Papadopoulou Lefkothea
Medina Kadiri, PhD
Professor of Environmental Management and Toxicology
  • Department of Environmental Management and Toxicology
    University of Benin,
    Benin City, Nigeria



West African School Certificate           


Higher School Certificate                      


B.Sc (Botany)                                         


Ph.D. (Botany Limnology & Algology)




Prof.  Medina OmoKadiri (B.Sc. Ph.D. CBiolMIBiol, London), Professor of Plant Biology and  BioTechnology, University of Benin; Chartered Biologist, London; Post-graduate Certificate in Environmental Assessment & Management, Aberdeen, U.K.; Former Deputy Dean, Faculty of Science, University of Benin; PioneerHonourable Commissioner of Environment & Solid   Minerals 2000-2001; A post Doctoral Fellow of the Institute of Biology, London, UK; A Visiting Scienctist to Cheyney University of Pennsylvania, USA, Member, Nigerian Environmental Society (NES), California Academy of Sciences, USA, Society for Conservation Biology; Gender and Water Alliance; Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON International Association of Group Aquatic Productivity and many professional Organizations; Environmental Consultant; External Examiner for many Nigerian and foreign Universities; HonoureePhi Beta Delta, USA; Grantee British Council; Third World Organization for Women in Science Grant for Research Development - Sub-Saharan Africa; Midwest State First Prize Award Winner to Britain; Biographee, Marquis WHO is WHO in Science and Engineering in America; Biographee, The New WHO is WHO in Nigeria.

Research Interest

  • -Harmful Algal (& Toxic Algae) Bloom studies
  • -Algal Cultivation (Biomass) studies, Pollution studies (water)
  • -Crude oil/Petroleum hydrocarbon bioassessment
  • -Biofuel (Algal Biofuel)
  • -Pollution
  • -Effluent studies and Ecotoxicity
  • -General Environmental Assessment and Management (Limnology & Primary productivity studies),
  • -Algal Taxonomy
  • -Phytoplankton Ecology & Dynamics
  • -Fish pond studies
  • -Bioassay studies
  • -Bioremediation.


Scientific Activities:

  • Highlights of Professional Skills
  • As a commissioner duties included management of natural resources such as conservation, pollution control etc.
  • Conducted several Environmental Impact Assessment Survey
  • As an Environmental Consultant As a lecturer,
  • Active Research and Teaching 



Articles that have already appeared in Learned Journals
  1. Okusanya, O.T. & Ahmedu, M.O. (1983) Competition between Celosia cristata and Corchorus olitorus under different environmental conditions.  Tropical Ecology, 24(1): 113 - 121.
  2. Kadiri, M.O. (1988):  A taxonomic study of the Genus Closterium (Nitzsch. 1817) Ralfs 1848 (Desmidiaceae, with ecological notes.  Tropical Freshwater Biology, 1:71-90.
  3. Kadiri, M.O. & Opute, F.I. (1989). *A rich flora of Micrasterias from the Ikpoba Reservoir, Nigeria.  Archiv fur Hydrobiologie, 116 (3): 391 - 399.
*Article widely requested from: Spain, Portugal, Korea, Florida, Virginia, Michigan, Bulgaria, India, Paris, Greece & Germany etc.
  1. Kadiri, M.O. (1999a): A comprehensive preliminary check-list of the algae of the Ikpoba Reservoir, Edo State, Nigeria.  Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 5 (4): 485-491.
  2. Kadiri, M.O. (1992b):  Freshwater algae of West Africa: A Bibliography, 1956 - 1991.  Polskie Archiwum Hydrobiologie, 39(2): 191-203.
  3. Kadiri, M.O. (1993a):  Records of members of the Genus Cosmarium Corda ex Ralfs (Desmidiaceae, Chlorophyta) in a shallow West African Reservoir, Nova Hedwigia, 57(1-2): 109 - 122.
  4. Kadiri, M.O. (1993b):  Further desmids from the Ikpoba Reservoir: Comparison from elsewhere in Africa.  Algological Studies, 71:23 - 35.
  5. Kadiri, M.O. (1993c): Seasonal changes in the phytoplankton biomass of a shallow tropical reservoir.  Nigerian Journal of Botany, 6: 167 - 175.
  6. Kadiri, M.O. & Reynolds, C.S. (1993):  Long term monitoring of the conditions of lakes: the example of the English Lake District.  Archiv fur Hydrobiologie, 129: 157 - 178.
  7. *Article widely requested from USA (21), Canada (7), France (4), Australia (1), U.K.(4), Belgium(1), Sweden(6), Zimbabwe(1), Israel (1), Syria(1), Spain(1), Germany(1), Czecholovakia(1), Switzerland(2), Argentina(2), Russia(2).
  8. Kadiri, M.O. (1996): More desmids from the Ikpoba Reservoir, Nigeria: Comparison with other African records.  Algological Studies, 80: 87 - 98.
  9. Kadiri, M.O. (1997):  Environmental sanitation and national development. In Nzemeke, A.S. & Erhagbe, E.O.             eds. Nigeria Peoples and Culture pp 236 - 261.
  10. Kadiri, M.O. & Azomani I.L. (1999a): Growth Response of Selenastrum capricorntum and Cosmarium cucumis in different concentration of brewery effluent. Tropical Journal of Environmental Research, 1:1-8.
  11. Kadiri, M.O. & Azomani I.L. (1997a):  Synchronisation of direct cell count with colorimetric estimation of cell number in two species of algae.  Journal of National Board for Technical Education, 14: 81 – 84.
  12. Kadiri M.O. & Azomani I.L. (1999b): Nutrient-influenced growth response of Mesotaenium caldariorum (Lagerheim) Hansgirg to brewery effluent Acta Botanica Hungarica,  42:161-169.
  13. Kadiri, M.O. & Azomani, I.L. (1993): Nutrient enrichment bioassay of a river receiving brewery effluent: A study with indigenous phytoplankton population.  Nigerian Journal of Applied Science, 11:53-65.
  14. Kadiri, M.O. (1999b): Comparative Limnology and the phytoplankton Levels of Five Springs in southern Nigeria. Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology (JSET.) 6:1834-1854.
  15. Kadiri, M.O.(2000a) Seasonal trend in the chemical limnology of a shallow Nigerian man-made lake. Acta Hydrobiol., 42: 29-40.
  16. Kadiri M.O (2000b): Limnological studies of two contrasting but closely linked springs in southern Nigeria. Plant Biosystems, 134: 123-131.
  17. Kadiri, M.O.(1999 c) A spatial profile of net phytoplankton in the Lower River Niger recorded in the wet season. Acta Hydrobiol., 41: 247-258
  18. Kadiri M.O. & Opute F.I. (2000): The Euglenoids of the Ikpoba reservoir.     Biologia, 55(4): 351-355.
  19. Ezemonye L.I.N & Kadiri, M.O. (2000): Bioremediation of Aquatic ecosystems: The African perspective (A review paper) Environmental   Research 3: 137-147.
  20. Kadiri M.O.(1999d) Phytoplankton distribution in the coastal waters of         Nigeria.  Nigerian Journal of Botany, 12:51-62
  21. Kadiri, M.O. & Azomani, I.L. (2000): Effect of Brewery effluent on growth             of two Chlorophytes. Journal of Environment and Toxicology, 2:14-18.
  22. Kadiri, M.O. (2001): Limnological studies of some springs in southern          Nigerian. Tropical Journal of Environmental Research, 3: 163-180.
  23. Kadiri, M.O. (2001): Some marine phytoplankton species from Atlantic        Ocean, Nigeria. Bioscience Research Communications, 13: 197-207.
  24. Beardall J., Berman T., Heraud P., Kadiri M., Light B., Patterson G., Roberts S., Sulzberger B., Sahan E., Uehlinger U. & Wood B. (2001): A     comparison of methods for detection of phosphate limitation in micro             algae. Aquatic Science: 63, 107-121.
  25. Egborge, A.B.M. and Kadiri, M.O. (2001): The Plants             (Phytoplankton). In: Egborge, A.B.M.(ed), Water Pollution in Nigeria,     Volume 2, Pollution at Warri River at Opete, pp64-74.
  26. Kadiri, M.O. (2002): A checklist of desmids of Nigeria.  Global Journal of    Pure and Applied Sciences, 8: 223-237.                            
  27. Kadiri, M.O. (2002): A spectrum of phytoplankton flora along salinity          gradient in the Eastern Niger Delta area of Nigeria. Acta Botanica             Hungarica, 44:75-83.
  28. Kadiri, M.O. & Omozusi, H.I. (2002): A pre-pollution study of the    phytoplankton of an oligotrophic river in southern Nigeria. Afr. J.Environ.  Pollut. Health 1: 19-27.
  29. Kadiri, M.O. & Opute, F.I. (2003): SEM observations of some noteworthy    diatoms from the Ikpoba reservoir, Nigeria. Plant Biosystems, 137 (2):      215-230.
  30. Kadiri, M. O. & Emmanuel, D. (2003): Growth of phytoplankton in different fertilizer media. Journal of Aquatic Sciences, 18: 15-20.
  31. Kadiri, M. O. (2003): Diatoms from Nigeria. Algological Studies, 110:17- 26.
  32. Kadiri, M.O. (2004): African Freshwater algae: A bibliographic update.         Acta Botanica Hungarica,  46: 179-200.  
  33. Kadiri, M.O. (2006a): Phytoplankton survey in the western Niger Delta,        Nigeria. African Journal of Environmental Pollution & Health. 5: 48-58.
  34. Kadiri, M.O. (2006b): Phytoplankton flora and physico-chemical      attributes of some waters in the Eastern Niger Delta area of Nigeria.     Nigerian Journal of Botany 19:188-200.
  35. Kadiri, M.O. (2007): Diatoms from Nigeria: SEM examination of some  taxa. Algological Studies122: 17-33.
  36. Wujek, D. E., Dziedzic, R. M., Kadiri, M.O. and T.A. Adesalu (2007). Identification, ecology, and distribution of heliozoa, Scaled flagellates and scaled ciliates from western Nigeria. Tropical Freshwater Biology 16: 1-15.
  37. Kadiri, M.O. (2007). Phytoplankton dynamics of a tropical river: A dry and rainy season comparison. Journal of Aquatic Sciences 22: 11-26.
  38. Wujek, D.E. Pershon, L. E. & Kadiri, M. O. (2008). Description of a New Freshwater Species of Thaumatomastix (Protista, Thaumatomonadida) from Nigeria, West Africa. Tropical Freshwater Biology, 17(2): 13 – 20.
  39. Daniel E. Wujek, Medina O. Kadiri & Ryan M. Dziedzic (2010) Silica–scaled Chrysophyceae and Synurophyceae from Nigeria. III. Chrysophytes from rivers of Edo State Fottea 10(1): 93–98.
  40. Kadiri, M. O. (2011). Notes on Harmful algae from Nigerian coastal waters. Acta Botanica Hungarica 53: 137-143.
  41. Kadiri, M. O. & Eboigbodin, A.O. (2012). Phytotoxicity assessment of water            soluble fractions of refined petroleum products using microalgae. Acta Botanica Hungarica 54:301-311
  42. Kadiri, M. O. & Emmanuel, D. (2015): Ecotoxicological assessment of petroleum hydrocarbons   using phytoplankton. Presented at Botanical Society of Nigeria Conference at the University of Benin. Acta Botanica Hungarica (in press).
  43. Wujek, D. E., Dziedzic, R. M., Kadiri, M.O., T.A. Adesalu and Nwankwo, D.I. (2007). Identification, ecology, and distribution of heliozoa, Scaled flagellates and scaled ciliates from western Nigeria. Tropical Freshwater Biology 16: 1-15.
  44. Wujek, D.E. Pershon, L. E. and Kadiri, M. O. (2008). Description of a New Freshwater Species of Thaumatomastix (Protista, Thaumatomonadida) from Nigeria, West Africa. Tropical Freshwater Biology, 17(2): 13 – 20.
  45. Kadiri, M. O. & Enoma, M. (2013). Comparative assessment of the effects of water soluble fractions of fuel oils on the growth of microalgae.
  46. International Journal of Renewable Energy and    Environment 1:48-55
  47. Daniel E. Wujek, Medina O. Kadiri & Ryan M. Dziedzic (2010) Silica–scaled Chrysophyceae and Synurophyceae from Nigeria. III. Chrysophytes from rivers of Edo State Fottea 10(1): 93–98.
  48. Wujek, D.E., Kadiri, M.O. & Dziedzic, R.M. (2011). Freshwater scaled Chrysophytes, heliozoa and thaumatomonad flagellates from Edo State, Nigeria. African Journal of Aquatic Science 36(2):207-212.
  49. Abirhire, O. & Kadiri, M. O. (2011) Bioaccumulation of heavy metals using microalgae. Asian J. Microbiol. Biotech. Env.Sc. 13(1):85-88.
  50. Kadiri, M.O. (2012). Limnological Techniques.In:Okhuoya J.A., Okungbowa, F.I. & Shittu, H.O. (eds) Biological Techniques & Applications-A comprehensive Teaching Manual Uniben Press pp 328-376.
  51. Abirhire, O. & Kadiri, M. O. (2013). Growth and biodiesel production from the blue-green alga Microcystis aeruginosa Kutz. African Journal of Environmental Pollution & Health 10:33-39.
  52. Opute, F. I. & Kadiri, M.O. (2013). Phytoplankton Algae of Nigeria-A practical & Theoretical Guide Vol. I. The Desmids. Mindex Publishing Co. Ltd 304 p.
  53. Kadiri, M.O. (2013). Phycology as an Environmental Assessment Tool:In The Environment, Issues, Cases and Sustainability(ed. Akhionbare, S.M.O) Springfield Publishers Ltd. Pp 130-153.
  54. Zendong Z., Kadiri M., Herrenknecht C., Nézan E., Mazzeo A., Hess P. (2016) Algal toxin profiles in Nigerian coastal waters (Gulf of Guinea) using passive sampling and liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Toxicon, 114, 16-27.doi:10.1016/j.toxicon.2016.02.011
Other Relevant Publication
  1. Kadiri, M.O. (1998): Environmental Evaluation Report/Seabed Survey of Chioma 2&3 offshore location, Nigeria.
  2. Ezemonye, L.I.N. & Kadiri, M.O. (1998): Aquatic pollution studies of Ikpoba and Ogba rivers, A United Nations Development Programme sponsored project.


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