
Prof. Sidiga Washi is a Professor of Community Nutrition at the School of Health Sciences at Ahfad University for women, Sudan. She is involved in scholarly teaching, curriculum development and research and worked in King Saud University, Saudi Arabia as well as in United Arab Emirates University in UAE. She served in many leadership positions as Dean of the School of Health Sciences at Ahfad, a National Project Director for a Reproductive Health/Family Planning, Eradication of Harmful Traditional Practices Project of Ahfad University collaboration with the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA). Prof. Washi has chaired many Sudanese Women's Organizations and a former Chair and current Board advisor Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa (SIHA).  Internationally, she is the President Elect for the International Federation of Home Economics for the cycle 2014-2016. Prof. Washi has published in refereed Journals, books and gave many Professional presentations. She was awarded the Mrs. Glenn Murphy International Award by the Faculty Women's Club of Iowa State University of Science and Technology, USA.


Sidiga A. Rahim Washi




  • : +249 912132000

    • DEPARTMENTSchool of Health Sciences
      Ahfad University for Women
      Omdurman, Sudan