
Dr, Denise Estafan DDS, MS is a 1969 graduate of Cairo University Dental School. She completed a she was instrumental to the development of the clinical curriculum at Riyadh University Dental School. She  also served as a clinical instructor for 3 years at the program. Denise received her license at New York University College of Dentistry in 1982 as part of the International Program. She joined the University as a  Clinical Instructor in 1983. She taught in the department of Operative Dentistry, Prosthodontics, and  Reconstructive and Comprehensive Care, and was promoted to Clinical Associate Professor in 1992. The same year, she began clinical investigative work on CAD/CAM technology, followed by research in the comparative analysis of  rate of Ceramic Wear versus Enamel Wear. Denise received her Master’s Degree in Dental Materials in 1995 and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2001. She has over 40 publications in peer-reviewed journals and lectures internationally. Denise is  currently a fellow of ACD and the International College of Dentistry. She is considered a clinical expert in CAD/CAM  in technology and is presently co-director of Esthetic Dentistry for the Department of Cariology and Comprehensive Care at NYUCD.

Denise Jean Estafan


Phone: (212) 998-9303 Fax:(212) 995-4889


    Division of Cariology and Comprehensive Care New York
    University College of Dentistry