Neurology and Neurobiology-Sci Forschen

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It is Neuroanesthesiology Time in Brazil

  Christiano dos Santos e Santos1*    Vinicius Caldeira Quintao2

1Department of Anesthesiology, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, USA
2Faculdade de Medicina, Disciplina de Anestesiologia, Hospital das Clínicas, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

*Corresponding author: Christiano dos Santos e Santos, MD, Department of Anesthesiology, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, USA, E-mail:

Dear Editor,

For decades, anesthesiologists and neurosurgeons have debated how essential a neuroanesthesiologist fellowship-trained might be. The complexity of the neurosurgical procedures in the 21st century demands an anesthesiologist that applies basic and advanced concepts of perioperative neuroscience care [1]. Experienced physicians have different points of view regarding this matter. The advantage of a neuroanesthesiologist in the operating room is still contentious for part of the medical community. However, we strongly believe in the fifteen points brilliantly described by Dr. Ramsis F. Ghaly [2], and they speak for themselves. The purpose of this manuscript is not to augment this dispute. It intends to applaud an important milestone reached by anesthesiology in South America.

March 2021 is a date to be celebrated in the history of Brazilian anesthesiology. Witnessing something happening right now at the Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP) is way beyond my most avid dreams. Under the leadership of Professor Maria Jose Carvalho Carmona, Associate Professor in the Discipline of Anesthesiology and Director of Anesthesia Division in the Central Institute of Hospital das Clinicas, decided in 2019 to pursue a comprehensive supplementary educational year dedicated to perioperative neuroscience anesthesiology. The clinical Neuroanesthesiology fellowship at USP offers the candidates nothing less than three thousand neurosurgical operations per year. Its rotations include adult and pediatric neuroanesthesia, vascular, oncologic, epilepsy, functional, and skull base procedures.

A whole month rotation in the neurosurgical intensive care unit aggregates tremendous significance to the program. Furthermore, it englobes all complex surgical approaches of the cranium, spine, and spinal cord. Particular emphasis is done on emergency neurotrauma, neuroanatomy, and neuroradiology.

Dr. Cristiane Tavares is the USP Neuroanesthesiology fellowship program coordinator. During the 47th Society for Neuroscience in Anesthesiology and Critical Care (SNACC) annual meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, in September 2019, it was a delightful moment when Dr. Tavares shared what USP was about to create. More than feverish, we were profoundly impressed with the outstanding devotedness of these two brilliant women. They decided to make history, and we had the opportunity to witness it. Indeed, we believe these ladies do not realize the magnitude of their giant steps towards neuroscience flourishment in South America. To change the history of a medical subspecialty is a phenomenon rarely seen, but our generation was aggrandized for it. Since we know them well, they will not take it for granted, and we can guarantee that they are far from the end of the road they decided to take. More things will prosper in their hands. Perhaps they just have done the first step of a great awakening that was contained for years. The perioperative neuroscience revolution is happening in Brazil as we speak. Buck up if you want to be part of it.


  1. Ma AC, Siddiqi J, Ninan D (2020) Value of Neuroanesthesiology Fellowship Training. Cureus 12: e10943. [Ref.]
  2. Ghaly RF (2014) Do neurosurgeons need Neuroanesthesiologists? Should every neurosurgical case be done by a Neuroanesthesiologist? Surg Neurol Int 5: 76. [Ref.]

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Article Information


Citation: Santos CDSE, Quintao VC (2022) It is Neuroanesthesiology Time in Brazil. J Neurol Neurobiol 8(2):

Copyright: ©2022 Santos CDSE, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Publication history: 

  • Received date: 18 Aug, 2022

  • Accepted date: 20 Sep, 2022

  • Published date: 26 Sep, 2022
