Professional Activities:

Outstanding Contribution to Innovation

In 1996, Iyengar’s group, in collaboration with Brooks and with funding from Oak Ridge National Laboratory, invented a method of fault-tolerance modeling that offers a computationally inspired real-time task manage-ment solution. This has inspired projects at Boeing and Department of Defense, BBN Technologies, BAE systems, Penn State Applied Research Lab (ARL), USC/ISI. Programmability and modular deployment was tested in the porting this work for new versions of real time extensions to Linux Operating Systems.

In 2007, Telcordia was issued patent entitled Method for placement of sensors for surveillance and Motorola was issued patent entitled Wireless sensor node group affiliation method and apparatus. These patents are based and built on his pioneering work.

US and International Patents Filed

  1. System and Architecture for Robust Management of Resources in a Wide Area Network.

®United States Patent: Patent #13/153,388 was filed on June 3rd, 2011

Inventors: S. Mukhopadhyay and S.S. Iyengar.

Commerlization, licensed to (NuLogix and/or Prases Corp. and also inter-institutional agree-ment with Utah State University).

a "The seminal work of Dr. Iyengar’s work and his colleagues on the sensor network organization and infrastructure constitutes a foundation of Sensor placement and optimization of information obtained by sensors" - Marek Rusinkiewicz, VP, Telecordia 2012.

  1. Confocal-4D: an Architecture for Real-Time Tracking and Volume Rendering of White-Light Confocal Microscope Optical Serial Sections.

®United States Patent: #11716848, Applied for patent in 2007.

Inventors: Madhusudhanan Balasubramanian, Juan Reynaud, Roger W. Beuerman, S. Sitharama

Iyengar, Bijaya B. Karki.

  1. Method of Allocation of Web Pages using Neural Networks.

®United States Patent: #7191178, Issued March, 2007.

Inventors: Vir V. Phoha, S. S. Iyengar, and R. Kannan.

Featured in the World’s Best Technology Showcase, 2007, Arlington, TX.

a "This is a highly competitive summit and other companies were Alos Alamos National Labs, John Hopkins University, EPS, NASA and many others." - WBT Showcase, 2007.

  1. Data Set Request Allocations to Computers.

®United States Patent: #7730086B1, Issued June 1, 2010

Inventors: S.S. Iyengar, V. Phoha, and R. Kannan.

  1. A Pattern Recognition Device to Indicate Pressure in the Eye due to Glaucoma by Means of Optical Changes.

®United States Patent: #PCT/IN2010/000054 and US Patent Application no. #13/138316. May, 2012

Inventors: S.S. Iyengar, P.R.K. Prasad, and A. K. Kumar and others.Won the Florida Information Technology Award (IT2).

Innovative Discovery and Technology
Glaucoma is a silent enemy to mankind, which stealthily damages the retina without giving any indication to the affected person. Worldwide, 2.4 million people per year are diagnosed with glaucoma. By the year 2020, it is estimated that the number of diagnosed patients will increase by 50% to 3.6 million per year. Many sources state that only one half of glaucoma cases are diagnosed. Since glaucoma accounts for approximately 12% of new cases of legal blindness, the need is great.

Dr. Iyengar with his colleagues at Nulogix, received a Florida Innovation Award for our device which is invented with an innovative technology that enables a person to see changes in intra ocular pressure (IOP) when he looks at his eye in the mirror. The purpose of this invention is to ensure that glaucoma’s silent damage is detected as early as possible, well ahead of any damage. For deployment of the analytics sys-tem, NuLogix has also developed a distributed agent based monitoring platform which can easily integrate with field sensors and management/control systems. Dr. Iyengar and Nulogix were awarded third prize in the 2012 Innovation2Industry Florida competition. The innovative and patented technology invented by the team enables a person to see changes in intra ocular pressure by observing their eye using a small hand held device. "Funding the Dream", Harbor Style Magazine - June, 2012.

Significant Impact on Society and Innovation
Having a career as a research scientist and looking ahead as a faculty member, Dr. Iyengar was enthusiastic about other ways in which academia offers flexibility. In addition to running his company, Dr. Iyengar remained a professor at LSU and later when he became the Director of FIU in 2011. Since 2008 he has played technical roles and contributed to establishment of companies such as NuLogix Labs(Chief Scientist), NoeticNexus(President) and Third Solutions (Technical Adviser).


S. Sitharama Iyengar



  • : 305-348-3947

  • DEPARTMENTDepartment of Computing & Information Sciences
    Florida International University