012: Zurich, Switzerland, September 4-7.
  14. Amiri, B., Hossain, L., and Crawford, J. (2012) "A multiobjective hybrid evolutionary algorithm for clustering in social networks", GECCO Companion '12 Proceedings of the fourteenth international conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation conference companion, ACM, New York, NY, USA ©2012, 1445-1446.
  15. Uddin, S., and Hossain, L. (2012) "Effects of Physician Collaboration Network on Hospital Outcomes", Proceedings of the Fifth Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management (HIKM 2012), Melbourne, Australia, 67-73.
  16. Abbasi, A., and Hossain, L. (2012) "Hybrid Centrality Measures for Binary and Weighted Networks," 3rd international workshop on complex networks (CompleNet), March 7-9, Melbourne, Florida, USA (full paper accepted on 05/01/12).
  17. Abbasi, A., and Hossain, L. (2012) "Exploring the relationship between research impact and collaborations for Information Science" 45th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-45), Jan.4-7, Hawaii, USA.
  18. Bdeir, F., Hossain, L., Crawford, J., et. al. (2011) "Dynamics of complex coordination during disease outbreak," Safety and Security Engineering IV, Edited By: Prof M. GUARASCIO, University of Rome "La Sapienza", ITALY, G. RENIERS, University of Antwerp, BELGIUM, C.A. BREBBIA, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK and F. GARZIA, University of Rome "La Sapienza", ITALY, 429-440.
  19. Abbasi, A., and Hossain, L. (2011) "Investigating Attachment Behaviour of Nodes during Evolution of a Complex Social Network: A Case of a Scientific Collaboration Network," 15th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, KES (2) 2011: 256-264.
  20. Uddin, M.S., and Hossain, L. (2011) "Time Scale Degree Centrality: A Time-based Approach to Degree Centrality Measure," The International Conference on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2011): 520-524.
  21. Amiri, B., Hossain, L., and Crawford, J. W. (2011) "An efficient multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for community detection in social networks," IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2011: 2193-2199.
  22. Hamra, J., Uddin, S., and Hossain, L. (2011) "Exponential random graph modeling of communication networks to understand organizational crisis," SIGMIS-CPR '11 Proceedings of the 49th SIGMIS annual conference on Computer personnel research, ACM, May 19-21, 2011, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 71-78.
  23. Abbasi, A., and Hossain, L. (2011) "Analysing academic communities' collaboration and performance," Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering (IKE), July 18-21, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp. 75-82.
  24. Hamra, J., Hossain, L., Owen, C., and Abbasi, A. (2011) "The Influence of Social Networks And Learning Towards Performance in Disasters," 12th Annual Global Information Technology Management Association (GITMA) World Conference 2011, paper #23, June 5 - 7, 2011, Las Vegas, NV, USA.
  25. Hamra, J., Hossain, L. (2011) "Exploring Construction Coordination Performance Using Social Networks," 12th Annual Global Information Technology Management Association (GITMA) World Conference 2011, paper #24, June 5 - 7, 2011, Las Vegas, NV, USA.
  26. Uddin, M.S., Murshed, T.H., and Hossain, L. (2010) "Towards a Scale free Network Approach to study organizational communication network," Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), PACIS 2010 Proceedings. Paper 196; http://aisel.aisnet.org/pacis2010/196 (ARC tier 'A').
  27. Tanvir, M., H., Uddin, M. S., and Hossain, L. (2010) "Understanding Communication Network Cohesiveness during Organizational Crisis: Effects of Clique and Transitivity," International Conference on Information System (ICIS), ICIS 2010 Proceedings. Paper 81; http://aisel.aisnet.org/icis2010_submissions/81 (ARC tier 'A').
  28. Uddin, M.S. and Hossain, L. (2010) "Towards a Hospital Coordination Performance Model for Patient-Centric Care Network," eHealth Conference, Accepted August 2010, Springer (acceptance rate is around 35%).
  29. Uddin, M.S., Abbasi, A., and Hossain, L. (2010) "Social Structure of Patient-Centric Networks and Delivery of Cost Effective Healthcare Services," eHealth Conference, Accepted August 2010, Springer (acceptance rate is around 35%).
  30. Uddin, M.S. and Hossain, L. (2009) "Exploring physical, mental and psychological health for elders through their personal networks," IEEE Press, HealthCom Conference, 29 - 35, ISBN: 978-1-4244-5013-8 (acceptance rate is around 35%).
  31. Uddin, M.S. and Hossain, L. (2009) "Towards Coordination Preparedness of Soft-Target Organisation," Electronic Government Conference, Springer, pp. 54-64 (ARC tier 'B').
  32. Feczak, S., and Hossain, L (2009) "Measuring Coordination Gaps of Open Source Groups through Social Networks," 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), pp. 22-29, 6 - 10, May 2009, Milan, Italy. (ERA Ranking = C)
  33. Chung, K. S. K., Hossain, L. (2008) "Network Structure, Position, Ties and ICT Use in Distributed Knowledge Intensive Work," The 2008 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), November 8 - 12, San Diego, California, USA, pp. 545-554. (ERA Ranking = A)
  34. Hossain, L., and Zhou, D. (2008) "Measuring Open Source Software Quality through Centrality," International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) - Proceedings of the 2008 international workshop on Cooperative and human aspects of software engineering, Leipzig, Germany 2008, Pp. 65-68 (ISBN:978-1-60558-039-5) (ERA Ranking = A).
  35. Chung, K. S. K., Hossain, L. (2008) "Network Structure, ICT Use and Performance Attitudes of Knowledge Workers," 16th European Conference of Information Systems (ECIS) (Golden W., Acton T., Conboy K., van der Heijden H., Tuunainen VK. eds.), June 9 - 11, J.E. Cairnes Graduate School of Business & Public Policy, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, pp. 1-30. (ISBN 978-0-9553159-2-3). (ERA Ranking = A).
  36. M. S. Hasan, J. Davis, and L. Hossain, (2007) "Social Networks Analysis for Exploring Organisational Disintegration," Behavioural Aspects of Information Systems Track of the Twenty Eighth International Conference on Information Systems, Montreal, December, 2007. (ERA Ranking = A).
  37. Hossain, L., K. S. K. Chung and M. S. Hasan, (2007) "Exploring Temporal Communication through Social Networks," INTERACT 2007, The Eleventh IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. C. Baranauskas et al. (Eds.): INTERACT 2007, LNCS 4662, Part I, pp. 19-30. (ERA Ranking = A).
  38. Kim, K., and Hossain, L., (2007) "Visualising and Interpreting Group Behaviour through Social Networks," in Proceedings of the North American Association for Computational Social and Organizational Sciences (NAACSOS), June 7-9, USA.
  39. Hossain, L., S. Zhao, and M. S. Hasan, (2007) "Exploring Structural Changes of Communications Network During Organisational Crisis," in Proceedings of the IFIP Working Group 8.6 Transfer and Diffusion of IT Conference on Organisational dynamics of technology-based innovation: diversifying the research agenda, Manchester (UK) 14th -16th June, pp. 481-486.
  40. Hasan, M.S., and Hossain, L. (2007) "Exploring Cohesive Subgroups during Organizational Disintegration by using E-mail Communication Network," ACM SIGCHI_NZ Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (CHINZ), 1-4 July 2007 - Hamilton, New Zealand, pp. 59-66. (ERA Ranking = C).
  41. Chung, K.S.K. and Hossain, L. (2007) "The Effects of ICT enabled Social Networks on Performance," in Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), Funchal, Madeira - Portugal, 12-16, June, pp. 105-110. (ERA Ranking = C)
  42. K. S. K. Chung, L. Hossain and J. Davis, (2007) "Measuring Knowledge Intensive Work Performance through Social Networks," in Proceedings of ACM SIG Management Information Systems) MIS-CPR, pp. 159-167. (ERA Ranking = B)
  43. L. Hossain and A. Wu, (2006) "Measures of Centrality Correlates on Coordination," IFIP Working Group 8.3 Decision Support Systems, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK, in June 29th - July 1st 2006, pp. 126-149.
  44. L. Hossain and M. Khariti, (2006) "Network effects on inter-organisational coordination," IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Oct. 8 - Oct. 11, 2006 - The Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 2634-2639. (ERA Ranking = B)
  45. K. S. K. Chung, L. Hossain and J. Davis, (2006) "Network Measures and Simulation for Knowledge Intensive Work Performance," Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research Incorporated (ACSPRI) Social Science Methodology Conference, University of Sydney, Australia, December 10-13.
  46. L. Hossain, A. Wu, and B. Choi, (2006) "Measuring Coordination through Social Networks," International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Milwaukee, Winconsin, USA, December 10-13. (ERA Ranking = A)
  47. L. Hossain, K. S. K. Chung and A. Wu, (2006) "Actor Centrality Correlates to Project Based Coordination," ACM Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), Banff, Alberta, Canada, November 4-8, 2006, pp.363-372. (ERA Ranking = A)
  48. K. K. Chung, L. Hossain and J. Davis, (2005) "Exploring Sociocentric and Egocentric Approaches for Social Network Analysis," International Conference on Knowledge Management Asia Pacific, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand, November 27-29.
  49. K. S. K. Chung and L. Hossain "The Effects of ICT enabled Social Networks on Performance", in Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Funchal, Madeira - Portugal, 12-16, June 2007, pp. 105-110. Tier B.
  50. K. S. K. Chung, L. Hossain and J. Davis, "Measuring Knowledge Intensive Work Performance through Social Networks", in Proceedings of ACM SIG Management Information Systems) MIS, 2007, pp. 159-167. Tier B.
  51. L. Hossain and A. Wu, "Measures of Centrality Correlates on Coordination", IFIP Working Group 8.3 Decision Support Systems, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK, in June 29th - July 1st 2006, pp. 126-149. Tier A.
  52. L. Hossain and M. Khariti, "Network effects on inter-organisational coordination", IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Oct. 8 - Oct. 11, 2006 - The Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 2634-2639. Tier B..
  53. L. Hossain, A. Wu, and B. Choi, "Measuring Coordination through Social Networks", International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Milwaukee, Winconsin, USA, December 10-13, 2006. Tier A.
  54. L. Hossain, K. S. K. Chung and A. Wu, "Actor Centrality Correlates to Project Based Coordination", ACM Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), Banff, Alberta, Canada, November 4-8, 2006, pp.363-372. Tier A.
  55. K. K. Chung, L. Hossain and J. Davis, "Exploring Sociocentric and Egocentric Approaches for Social Network Analysis", International Conference on Knowledge Management Asia Pacific, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand, November 27-29, 2005.
  56. L. Hossain, "Exploring the Effect of Geographic Distance on Propensities to Collaborate", 7th Asia Pacific Knowledge Management Conference, December 8-10, Hong Kong, 2005.
  57. Hossain, L., and Wigand, R. T. (2004). 'Trust for E-Business Management,' Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Electronic Business: Shaping Business Strategy in a Networked World, December 5-9, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, International Academic Publishers, pp. 893-900.
  58. Hossain, L., D'Eredita, M., and Wigand, R. T. (2004). 'Understanding Knowledge Management, Sharing and Transfer Systems in Organizations,' Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management in Asia Pacific, December 7-8, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, pp. 139-149.
  59. Hossain, L. (2003). 'Towards a Social Exchange Perspective of Knowledge Sharing Systems in Organizations, Paper Presented at the Carnegie Bosch Institute joint AGSM and the University Research Workshop on Knowledge Management and the Global Firms, February 6 to 8, Sydney, NSW 2006 Australia.
  60. Park, J. H., and Hossain, L. (2003). 'Social-embed-ness of ERP Systems in KM Practices,' Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering Management Conference on Technology Innovation, Albany, November, pp. 76-89.
  61. Hossain, L., and Wigand, R. T. (2003). 'Understanding Virtual Collaboration through Stucturation', Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Oriel College, Oxford University, UK, pp. 475-484.
  62. Hossain, L (2002). 'Organizational Structure or Communication Networks for Knowledge Sharing?' Proceedings of the International Conference on Systems, Development and Self-organization (ICSDS), November 30--December 1, Beijing, China, pp. 185-189.
  63. Yusof, S. A., and Hossain, L. (2002). 'Building and Managing Social Capital in Virtual Community,' Proceedings of the ICEB Second International Conference on Electronic Business, Taipei, Taiwan, December 10-13, pp. 97-105.
  64. Hossain, L. (2002). 'Understanding the Relationships between ERP Implementation, Knowledge Sharing, and Organizational Performance,' 20th annual conference Association of Management (AoM), Quebec Radisson Hotel, Canada, pp.33-38.
  65. Hossain, L (2001). 'A Study of IT Diffusion in New Zealand Healthcare,' Paper presented to IT and Health Management Track, International Resource Management Association Conference, May 20001, Toronto, Canada. (Tier B)
  66. Hossain, L (2001). 'The Implementation of a National Telecommunication Plan: A Comparative Case Study of Developed and Developing Economies,' Paper presented to Global IT Management Track, International Resource Management Association Conference, May 20001, Toronto, Canada. (Tier B)
  67. Hossain, L (2000). 'Critical Success Factors of E-Commerce: The Case of Bank of New Zealand.' 21st McMaster Business Conference: The 1st World Congress on the Management of Electronic Commerce, McMaster University, Canada. (Tier B).
  68. Hossain, L (2000). 'Critical Success Factors for Internet Banking: The Case of BNZ,' Paper presented at the International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC 2000), 21-23 November, Malaysia.

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