
Published Articles:

  1. Venuto RC and M Plaut.  1970.  Cephalothin handling in patients undergoing hemodialysis.  Antimicrobial Agents and  Chemotherapy.  p. 50-52.
  2. Venuto RC, J Stein and T Ferris.  1972.  Failure to demonstrate nephrotoxicity of cephalothin rabbits with reduced renal function.  Proc Soc Exp Bio and Med  139:1065-1067.
  3. Venuto RC, T O'Dorisio, T Ferris and J Stein.  1975.  Prostaglandins and renal function II.  The effect of prostaglandin inhibition on autoregulation of blood flow in the intact kidney of the dog.  Prostaglandins  9:817-828.
  4. Venuto RC, T O'Dorisio, J Stein and T Ferris. 1975.  Uterine prostaglandin E, secretion and uterine blood flow in pregnant rabbits.  J Clin Invest  55:193-197.
  5. Venuto RC, J Cox, JH Stein and TF Ferris.  1976.  The effect of changes in perfusion pressure on uteroplacental blood flow in the pregnant rabbit.  J Clin Invest  57:938-944.
  6. Nolan JP, RC Venuto and G Goldman. 1978.  The role of endotoxin in glycerol induced acute renal failure in the rat.  Clin Sci and Molecular Med  54:615-620.
  7. Cunningham E, T Provost, J Brentjens, M Reichlin and R Venuto.  1978.  Acute renal failure secondary to interstitial lupus nephritis.  Archives of Int Med  138:1560-1561.
  8. Andres G, J Brentjens, R Kohli, R Anthone, S Anthone, T Baliah, M Montes, B Mookerjee, A Prezyna, M Sepulveda, R. Venuto and C. Elwood. 1978.  Histology of human tubulo-interstitial nephritis associated with antibodies to renal basement membranes.  Kidney Int  13:480-491.
  9. Walshe J and R Venuto. 1979.  Acute oliguric renal failure induced by indomethacin:  Possible mechanism.  Annals of Int Med  90:47-49.
  10. Cunningham E, R Kohli and R Venuto. 1979.  Influenza associated myoglobinuric renal failure.  JAMA  242:2428-2429.
  11. Cunningham E, J Brentjens, M Zielezny, G Andres and R Venuto.  1980.  Heroin Nephropathy:  A clinico-pathologic and epidemiologic study.  Am J Med  68:47-53.
  12. Crowley JF and RC Venuto. 1980.  An unusual polyuric state masquerading as posttraumatic diabetes insipidus.  J Oral Surgery  38:686-687.
  13. Zielezny MA, E Cunningham and R Venuto. 1980.  The impact of heroin abuse on a regional end stage renal disease program.  Am J Pub Health  70:829-831.
  14. Sreenivasan V, B Walker, J Krasney, B Mookerjee and R Venuto. 1981. The role of endogenous prostaglandins in volume expansion and during furosemide infusion in dogs.  Hypertension  3:59-66.
  15. Andrews C, J Nolan and R Venuto. 1981.  The effects of endotoxin tolerance on the hemodynamic changes associated with glycerol administration.  Nephron  28:141-144.
  16. Lianos E, N Alavi, M Tobin, R Venuto and C Bentzel. 1982. Angiotensin-induced sodium excretion patterns in cirrhosis: Role of renal prostaglandins.  Kidney Int  21:70-77.
  17. Venuto RC and AJM Donker. 1982.  Prostaglandin E2, plasma renin activity and renal function throughout rabbit pregnancy.  J Lab Clin Med  99:239-246.
  18. Chaudhuri G, P Barone, A Lele, M Hurd and R Venuto. 1982.  Uterine and peripheral prostaglandins in conscious pregnant rabbits.  Am J Obstet and Gynecol  144:760-767.
  19. Donker AJM, I Min and R Venuto. 1983.  The conscious instrumented rabbit:  A model to study the role of prostaglandin E2 and renin in blood pressure regulation during pregnancy.  Hypertension  5:514-520.
  20. Cunningham EE, M Zielezny and R Venuto. 1983.  Heroin associated nephropathy: A nationwide problem.  JAMA  250:2935-2936.
  21. Donker AJ, R Venuto, A Vladutiu, J Brentjens and G Andres. 1984.  Effects of prolonged administration of d-Penicillamine or Captopril in various strains of rats.  Clin Immuno and Immunopath 30:142-155.
  22. Walshe JJ, JR Brentjens, GG Costa, GA Andres and RC Venuto. 1984. Abdominal pain associated with IgA nephropathy:  Possible mechanism.  Am J Med  77:765-767.
  23. Cunningham EE, RC Venuto and MA Zielezny. 1984.  Adulterants in  Heroin/Cocaine:  Implications concerning heroin associated nephropathy.  Drug and Alcohol Dependence 14:19-22.
  24. Venuto RC, P Burstein and R Schneider. 1984.  Pheochromocytoma:  Antepartum diagnosis and management with tumor resection in the puerperium.  Am J Obstet Gynecol  150:431-432.
  25. Venuto RC, I Min, P Barone, A Donker and E Cunningham. 1984. Blood pressure control in pregnant rabbits:  Norepinephrine and prostaglandin interactions.  American Journal of Physiology, Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology  247:R786-R791.
  26. Lajos T, J Venditti and R Venuto. 1985.  Hemodynamic consequences of bronchial flow during cardiopulmonary bypass.  J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg  89:934-941.
  27. Walshe JJ, GD Morse, PE Lieveld, RC Venuto and MA Apicella. 1985.  Rationale for an alternative antibiotic therapy based on kinetic analysis and clinical response.  Advances in Peritoneal Dialysis, Proceedings of the V National CAPD Symposium.  146-153.
  28. Morse G, D Janicke, R Cafarell, M Apicella, W Jusko, R Venuto and J Walshe. 1986.  IP administration of Moxalactam during CAPD.  Frontiers In Peritoneal Dialysis  24:135.  Martinus Nighoff, Pub. Amsterdam, 1985.
  29. Cunningham E, P Barone, L Nascimento and R Venuto. 1986.  The effect of a radiographic contrast agent on renal function in the rat:  Comparison with equiosmolar mannitol.  Mineral and Electrolyte Metabolism  12:157-160.
  30. Brown GP and RC Venuto. 1986.  Angiotensin II receptor alterations during pregnancy in rabbits.  American Journal of Physiology:  Endocrinology and Metabolism  14:E58-E64.
  31. Alavi N, E Lianos, R Venuto, B Mookerjee and C Bentzel. 1986.  Reduction of proteinuria by indomethacin in patients with nephrotic syndrome.  Am J Kid Diseases  8:397-403.
  32. Cunningham E, Y Chi, J Brentjens and RC Venuto. 1987.  Acute serum sickness with glomerulonephritis induced by antithymocyte globulin.  Transplantation  43:309-312.
  33. Murray B, L Edwards, G Morse, R Kohli and RC Venuto. 1987.  Clinically important interaction of cyclosporine and erythromycin.  Transplantation  43:602-604.
  34. Brown G and R Venuto. 1988.  In-vitro renal eicosanoid production during pregnancy in rabbits.  Am J Physiol: Endocrinol Metab  254:E687-E693.
  35. Brown G and R Venuto. 1988.  Angiotensin II receptors in rabbit renal preglomerular       vessels.  Am J Physiol: Endocrinol Metab  255:E16-E22.
  36. Morse GD, MT Holdsworth, RC Venuto. J Gerbasi and JJ Walshe.  1988. Clinical Tolerance and pharmacokinetics of intravenous oral cyclosporine in the immediate post-operative period of renal transplantation.  Clin Pharmacol and Ther  44:654-664.
  37. Lachaal M and RC Venuto. 1989.  Nephrotoxicity and hyperkalemia in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome treated with Pentamidine.  Am J Med  87:260-263.
  38. Brown GP and RC Venuto. 1990.  Eicosanoid production in rabbit vascular tissues and placentaes.  Am J Physiol  258: (Endocrinol Metab 21): E418-E422.
  39. Murray BM, RC Venuto, R Kohli and EE Cunningham. 1990.  Enalapril-associated acute renal failure in renal transplants:  Possible role of cyclosporine.  Am J Kidney Diseases  16:No.1;6-69.
  40. Brown GP and RC Venuto. 1991.  Renal blood flow response to Angiotensin II infusions in conscious pregnant rabbits.  Am J Physiol 261 (Renal Fluid and Electrolyte Physiol) 33:F51-F59.
  41. Murray BM, RC Venuto, RK Kohli, JR Brentjens, S Anthone, EE Cunningham and JR Gerbasi. 1991.  Fatal lymphoma in association with OKT3 antibody therapy diagnosed by allograft biopsy.  Clin Transplantation  6:35-38.
  42. Losonczy G, G Brown and RC Venuto. 1992.  Increased peripheral resistance during reduced uterine perfusion pressure hypertension in pregnant rabbits.  Am J Med Sciences 303:233-240.
  43. Tornatore KM, MT Holdsworth, JJ Walshe and RC Venuto.  1993.  Comparative pharmacokinetics of Methylprednisolone in renal transplant recipients receiving triple or double triple drug immunosuppression.  Annals Pharmacother  27:545-549.
  44. Tornatore KM, K Reed and RC Venuto. 1993.  CD4+/CD8+ Lymphocyte patterns in renal transplant recipients receiving chronic methylprednisolone.  J Medicine  24:98-112.
  45. Tornatore KM, K Reed and RC Venuto. 1993.  Racial differences in pharmacokinetics of methylprednisolone in black and white renal transplant recipients.  Pharmacother  13:481-486.
  46. Losonczy G, I Mucha, J DiPirro, J Sweeney, G Brown, J Brentjens and R. Venuto. 1993.  The effect of pregnancy on the response to the TXA2/PGH2 analog U46619 in rabbits.  Am J Physiol: 265 (Regulatory Integrative Comp. Physiol.  34): R772-R780.
  47. Murray BM, J Brentjens, D Amsterdam, J Myers, V Gray, I Pawlowski, K Schewegler, JP Singh and RC Venuto. 1994.  The Cytomegalovirus-antigenemia assay in the diagnosis of posttransplant cytomegalovirus infections.  J Am Soc Nephrol  4:1615-1622.
  48. Tornatore KM, K Reed, JJ Walshe and RC Venuto. 1994.  Cortisol pharmaco- dynamic response to long-term  methylprednisolone in renal transplant recipients.  Pharmacother  14:111-118.
  49. Tornatore KM, G Logue, RC Venuto and DJ Davis.  1994.  Methylprednisolone pharmacokinetics in elderly and young healthy males.  J Am Geriatr Soc  42:1118-1122.
  50. Moxey-Mims MM, RC Venuto, LG Feld and GH Bock. 1994.  A proposed method for the noninvasive evaluation of renal asymmetry in a living related donor candidate.  Clin Nephrology  42:5;291-294.
  51. Tornatore KM, Biocevich D, Reed KA, Tousley, Singh P and Venuto R. 1995.  Methylprednisolone pharmacokinetics, cortisol response, and adverse effects in black and white renal transplant recipients.  Transplantation  59:729-736.
  52. Tornatore KM, Reed KA and Venuto RC. 1995.  Pharmacokinetics of  methylprednisolone during acute renal allograft rejection.  Clin Transplantation  9:74-78.
  53. Tornatore KM, Reed KA and Venuto RC. 1995.  Repeated assessment of methylprednisolone pharmacokinetics during chronic immunosuppression in renal transplant recipients.  Annals Pharmacother 29:120-124.
  54. Tornatore KM, D Biocevich, K Reed, K Tousley, V Gray, JP Singh and R. Venuto. 1995.  Post-transplant diabetes mellitus and methylprednisolone pharmacokinetics in black and white renal transplant recipients.  Clin Transplantation  9:289-296.
  55. Losonczy G, JP Singh, M Schoenl, I Mucha and RC Venuto.  1995.  Pregnancy enhances the pressor response to thromboxane analogues in rabbits.  Am J Physiol 269 (Regulatory Integrative Comp Physiol 38): R720-R725.
  56. Tornatore KM, K Reed and RC Venuto.  1995.  Methylprednisolone and cortisol metabolism during the early post-renal transplant period. Clin Transplantation  9:427-432.
  57. Tornatore KM, Reed KA and Venuto RC.  1995.  Assessment of Methylprednisolone pharmacokinetics and cortisol response during the early and chronic postrenal transplant periods.  Transplantation  60:1607-1624.
  58. Tornatore KM, Reed K and Venuto RC.  1995.  24 hour immunologic assessment of CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes in renal transplant recipients receiving chronic methylprednisolone.  Clin Nephrol 44:290-298.
  59. Suto T, Losonczy G, Qiu C, Hill C. Samsell L, Ruby J, Charon N, Venuto R and Baylis C.  1995.  Acute changes in urinary excretion of Nitrite + Nitrate (UnoxV) do not predict renal vascular NO production.  Kidney Int 48:1272-1277.
  60. Losonczy G, Brown G and Venuto, RC.  1996  Pregnant or not pregnant: Systemic or pulmonary hypertension induced by thromboxane A2 and deficiency of prostaglandins.  A hypothesis.  Hypertension in Preg. 15(3):281-285.
  61. Losonczy G, Mucha I, Muller V, Kriston T, Ungvari Z, Tornoci L, Rosivall L and Venuto R.  1996.  The vasoconstrictor effects of L-NAME, a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, in pregnant rabbits.  Br J of Pharmacol 118:1012-1018.
  62. Losonczy G, Brown G, Mucha I, Klocke R, Muller V, Merkely B, Tornoci L and Venuto R.  1997.  Gestational resistance to the pulmonary vasoconstrictor effect of the TXA2 memetic U46619:  Possible mechanism.  Am J Physiol 272 (Regulatory, Integrative Comp Physiol 41):R1734-R1739.
  63. Tornatore KM, Logue G, Venuto RC and Davis PJ.  1997.  Cortisol pharmacodynamics after methylprednisolone administration in young and elderly males.  J Clin Pharmacol 37:304-311.
  64. Murray BM, Amsterdam D, Gray V, Myers J, Gerbasi J and Venuto R.  1997.  Monitoring and diagnosis of cytomegalovirus infection in renal transplantation. J Am Soc Neph 8:1448-1457.
  65. Losonczy G, J Bloch, L Samsell, M Schoenl, R. Venuto and C Baylis.  1997.  Impact of surgery on nitric oxide in rats: Evidence of activation of inducible nitric oxide synthase.  Kidney Int. 51:1943-1949.
  66. Tornatore K, Venuto RC, Logue G and Davis PJ.  1998. CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocyte and cortisol response patterns in elderly and young males after methylprednisolone exposure.  J of Med 29(3-4);159-183.
  67. Kriston T, Venuto R, Baylis C and Losonczy G.  1999.  Hemodynamic and renal effects of U46619, A TXA2/PGH2 analog, in late pregnant rats.  Am J Physiol, Regulatory, Integrative and Comp Physiol. 45): R831-R837.
  68. Brown GP and Venuto RC.  1999.  Thromboxane receptors in human kidney tissues.  Prostaglandins & other Lipid Mediators 57;179-188.
  69. Tornatore KM, Garey KW, Saigal N, Reed K, Murray B, Ingalls E, DiFrancesco R, Forrest A, Morse G, Venuto R.  2001.  Ganciclovir pharmacokinetics and cytokine dynamics in renal transplant recipients with cytomegalovirus infection. Clin Transplantation  15:297-308.
  70. Venuto RC, Brown G, Schoenl M and Losonczy G.  2002.  Enhanced vascular effects of the Ca2+ channel agonist Bay K 8644 in pregnant rabbits.  Am J Physiol Regulatory Integrative Comp Physiol 22:R952-R959.
  71. Ungvari Z, Brown G, Venuto R, Koller A, and Losonczy G.  2002  Increased no- Mediated and reduced TxA2  dependent responses in skeletal muscle arterioles in Pregnancy.  Hypertension in Preg 21(2), 135-146
  72. Qazi YA, Ali Y and Venuto RC.  2003.  Donor calculi induced acute renal failure.  Renal Failure 25, #2;315-322.
  73. Olatinwo T, Hewitt RG and RC Venuto.  2004.  Human immunodeficiency visut-Associated Nephropathy.  Arch Intern Med 164(3):333-336.
  74. Tornatore KM. Gilliland KK, Farooqui M, Reed KA and Venuto RC.  Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of methylprednisolone in premenopausal renal transplant recipients.  J Clinical Pharmacol 2004:44:1003-1011
  75. Yassa SK, Blessios G, Marinides G and Venuto RC.  Anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody (Rituximab) for life-threatening hemolytic-uremic syndrome.  Clin Transplant 19:423-426;2005.
  76. Leca N, Laftavi M, Gundroo A, Kohli R, Min I, Karam J, Sridhar N, Blessios G, Venuto R, and Pankewycz O. Early and severe hyperparathyroidism associated with hypercalcemia after renal transplant treated with cinacalcet.  Am J Transplant. 2006 Oct;6(10): 2391-5
  77. Qazi YA, A Forrest, K Tornatore and RC Venuto.  The clinical impact of 1:1 conversion from Neoral to a generic Cyclosporine (Gengraf) in renal transplant recipients with stable graft function.  Clin Transplant 2006; 20:313-317.
  78. Karam JS, Pitiranggon P, Wheat H, Stefanick B and Venuto RC  .  Postpartum Hemolytic Uremic Symdrome in a Patient with Pre-Existing Hypertension and Resolving Pre-Eclampsia.  Clin Nephrol. 2007 Jul;68(1):38-41
  79. Singh N, Neubauer BE, and Venuto RC.  Acute renal failure during pregnancy secondary to spontaneous perirenal hematoma.  Ren Fail. 2007;29(8):1053-4
  80. Khalil F, Mir M, and Venuto RC  .  Mycophenolate Mofetil in the Treatment of Retroperitoneal Fibrosis.  Clin Rheumatol. 2008 May;27(5):679-81
  81. Arora P, Rajagopalam S, Ranjan R, Kolli H, Singh M, Venuto R, and Lohr J.  Preoperative Use of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors/Angiotensin Receptor Blockers Is Associated with Increased Risk for Acute Kidney Injury after Cardiovascular Surgery.  Clin J AM Soc Nephrol. 2008 Sep;3(5): 1266-1273 
  82. Neha Naunani, Neeraj Singh, Thomas Shanahan, Amar Damodar, Nakul Parimoo, Sudheer Ummadi, Yasir Qazi, Brian M. Murray, Kathleen M. Tornatore, James C Ciccirella, George A Blessios, Rocco C. Venuto.  Cross Reactive Epitope Group antibodies in sensitized kidneys transplant recipients was associated with early acute Antibody Mediated Rejection.  Transplant Immunology, 2009, Jan.(20):113-117
  83. Neeraj Singh, Neha Nainani, Pradeep Arora, Rocco C Venuto.  CKD in MYH9-Related       Disorders. AJKD Vol 54, No 4(OCT), 2009:  pp 732-740 
  84.  Amar Damodar, Reem Mustafa, Jyotsna Bhatnagar, Mandip Panesar, Aijaz Gundroo,          Mareena Zachariah, George Blessios, Kathleen Tornatore, Edit Weber-Shrikant, Rocco Venuto.  Use of Anti-CD20 Antibody in the treatment of Post-Transplant Glomerulonephritis.  Clin Transplant 2011: 25: 375-379
  85.   Tornatore, K, Sudchada P; DiFrancesco R, Wilding G,Dole K, Leca, N, Gundroo A, Venuto RC; Mycophenolic Acid Pharmacokinetics during Maintenance Immunosuppression in Renal Transplant Recipients.    J Clin. Pharmacol (Electronic version:  January 5, 2011 as doi: 10.1177/0091270010382909); August 2011:51:8; 1213-1222.
  86. Nainani, N, Patel, Tahir, N, Kumar, R, Weber-Shrikant, E, Gundroo, A,  Murray, B, Toratore, K, Blessios, G, Venuto, R.  Effect of steroid free, low concentration calcineurin maintenance immunosuppression regimen on renal allograft histopathology and function.  Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation (accepted 9/2011; PMID not yet assigned).
  87. Pradeep A, Rajagopalam S, Kolli HK, Patel N, Venuto R, Lohr J, Nader ND. High volumes of intravenous fluid during cardiac surgery are associated with increased mortality. HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010; 2: 287-296.
  88. Tornatore KM, Sudchada P, Dole K, DiFrancesco, Leca N, Gundroo AC, Danison RT, Attwood K, Wilding GE, Zack J, Forrest A, Venuto RC.  Mycophenolic Acid Pharmacokinetics During Maintenance Immunosuppression in African American and Caucasian Renal Transplant Recipients J Clin Pharmacol volume 51 issue 8, August 2011, pp 1213-1222, first published on January 5, 2011 as doi:10.1177/0091270010382909
  89. Nainani N, Patel N, Tahir N, Kumar R, Weber-Shrikant E, Gundroo AA, Murray BM, Tornatore KM, Blessios GA, Venuto RC.  Effect of steroid-free low concentration calcineurin inhibitor maintenance immunosuppression regimen on renal allograft histopathology and function. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2012 May;27(5):2077-83. doi:10.1093/ndt/gfr608. Epub 2011 Nov. 5
  90. Tornatore KM, Sudchada P, Attwood K, Wilding G, Gundroo A, DiFrancesco R, Gray V,Venuto RC:  Race and Drug Formulation Influence on Mycophenolic Acid and  Pharmacokinetics in Stable Renal Transplant Recipients.  J Clin Pharmacol 2013 Mar;53(3):285-93. doi:  10.1177/0091270012447814. Epub 2013 Jan 24.
  91. Arora P, Rajagopalan S, Patel N, Nainani N, Venuto R, Lohr J.  The MDRD equation underestimates the prevalence of CKD among blacks and overestimates the prevalence of CKD among whites compared to the CKD-EPI equation: a retrospective cohort study. BMC Nephrology 2012, 13:4   doi:10.1186/1471-2369-13-4
  92. Gupta A, Ferguson J, Rahman M, Weber-Shrikant E, Venuto R.  Acute Oliguric Renal Failure in HELLP Syndrome:  Case Report and Review of Literature.  Online 2-27-2012.  doi:10.3109/0886022X.2012.660856
  93. Mustafa R,  Ahmed S, Gupta A, Venuto R.  A Comprehensive Review of Hypertension in Pregnancy.  Journal of Pregnancy, Volume 2012, Article ID 105918, doi: 10.1155/2012/105918
  94. Kumar R, Brar J, Yacoub R, Khan T, Zachariah M, Venuto R.  Assessment of Cardiovascular Risk Factors after Renal Transplantation: A Step towards Reducing Graft Failure.  Transplant Proceed, Volume 44,Issue 5, June 2012, pgs 1270-1274.  DOI: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2012.01.111
  95. Kumar R, Pendyala P, Attwood K, Gray V, Venuto R, Tornatore K.  Comparison of 12-Hour Creatinine Clearance and Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate in Renal Transplant Recipients.  Renal Failure, 2013: Early online: 1-5:  DOI: 10.3109/0886022x.2012.757824
  96. Kandukurti K, Sun J, Venuto R.  Multiple Pathologies in the Kidney Biopsy of a Recently Pregnant Woman.  Case Rep Nephrol Urol 2013:3-9:9-15.  DOI: 10.1159/000346862 Published online: January 26, 2013.
  97. Tornatore K, Brazeau D, Dole K, Danison R, Wilding G, Leca N, Gundroo A, Gillis K, Zack J, DiFrancesco R, Venuto R. Sex Differences in Cyclosporine Pharmacokinetics and ABCB 1 Gene Expression in Mononuclear Blood Cells in African American and Caucasian Renal Transplant Recipients.  J Clin Pharmacol 53 (10) 1039-1047: 2013.  DOI:10.1002/jcph.123
  98. Maquire O,Tornatore KM, O’Loughlin KL, Venuto RC, Minderman H.  Nuclear Translocation of Nuclear Factor of Activated T Cells (NFAT) as a Quantitative Pharmacodynamic Parameter for Tacrolimus.  Cytometry Part A 10:2013. DOI:10-1002/cyto.a.22401
  99. Zachariah M, Nader ND, Brar J, Singh N, Venuto R, Patel S, Said M, Laftavi MR, Pankewycz O.  Alemtuzumab and Minimization Immunotherapy in Kidney Transplantation: Long-Term Results of Comparison with Rabbit Anti-Thymocyte Globulin and Standard Triple Maintenance Therapy.  Transplant Proceed, Vol 46.,94-100, 2014.  DOI:0041-1345/13
  100. Kohok DD, Shah S, Kumar R, Venuto L, Gudleski G, Venuto R.  Interventions to Reduce Clinical Inertia in Cardiac Risk Factor Management in Renal Transplant Recipients.  JCH, 16:02:Feb 2014Online.  COI: 10.1111/jch.12249
  101. Panesar M, Bhutani H, Blizniak N, Gundroo A, Zachariah M, Pelley W, Venuto R. Evaluation of a Renal Transplant Program for Incarcerated ESRD Patients.  JCHC, 16:03:July 2014, pp. 216-223.  DOI:  10.1177/1078345814531726.
  102. Meaney CJ, Arabi Z, Venuto RC, Consiglio JD, Wilding GE, Tornatore KM.  Validity and Reliability of a Novel Immunosuppressive Adverse Effects Scoring System in Renal Transplant Recipients.  BMC Nephrology 2014, 15:88, DOI: 10.1186/1471-2369-15-88
  103. Kathleen M Tornatore, Calvin J Meaney, Gregory E Wilding, Shirley S. Chang, Aijaz Gundroo, Louise M Cooper, Vanessa Gray, Karen Shin, Gerald J Fetterly, Joshua Prey, Kimberly Clark, Rocco C Venuto.  Influence of Sex and Race on Mycophenolic Acid Pharmacokinetics in Stable African Americans and Caucasian Renal Transplant Recipients.   Clin Pharmacokinet DOI:10.1007/s40262-014-0213-7.  Published online 16 December 2014.

Textbook Chapters and Invited Reviews:

  1. Ferris TF, RC Venuto and WH Bay. 1976.  Studies of the uterine circulation in the pregnant rabbit.  Hypertension in Pregnancy, M.D. Lindheimer, A.I. Katz and F.P. Zuspan, Editors.  J. Wiley, Publisher, p. 351-361.
  2. Stein JH and RC Venuto. 1977.  The Renal Circulation.  N. Kurtzman and M. Maldinado, Editors.  Pathophysiology of the Kidney.  Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, Illinois, p. 5.
  3. Venuto RC and TF Ferris. 1982.  Prostaglandins and renal function.  S. Greenberg, P. Kadowitz and T. Burks, Editor.  Prostaglandins:  Organ and Tissue Specific Actions.  Marcel Dekker,  New York, New York, Publisher. p. 131-149.
  4. Venuto RC. 1982.  The use of radiolabeled microspheres to measure uteropla-cental blood flow.  A. Moawad and M. Lindheimer, Editors.  Uterine and Placental Blood Flow.  Masson Publishing, New York. p. 39-44.
  5. Venditti J, D Glicken, R Venuto and T Lajos. 1986.  Metabolic activity of the lung during cardiopulmonary bypass.  J Med 17:#2, 65-85.
  6. Venuto RC.  Pregnancy counseling and evaluation of the woman with chronic renal failure.  1989. P. Garner and R. Lee, Editor.  In:  Medicine in North America 3rd Series:  Pregnancy & Perinatal Life.  38:6844-6851.
  7. Venuto RC. 1992.  Pigment-associated acute renal failure:  Is the water clearer 50 years later?  (Editorial)  J Lab Clin Med - 119:452-454.
  8. Venuto RC and MD Lindheimer.  Animal Models. 1999.  M. Lindheimer, J Roberts and G Cunningham, Editors: In:  Chesley’s Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy.  Second Edition.  Appleton & Lange, Stamford, CT.  15:487-515.
  9. Venuto RC and Y Murata.  Animal models for hypertension in pregnancy.  1999.  In:  Kobe Report (ISSHP).  Editors:  Mochizuki, Matsuto, Satoh, Kazuo, Ogita, Sachio.225-226.
  10. Venuto RC and MD Lindheimer.  Animal Models. 2009.  M. Lindheimer, J Roberts and G Cunningham, Editors: In:  Chesley’s Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy.  Second Edition.  Elsevier. Boston, MA  10:169-189.
  11. Venuto RC, Zachariah M, Tornatore K,  Kidney Transplantation and Pregnancy,  Current Opinion in Organ Transplantation 2009,  14:386-391


  1. Stelzer F, JJ Stubenbord, V Sreenivasan and RC Venuto.  1976.  Late toxicity of clonidine withdrawal.  New Eng J Med 294:1182.
  2. Vladutiu A and RC Venuto.  1977.  Creatinine kinase MB and lactate dehyro- genase 5    isoenzymes in rhabdomyolysis.  Clin Chem 24:1366.
  3. Andrews C, M Mango and RC Venuto. 1978.  Cystic fibrosis in adults. Ann Int Med 88:128.
  4. Lajos TZ, J Vandetti, Jr., and R. Venuto. 1992.  Prostanoids and pulmonary venous return.  J Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 103:  596-597

Abstracts  (not yet published as manuscripts):

  1. Tornatore KM, Bashir K, Schoenl M, Hom J, Murray BM, Venuto LM, Venuto RC. Use of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring to Evaluate Rapamycin Dosing Regimens in Renal Transplant Recipients. Amer J Transplant 2001;Supplement 1:pg 294 ( Abstract #644).
  2. Tornatore KM, DiFrancesco R, Johnson K, Rubino A. Forrest A, Venuto RC. Assessment of Interleukin-2 and Soluble Interleukin-2 Receptor during Chronic Immunosuppression in Renal Transplantation.   Amer J Transplant.  2003;(5):481 (Abstract # 1286).
  3. Gillis KA, Dole K, Yassa S, Leca N, Venuto RC, Tornatore KM. Racial Comparison of T  Lymphocyte Populations and T Regulatory Cell Pharmacodynamics during Chronic Immunosuppression. J Am Soc Nephrol 2004; 15:293A ( Abstract # F-PO1042).
  4. Tornatore, KM, Brazeau D, Dole K, Gillis KA, Lecca N, Yassa S, Venuto RC: Time Dependent Expression of MDR-1 in Stable Male Renal Transplant Recipients Clin. Pharmacol.Therap. 2005:77 (2).
  5. Gillis KA,  Quazi Q, Karam,J, Blessios G, Venuto R, Tornatore K. Serial Pharmacodynamic Responses to Anti-  lymphocyte Globulin. J. American Soc. Nephrology 2005:16 (#TH-PO543)
  6. Tornatore KM, Dole K, Brazeau D, Gillis K,  Zack J,  Lecca N, Yassa S, Venuto R,. Race and Genotype Influence on Pharmacokinetics of Cyclosporine. J. American Soc. Nephrology 2005:16 (#SA-PO636).
  7. Tornatore KM, Gillis KA, Dole K, Wallace P, Venuto R.  Time Dependent Change in Intracellular Cytokines in African Americans and Caucasian Renal Transplant Recipients. World Transplant Congress 2006 Oral Presentation.  Am Journal Transplant 6 Suppl. 2:141, August 2006 (Abstract #222)
  8. Qazi Y, Salifu M, Raman I, Gundroo A, Umn E, Markell M. and Venuto R.  A New Simple Formula to Estimate Creatinine Clearance in Renal Transplant Recipients with Stable Graft Function.  World Transplant Congress 2006.  Am Journal Transplant. 6 Suppl. 2:822, August 2006 (Abstract #2287)
  9. K. M. Tornatore, Pharm.D., K. A. Gillis, Pharm.D., K. Dole, Pharm.D., N. Leca, M.D., S. Yassa, M.D., P. Wallace, Ph.D., R. C. Venuto, M.D. Pharmacokinetic Factors Associated with Temporal Pharmacodynamics of T regulatory lymphocytes (Tregs)) during Immunosuppressive Therapy (IT) Clin. Pharmacol.Ther. 2006(Poster).
  10. Qazi Y, S Ummadi, A Gundroo, N Singh, S Subramaniam, N Leca, I Raman, M Rehman, G Blessios and RC Venuto.  A single center experience with Alemtuzumab (Camath) induction steroid avoidance – calcineurin inhibitor minimization protocol in renal transplant recipients monitored by surveillance biopsies and flow PRA.  Am J Transplant 2006: 6: 501 (abstract 12878)
  11. Tornatore KA, K Gillis, K Dole, P Wallace, N Leca, G Wilding and RC Venuto.  Time dependent change in intracellular Cytokines in African American (AA) and Caucasian renal transplant recipients.  Amer J. Transplant 2006 : 141 (Abstract #222).
  12. Qazi YA, I Raman, A Gundroo, S Ummadi, M Rehman, M El-Shahawy, M Salifu and RC Venuto.  Effect of donor age on formulas used to estimate creatinine clearance in renal transplant recipients.  Am J Transplant 2006: 6: 822 (Abstract #2286)
  13. Tornatore KM, Brazeau D, Wilding G, Dole K, and Venuto R.  Integration of Drug Transporter Expression and Metabolic Genotypes with Cyclosporine (CYA) Pharmokinetics (PK) in Renal Transplant Recipients (RTR). Am J Transplant 2006:564A (Abstract #PO1085)
  14. Tornatore KM, Brazeau D, Dole K, Gillis KA, Lecca N, Yassa S, Venuto RC.  Impact of Gender, Race and Time on MDR-1 Gene Expression in Stable Renal Transplant Recipients.  Clin Pharmacol Ther  2007:21:2
  15. Okusanya OO, Dole K, Zack J, Forrest A, Gundroo A, Leca N, Venuto RC, Tornatore KM, Population Pharmacokindtic Model of Mycophenolic Acid and its Metabolite-Mycophenolic Acid Glucuronide in Long Term Renal Transplant Patients using Monte CArlo Parametric Expectation Maximization.  108th Annual Meeting of American Society for Clinical Pharmacology an Therapeutics,  Anaheim CA: March 2007.
  16. Sudchada P, Dole K, Leca N, Gundroo A, Venuto RC, Tornatore KM.  Influence of Race and Steroid Use on Mycophenolic Acid Pharamokinetics Post Renal Transplant.  108th Annual Meeting  of American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Anahein, CA; March 2007
  17. Sudchada P, Dole K, Leca N, Gundroo A, Venuto RC, Tornatore KM.  Influence of Race,  Steroid Use and Renal Function on Mycophenolic Acid Pharmacokinetics in Renal Transplant Recipients.  American Transplant Congress, San Francisco, CA: May 2007:7:2:449 (#1172)
  18. Sudchada P, Dole K, Leca N, Gundroo A, Venuto RC, Tornatore KM.  Influence of Steroid Use and Gender on Mycopheolic Acid Pharmacokinetics Post-Renal Transplant.  American Transplant Congress,  San Francisco, CA.  May, 2007 (#1179)
  19. Qazi Y, Singh N, Gundroo A, Khalil F, Hassan M, Murray B, Blessios G, Tornatore KM, Venuto, RC.  One Year Results of Alemtuzumab Induction, Calcineurin Minimization Protocol in Renal Transplant Recipients Monitored by Surveillance Biopsies.  American Transplant Congress, San Francisco, CA May, 2007. (#1159)
  20. Singh N, Gundroo A, Murray B, Qazi Y, Hassan M, Khalil F, Blessios G, Tornatore K, Venuto RC.  Impact of Campath -1H Induction on CMV Infection in Renal Transplant Recipients.  American Transplant Congress, San Francisco, CA: May 2007 (#1459)
  21. Tornatore K, Dole K, Zack J, DeFrancesco R, Gillis K, Leca N, Gundroo A, Venuto R.  Cyclosporine Gender Differences with 12 Hour Pharmacokinetic Analysis in Stable Renal Allograft Recipients.  Renal Week 2007, San Francisco, CA (F-P0612)
  22. Arora P, Ranjan R, Rajagopalan S,  Kolli H, Steinacher R, Singh M, Venuto R, Lohr J. Acute Kidney Injury after Cardiovascular Surgery is Associated with Poor Outcome.  Renal Week 2007, San Francisco, CA. (SA-P01067)
  23. Arora P, Ranjan R, Kolli H, Rajagopalan S, Venuto R, Ghazi A, Singh M, Lohr J.  Preoperative Use of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor (ACEI) or Angiotensin Receptor Blocker (ARB) is Associated with Increased Risk of Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) after Cardiovascular Surgery.  Renal Week 2007, San Francisco, CA. (SU-PO986).
  24. Sudchada P, Gundroo A, Donnelly J, DeFrancesco R, Hochreiter J, Venuto R, Tornatore KM.  Influence of Cyclosporine Exposure on the Pharmacokinetics of Mycophenolic Acid in Renal Transplant Recipients.  American Transplant Congress 2008, Toronto, ON.  (Abstract # 1562)
  25. Nainani N, Patel N, Rahman M, Tahir N, Murray B, Gundroo A, Blessios G, Tornatore KM, Venuto R.  Effect of Steriod Free Maintenance Immunosuppression Protocol on Progression of Chronic Allograft Nephropathy.  American Transplant Congress 2008, Toronto, ON.  (Abstract # 457) oral presentation
  26. Tornatore KM, Sudchada P, Brazea D, Venuto R.  MRP2 Expression in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells in African American and Caucasian Renal Transplant Recipients Receiving Mycophenolic Acid.  ASN Renal Week 2008, Philadelphia, PA. JASN, Supplement:  November, 2008 (PUB071)
  27. Nainani N, Patel N, Rahman M, Peram V, Murray B, Gundroo A, Blessios G, Tornatore KM, Venuto R.  Outcome of Alemtuzumab vs. Polyclonal Antibody Induction in Hepatitis C Positive Kidney Transplant Recipients.  ASN Renal Week 2008, Philadelphia, PA.   JASN, Supplement: November, 2008 (PUB306).
  28. Arora P, Srinivasan S, Kolli H, Patel N, Arora A, Venuto, R, Lohr J, Ranjan R.  Increased Intravenous Fluid (IVF) during Cardiac Surgery are Associated with Increased Risk of Acute Kidney Injury (AKI).  ASN Renal Week 2008, Philadelphia, PA.  JASN, Supplement: November, 2008. (PUB774).
  29. Patel N, Nainani N, Murray B, Gundroo A, Blessios G, Tornatore K, Venuto R. Effect of Steroid Avoidance and Low Dose Calcineurin-Inhibitor Immosuppression on Progression of Chronic Allograft Nephropahty (CAN) Assessed by Surveillance Biopsy.  (Poster)  ASN Renal Week 2008, Philadelphia, PA.  JASN, Supplement:  November, 2008.  (SA-PO2571)
  30. Arora P, Srinivasan S, Kolli H, Patel N, Arora A, Ranjan R, Venuto R, Lohr J.  Increased Intravenous Fluids (IVF) during Cardiac Surgery are Associated with Increased Risk of Hospital Stay and Mortality. (Poster) ASN Renal Week 2008, Philadelphia, PA.  JASN, Supplement:  November, 2008.  (SA-PO2991)
  31. Tornatore K, Dole K, DiFrancesco R, Leca K, Gundroo A, Venuto R.  Gender Differences in Cyclosporine Pharacokinetics in Stable African American and Caucasian Renal Allograft Recipients.  (Poster) American Transplant Congress 2009, Boston, MA (abstract #1084), Am J Transplant: 2009: suppl. 2: 496
  32. Peram V, Patel N, Murray B, Pankewycz O, Panesar M, Venuto R.  Two Cneter Experience of Recurrent Lupus Nephritis in Renal Transplant Recipients.  (Poster) American Transplant Congress 2009, Boston, MA (abstract # 1411).  Am J Transplant: 2009: suppl. 2: 583-854.
  33. Damodar A, Bhatnagar J, Zachariah M, Tornatore K, Qazi Y, Weber-Shrikant E, Gundroo A, Panesar M, Venuto R.  Aggressive Immunosuppression Benefits Post-Transplant Glomerulonephritis.  (Poster)  American Transplant Congress 2009 Boston, MA (abstract #1788). Am J Transplant: 2009: suppl. 2: 684.
  34. Arora P, Qin X, Rajagopalam S, Patel N, Nainani N, Ranjan R, Venuto R, Lohr J. Prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease among Veterans.  (Poster) ASN Renal Week 2009, San Diego, CA (F-PO 1605)
  35. Lohr J, Qin X, Rajagopalam S, Nainani N, Patel N, Ranjan R, Venuto R, Arora P.  Prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease is Lower in African American than White Veterans.  (Poster) ASN Renal Week 2009, San Diego, CA (SA-PO2309)
  36. Tornatore K, Sudchada P, DiFrancesco R, Gundroo A, Gray V, Attwood K, Wilding G, Venuto R.  Comparison of Mycophenolic Acid Pharmacokinetics in African American and Caucasian Renal Transplant Recipients Receiving Mycophenolate Mofetil and Enteric coated Mycophenolic Sodium.  (Poster) ASN Renal Week 2009, San Diego, CA  (TH-PO1017)
  37. Gundroo A, Mustafa R, Tahir N, Singh N, Tornatore K, Wallace P, Venuto R.  Early Recovery of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Specific CD8+ Lymphocytes and Decreased Incidence of CMV Infection in Renal Transplant Recipients Induced with Alemtuzuab (CAM1H)  (Poster) ASN Renal Week 2009, San Diego, CA (TH-PO966)
  38. Nainani N, Patel N, Murray B, Zachariah M, Gundroo A, Blessios G, Tornatore K, Weber-Shrikant E, Venuto R.  Alemtuzumab Induction Followed by Steroid Free, Low Dose Calcineurin Inhibitor Maintainence Immunosuppression in Renal Transplant Recipients-2 year Follow Up.   (Poster) ASN Renal Week 2009, San Diego, CA  (TH-PO985)
  39. Bhutani H, Blizniak N, Panesar M, Gundroo A, Zachariah M, Pelley W, Venuto R.  Should the Incarcerated be Considered for Renal Transplant?  (Poster) American Transplant Congress 2010 San Diego, CA (1175) 
  40. Pendyala P, Sudchada P, Venuto R, Gray V, Gundroo A, Attwood K, Wilding G, Tornatore K.  Comparison of Carefully Measured Creatinine to Clearance (CrCl) to Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) in Stable Renal Transplant Recipients.  (Poster) American Transplant Congress 2010 San Diego, CA (1729)
  41. Zachariah M, Brar J, Chaudhry F, Arora P, Singh N, Panesar M, Nader N, Venuto, R. Long-term Outcomes of Calcineurin Inhibitor (CNI) Minimization and Steroid-free Maintenance in Kidney Transplant Recipients with Alemtuzumab (Campath 1-H) Induction and Monitored by Surveillance Biopsies.  (Poster) American Transplant Congress 2010 San Diego, CA (1665)
  42. Tornatore K, Sudchada P, Gundroo A, Gray V, Attwood K, Wallace P, Venuto R.  Time Dependent Pharmacodynamic Responses of T Regulatory Cells in Stable African American and Caucasian Renal Transplant Recipients.  (Poster)  American Transplant Congress 2010 San Diego, CA ( 1680)
  43. Tornatore K, Sudchada P, DiFrancesco R, Gundroo A, Gray V, Attwood K, Wilding G, Venuto R. Mycophenolic Acid and Metabolite Pharmacokinetics in African American (AA) and Caucasian (C) Renal Transplant Recipients receiving Enteric Coated Mycophenolic Sodium and Mycophenolate Mofetil.  (Poster) American Transplant Congress 2010 San Diego, CA (874)
  44. Pendyala P, Nainani N, Tornatore K, Zachariah M, Venuto R.  Benefits and Risks of Surveillance Biopsies in Stable Renal Transplant Recipients.  (Poster)  American Society of Nephrology Renal Week 2010,  Denver, CO. 
  45. Kumar R, Yacoub R, Khan T, Brar J, Zachariah M, Venuto R.  Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Renal Allograft Recipients – Experience in a University Based Transplant Clinic.  Oral Presentation,  American Transplant Congress 2011,  Philadelphia, PA (29)
  46. Regulagadda A, Chang S, Venuto R.  Erythropoetin Requirements for Anemia in Renal Transplant Recipients Compared to Chronic Kidney Disease Patients.  (Abstract) Kidney Week 2011, Philadelphia, PA (PUB481).
  47. Tornatore K, Brazeau D, Gundroo A, Venuto R.  Racial Influence on ABCB1 Expression in peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells in Stable Renal Transplant Recipients.  (Poster) Kidney Week 2011, Philadelphia, PA (TH-PO1017).
  48. Zachariah M, Nader N, Kumar R, Khan T, Yacoub R, Panesar M, Venuto R, Laftavi M, Pankewycz O.  Alemtuzumab (C-1H) Induction and Prednisone-Free Maintenance Immunotherapy in Kidney Transplantation Compared with Rabbit Anti-Thymocyte Globulin (rATG) Induction with Steroid Maintenance:  Long Term Results.  (Poster) American Transplant Congress 2011, Philadelphia, PA (1296)
  49. Chang S, Regulagadda A, Gudlewski G, Zachariah M, Venuto R.  Erythropoietin-Stimulating Agent Requirements for Anemia in Renal Transplant Recipients vs. Chronic Kidney Disease Patients.  (Poster) American Transplant Congress 2012, Boston, MA (899).
  50. Zachariah M, Nader N, Shah S, Kandukurti K, Venuto R, Pankewycz O, Laftavi M.  Induction Immunotherapy in Elderly Kidney Transplant Recipients- Comparison between Alemtuzumab, Thymoglobulin and Basiliximab Induction Agents Long-Term Outcomes.  (Poster)  American Transplant Congress 2012, Boston, MA (985).
  51. Brar J, Zachariah M, Arora P, Chang S, Venuto R, Gudleski G.  Does Achieving Goals for Kidney Disease:  Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Guidelines Influence the Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease in Renal Transplant Recipients?  (Poster) American Transplant Congress 2012, Boston, MA (1583).
  52. Tornatore K, Minderman H, McQuire O, O’Louglin K, Shan G, Wilding G, Venuto R.  Nuclear Localization of Nuclear Factor of Activated T-Cells as a Pharmacodynamic Marker of Tacrolimus Immunosuppression in Renal Transplant Recipients.  (Poster) American Transplant Congress 2012, Boston, MA (874).
  53. Meaney C, Cooper L, Venuto R, Consiglio J, Wilding G, Tornatore K.  Leukocyte Patterns and Mycophenolic Acid Pharmacokinetics in African American and Caucasian Renal Transplant Recipients. (Poster) World Transplant Congress 2014, San Francisco, CA (886).
  54. Der Mesropian PJ, Atawaibi MO, Venuto RC.  Persistent Lysozymuria Following  Treatment of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis.  (Poster) NKF Spring Clinical Meeting 2014, Las Vegas, NV (271).
  55. Meaney CJ, Venuto RC, Brazeau D, Consiglio JD, Cooper LM, Wilding GE, Tornatore KM.  “ABCB1 Haplotypes, Sex, Calcineurin Inhibitors and Lipid Profiles Post Renal Transplant”.  Abstract #466, American Transplant Congress 2015, Philadelphia, PA.  Poster #267 5/3/2015


Rocco C. Venuto



  • :716-898-4803
  • :716-898-3928

  • DEPARTMENTNephrology Division
    Department of Medicine
    State University of New York at Buffalo
  • COUNTRYNewyork