Dentistry and Oral Health-Sci Forschen

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Salutogenesis: The Origin of Oral Health

  Birgit Hühn   

Dental Hygienist, ITOP Teacher, Health and Prevention Consultant, Hohenlinden, Germany

*Corresponding author: Birgit Hühn, Dental Hygienist, ITOP Teacher, Health and Prevention Consultant, Hohenlinden, Germany, E-mail: bh@

In recent years, dentistry has not only focused on the treatment of dental problems but also increasingly on preventive approaches to promote general oral health. A key concept that is gaining importance in this context is salutogenesis. How can dental practices use this approach to optimize the idea of prevention and contribute to the long-term oral health of their patients?

Salutogenesis in oral health: the synergy of oral hygiene instruction and nutritional supplements

Salutogenesis, coined by Aaron Antonovsky, represents a paradigm shift. It is not only about treating diseases, but also about actively promoting health. In dentistry, this means understanding oral health as part of a broader sense of well-being. The focus here is on preventive measures and strengthening individual abilities to promote health.

Oral hygiene instruction: individual care for longterm health

In order to establish standardization in oral hygiene, the ITOP system according to Dr. Jiri Sedlmaier has now proven itself at an international level. This ensures that patients are provided with atraumatic and effective oral hygiene and that they accept the required aids well thanks to the constantly motivating instructions - and the successes in the practice speak for themselves. In our practice, for example, all employees are ITOP-trained and the good advice we give our patients is reflected in their dental health. The basic principle is very simple: all you have to do is readjust the set screws. To do this, ITOP uses familiar tools: individually measured interdental brushes, atraumatic dental floss, toothbrushes that require little pressure to deliver a very clean result and a solo brush for hard-to-reach cleaning niches. But it's not just high-quality tools that are important at ITOP; technology is the key.

Only the correct use of the right aids enables healthy oral hygieneand we have to train patients to do this. ITOP follows the principle that professional oral hygiene can only be taught by those who understand it themselves and can implement it correctly. This is why the prospective dental professionals first learn to brush their own teeth. As soon as they have mastered this perfectly, they learn how to teach these techniques to patients and how to motivate patients to put what they have learned into practice every day at home.

In order to spread the ITOP philosophy across the board, the ITOP Academy regularly offers courses to certify all practice staff. Courses and events are held regularly in practices and universities, where specially trained specialists and dentists - so-called ITOP teachers - pass on their knowledge and experience. The theoretical part of the course begins with a discussion of the properties of the aids and materials before the practical part teaches the efficient and atraumatic use of the aids. It is particularly exciting for the ITOP instructors when the participants experience their own “aha” moment. It is precisely at this moment that the participants really realize the enormous importance of oral hygiene at home and become fans of oral hygiene. For more information on ITOP and the ITOP courses, visit or email

Sources, Nutritional supplements in dentistry: support from within.

In addition to mechanical care, nutrition is a decisive factor for dental health. The right dietary supplements can help to strengthen and protect teeth and gums from the inside.

Calcium and vitamin D: Calcium and vitamin D are crucial for strong teeth. They promote the mineralization of tooth enamel and strengthen bones. Dairy products, green leafy vegetables and fortified foods are good sources of these nutrients.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C plays an important role in healthy gums. It supports collagen production, which is crucial for gum strength. Fruit, especially citrus fruits, and vegetables are rich in vitamin C.

Omega-3 fatty acids: Omega-3 fatty acids, found primarily in fish oil, have anti-inflammatory properties. These can help to reduce gum inflammation. Alternatively, omega-3 supplements can be considered.

The quality of supplements is critical to their effectiveness and safety. Several factors should be considered when evaluating the quality of supplements:


Purity: the purity of the ingredients is of key importance. High quality supplements should be free from contaminants, heavy metals and toxins.

Bioavailability: The form of the ingredients used influences bioavailability, i.e. how well the body can absorb the nutrients. Some forms are easier for the body to absorb than others..

Manufacturing process:

GMP certification: a manufacturer that is certified to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards ensures that its products are produced under strict quality controls.

Transparent manufacturing practices: Manufacturers should provide transparent information about their manufacturing practices, including the source of raw materials, production facilities and quality control procedures.

The holistic view of oral health

Salutogenesis in oral health requires a holistic approach that goes beyond the mere treatment of dental problems. Individualized oral hygiene instructions, complemented by a balanced dietary supplement, create a strong foundation for long-term oral health. Prevention of dental problems is not only the task of the dentist, but requires the active participation of the individual.

Overall, the integration of salutogenetic principles into oral health care shows that it is not just about treating disease, but also about actively contributing to the promotion of health and well-being. Through individualized care and balanced nutritional supplementation, people can not only optimize their oral health, but also contribute to their overall quality of life [1-4].


  1. Curaden-Better health for you. [Ref.]
  2. Life plus. [Ref.]
  3. Vitamin deficiency as a risk factor by Andreas Jopp.
  4. The vital substance decision by Petra Wenzel.

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Article Information


Citation: Hühn B (2023) Salutogenesis: The Origin of Oral Health. Int J Dent Oral Health 9(2):

Copyright: © 2023 Hühn B. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Publication history: 

  • Received date: 24 Nov, 2023

  • Accepted date: 04 Dec, 2023

  • Published date: 12 Jan, 2024