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Authors: Pezhouman A, Cao H, Fishbein MC, Belardinelli L, Weiss JN, Karagueuzian HS | J Heart Health
Authors: Harris SE, Rediske M, Neitzke R, Rakian A. | Cell Stem Cells Regen Med
Molecular Docking: From Lock and Key to Combination Lock
Authors: Ashutosh Tripathi,* and Vytas A Bankaitis | J Mol Med Clin Appl
Authors: Sandra L Rebholz, John T Melchior, Jeffrey A Welge, Alan T Remaley, W Sean Davidson, and Laura A Woollett* | J Clin Lab Med
Authors: Mary Hammes, Rita McGill, Promila Dhar, and Rama S Madhurapantula | Int J Nephrol Kidney Fail
Reliability of a 3D Body Scanner for Anthropometric Measurements of Central Obesity
Authors: Medina-Inojosa J, Somers VK, Ngwa T, Hinshaw L, Lopez-Jimenez F | Obes Open Access
Hematopoietic Stem Cell-derived Adipocytes Promote Tumor Growth and Cancer Cell Migration
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Intracellular Photodynamic Activity of Chlorin e6 Containing Nanoparticles
Authors: Thomas Hopkins, Rahil Ukani, and Raoul Kopelman | Int J Nanomed Nanosurg
Androgen Receptor as a Potential Target for Treatment of Breast Cancer
Authors: Y Wu and JV Vadgama | Int J Cancer Res Mol Mech
Strategic Shift to a Diagnostic Model of Care in a Multi-Site Group Dental Practice
Authors: Kalenderian E, Maramaldi P, Kim S, Etolue J, McClellan L, Simmons K, Yansane A, White JM, Walji MF, Ramoni RB | International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Health ( ISSN 2378-7090 )
Spontaneous Body Temperature Fluctuations in Neurological Patientsy
Authors: Bonnie Wang, Martina L Mustroph, Huan Wang | Journal of Neurology and Neurobiology ( ISSN 2379-7150 )
Screening of FLT3 Gene Mutations ((FLT3-ITD) and D835) in Turkish Childhood Acute Leukemia Patients
Authors: Dilara Fatma Akin, Mine Mumcuoglu, Deniz Aslar Oner, Mehmet Ozturk, Ustun Ezer, A Emin Kurekci, Nejat Akar | International Journal of Molecular Biology and Medicine
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Outcomes and Surgical Complications in Kidney Transplantation
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Authors: Beatrice Ondondo, Sultan Abdul-Jawad, Yaowaluck Roshorm, Anne Bridgeman, Tomas Hanke | Journal of HIV and AIDS ( ISSN 2380-5536 )
The Enterra Device and the Future of Gastric Electrical Pacing
Authors: Rupal Patel, Prasad Kulkarni | Journal of Gastric Disorders and Therapy ( ISSN 2381-8689 )
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