Shao-Chun Wang
Associate Professor
- :513-558-4259
Fax No.:513-558-4454
PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS (in chronological order) (published 15 peer-reviewed research articles since the start of the tenure-track position at UC; * denotes the senior/corresponding authorship by the applicant):
Book Chapters:
Oral Presentattions
Mar. 28, 2007 | “Regulation of PCNA Function by Tyrosine Phosphorylation”. Department of Environmental Health, Dr. Shuk-Mei Ho group meeting. |
Apr. 6, 2007 | “The Death of A Ring”. Department of Surgery Research Conference. |
Apr. 11, 2007 | “The Role of Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA) in Cancer Progression and Chemotherapy”. Department of Surgery Surgical Grand Rounds. |
May 2, 2007 | “Regulation of PCNA function by tyrosine phosphorylation”. Department of Surgery, Dr. Susan Waltz Oncology Research Group meeting. |
Jun. 15, 2007 | “Nuclear Localization of EGFR and PCNA”. Oncology Retreat, Department of Surgery, Oncology Research Group, University of Cincinnati. |
Oct. 10, 2007 | “Tyrosine phosphorylation of PCNA and its potential role in chemosensitivity of cancer cells”. Hormonal Malignancies Program. |
Oct. 25, 2007 | “Tyrosine phosphorylation of PCNA – the potential role in chemosensitivity of cancer cells”. Department of Surgery, Dr. Susan Waltz Oncology Research Group meeting. |
Nov. 14, 2007 | “Tyrosine phosphorylation of PCNA and its potential role in chemosensitivity of cancer cells”. Department of Environmental Health, Dr. Shuk-Mei Ho group meeting. |
Jan. 10, 2008 | “Signaling regulation of PCNA function on the chromatin”. Department of Cell Biology Seminar Series. |
Feb. 16, 2008 | “Tyrosine kinases, PCNA, and signaling transduction”. Cell and Cancer Biology graduate program recruitment data blitz. |
Feb. 20, 2008 | “PCNA and receptor tyrosine kinase”. Department of Surgery, Dr. Susan Waltz Oncology Research Group meeting. |
Apr. 23, 2008 | “Signaling regulation of PCNA function on the chromatin”. Department of Environmental Health, Dr. Shuk-Mei Ho group meeting. |
May 2, 2008 | “Regulation of PCNA function by tyrosine phosphorylation”. Surgery Research Conference. |
Nov. 10, 2008 | “Interaction between c-Abl and PCNA”. Department of Surgery, Dr. Susan Waltz Oncology Research Group meeting. |
Nov. 12, 2008 | “Interaction between c-Abl and PCNA”. Department of Environmental Health, Dr. Shuk-Mei Ho group meeting. |
Dec. 2, 2008 | “Exploring the interface of cell proliferation and DNA damage response”. Department of Cancer and Cell Biology Annual Retreat. |
Mar. 2, 2009 | “PCNA tyrosine phosphorylation and breast cancer”. Cancer Center Pilot Grant progress report. |
Jun. 1, 2009 | “Exploring the interface of cell proliferation and DNA damage response”. Department of Biomedical Engineering, Dr. Peixuan Guo group meeting. |
Dec. 11, 2009 | “enhanced resistance to tamoxifen by the c-ABL proto-oncogene in breast cancer”. Department of Environmental Health, Dr. Shuk-Mei Ho group meeting. |
Dec. 17, 2009 | “Interaction of tyrosine kinases in regulation of PCNA function”. Genome Instability group meeting. |
Oct. 27, 2008 | “Targeting PCNA”. Genome Research Institute (GRI) – Drug Development group. |
Mar. 23, 2010 | “Interaction of tyrosine kinases in regulation nof PCNA function”. Department of Cancer and Cell Biology Retreat. |
`May 21, 2008 | “Tyrosine phosphorylation of PCNA in cancer” and “Overcoming tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer”. Department of Cancer and Cell Biology Faculty meeting. |
May 28, 2010 | “The role of the proto-oncogene c-ABL in resistance to anti-estrogens”. Department of Environmental Health, Dr. Shuk-Mei Ho group meeting. |
Nov. 12, 2010 | “Regulation of cellular response to growth inhibition in breast cancer”. Department of Environmental Health, Dr. Shuk-Mei Ho group meeting. |
Feb. 12, 2011 | “Tyrosine kinases, PCNA, and signaling transduction”. Cell and Cancer Biology graduate program recruitment data blitz. |
Mar. 29, 2011 | “Estrogen signaling, breast cancer, and hormone therapy”. Participating speaker of the Department of Cancer and Cell Biology for a special presentation to Provost Ono and other institutional leaders. |
Jul. 8, 2011 | “Overcome breast cancer resistant to endocrine therapy”. Department of Environmental Health, Dr. Shuk-Mei Ho group meeting. |
May 11, 2012 | “Regulation of PCNA tyrosine phosphorylation in breast and prostate cancer”. Department of Environmental Health, Dr. Shuk-Mei Ho group meeting. |
Dec. 6, 2012 | “Role of PCNA phosphorylation in adipocyte differentiation and obesity”. UC Metabolic Diseases Institute, CLAS Thursday Morning Lipid Meeting. |
Dec. 14, 2012 | “Role of PCNA phosphorylation in adipocyte differentiation and obesity”. Department of Environmental Health, Dr. Shuk-Mei Ho group meeting. |
Jan. 25, 2013 | “Role of PCNA phosphorylation in adipocyte differentiation and obesity”. Genome Instability group meeting. |
Feb. 23, 2013 | “Tyrosine kinases, PCNA, and hormone resistance”. Breast Cancer Center of Excellence Retreat. |
Sept. 26, 2013 | “Signaling regulation of cell proliferation in cancer and obesity”. Cancer and Cell Biology Seminar Series. |
External seminar presentations/session chair:
Oct. 16, 2008 | University of Kentucky, Department of Molecular and Biomedical Pharmacology Seminar title - “Regulation of the Nuclear PCNA Sliding Clamp by Tyrosine Phosphorylation”. |
Apr. 19, 2010 | Late Breaking mini-symposium at AACR 2010 meeting Seminar title - “Enhanced resistance to tamoxifen by the c-ABL proto-oncogene in breast cancer”. |
Nov. 20, 2010 | 2010 Kaohsiung International Cancer Symposium (Taiwan) Seminar title - “Regulation of cellular response to growth inhibition in breast cancer”. |
May 19-20, 2012 | 14th Annual Midwest DNA Repair Symposium Session Chair - “Translesion Polymerases and Mutagenesis”. |
April 7-9, 2014 | NIEHS Core Center Meeting – Los Angeles, CA Seminar title - “Tyrosine phosphorylation of PCNA - a novel adipogenic signaling regulated by DEHP” |
Associate Professor