Ezio Zanon
Ezio Zanon
Head& Professor

Haemophilia Centre
University of Padua Medical School


1991 –1992

Fellowship  of “Use of interferon in thrombocytopenia” University of Padua Medical School, Italy.


Fellowship of “Clinical evaluation  of lupus anticoagulant” University of Padua Medical School, Italy.


Fellow of Haemophilia Center University of Padua Medical School, Italy.


Assistant in Medicine (Resident), Transfusional Center of Camposanpiero ,Italy


Assistant in Medicine (Resident), Institute of Patologia Speciale Medica III° (Internal Medicine) University of Padua, Medical School, Italy.



Dott. Ezio Zanon is the Director of Haemophilia Center of Unit of Coagulopathies, University of Padua Medical School.  The Center was a designed European Haemophilia Comprehensive Care Centre. He graduated in Medicine in 1989 and specialization in Hematology in 1994. He became Assistant in Medicine (Resident), Institute of Patologia Speciale Medica III° (Internal Medicine) University of Padua, Medical School in 1997 and Assistant in Medicine (Resident), Second Chair of Internal Medicine University of Padua, Medical School in 1998. Indentured Professor at the School of Specialization of Hematology , University of Padua, Medical School in 2001.He became Head of Haemophilia Centre University of Padua Medical School in 2005. His research has focused on thrombocytopenia in 1991 and 1992; on clinical and laboratory evaluation of lupus anticoagulant and antipholipid antibodies from 1993-, on thrombotic and haemorrhagic disorders ( particularly haemophilia ) 1995-2015. He led as principal investigator several studies phase II-III-IV in the field of the treatment of haemophilia 1995-2015 in  Department of Medicine, University of Padua, Italy


Research Interest

  1. Haemophilia A and B
  2. Von Willebrand disease
  3. Rare coagulation disorders
  4. Antipholipid antibodies ( lupus anticoagulant, anticardiolipin-antibodies)
  5. Deep vein Thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
  6. Venous Thromboembolism
  7. Arterial thrombosis


Professional Activities:

Principal investigator in the following studies:

International PMS Study Kogenate Bayer with prefilled Syringe
A prospective Registry of European Hemophilia B Patients receiving Benefix for usual Use” POTTER STUDY  Prophilaxis Vs on-demand therapy Through Economic report
Large scale follow-up: effectiveness and safety of highly purified, doubly viral inactivated standarsized FVIII/ VWF conxentrate in the treatment of inherited von Willebrand disease: collaborative, multicenter study
Studio Osservazionale Prospettico in pazienti trattati con Haemate P ed Haemate P a volume ridotto nel trattamento della Malattia di von Willebrand
Fattori prognostici nell’induzione di immunotolleranza in emofilici A con inibitore  ( Studio PROFIT) Studio osservazionale retrospettivo-prospetticoClinical study: Pharmacokinetics of Haemocomplettan P in subjects with congenital fibrinogen deficiency ( B13023_2001)
PROWILL: Efficacy, safety and pharmaeconomic assessment of secondary long-term prophylaxis with higly purified standardized doubly virus inactivate FVIII/FvW concentrates in patients with severe inherited VWD and frequent bleeding
STUDIO PISA   Post-marketing Italian surveillance study on ADVATE treatment of haemophila A in order  to evaluate its efficacy,safety and immunogenicity

FVII deficiency registry ( STER-Seven tratment evalutation Registry)
A diagnostic interventional, controlled, cross-sectional evaluation of joint status using MRI in subjects with severe hemophilia A treated with primary prophylaxis, secondary prophylaxis, or on-demand therapy”

ONE-Registry A prospective observational registry on the use of Novoseven for a domand tratment of m Studio clinico 
Studio clinico  SIPPET “inhibitor development in previous untrated patients (PUP) or minimally blood component-trasfused patients when exposed to plasma derived von willebrand factor-containing FVIII concentrates”.

A multi-center Phase III uncontrolled  open-label trial to evaluate safety o F Bay 81-8973 in children with severe haemophilia A under prophylaxis therapy



Author or coauthor of more 100 scientific papers dealing with several aspects of hemorrhagic and thrombotic disorders

  1. Fabris F.,Cordiano I.,Casonato A:,Zanon E,Luzzatto G.,Girolami A."Anti-platelet antibodies " in HIV infected haemophiliacs . Folia Haematologica.,117,709-716,1990
  2. Girolami B,Simioni A.,Saracino M.A.,Zanon E.,Gavasso S.,Fadin M.,Girolami A.La deficienza di proteina C: studio di 71 pazienti con difetto congenito .Trombosi & Aterosclerosi 3,267-286,1992
  3. Scarano L.,Paternoster D.,Simioni P.,Quintieri F.,Zanon E.,Stella A.,Grella P.V.,Girolami A
    Livelli di F1+2 e TAT nelle gestosi. Medicina Fetale ,XVII Riunione 355-358,1992
  4. Paternoster D.M.,Stella A.,Trovò S.,Simioni P.,Scarano L.,Zanon E.,Girolami A., 5. Studio dei parametri coagulatori e della fibrinonectina plasmatica nella HELLP Sindrome 6. Gestosi '93 VI Congresso Nazionale,397-400,1993
  5. Fabris F.,Sgarabotto D.,Zanon E.,Francavilla F.,Zaggia F.,Cadrobbi P.,Girolami A. The effect of a single course of a-2B interferon in patients with HIV-related and chronic idiopathic immune thrombocytopenia. Autoimmunity 14,175-260,1993
  6. Girolami A.,Sartori M.T.,Simioni P.,Zanon E.,Gavasso S.,Fadin MEl uso de substratos cromogenicos en coagulacion. Revista Iberoamericana de trombosis y hemostasia 6,128-130,1993
  7. .Zanardi S.,Simioni P.,Girolami B.,Zanon E.,Scarano L.,Gavasso S.,Scudeller A.,Rossi 11. L.,Girolami A.Le alterazioni congenitedi antitrombina III:studio di 78 pazienti Trombosi & Aterosclerosi 4,247-272,1993
  8. Zanon E.,Saracino M.A:,Girolami B.,Scarano L.,Gavasso S.,Bagatella P.,Scudeller A.,Girolami A. Clinica degli anticorpi antifosfolipidi Nuove prospettive nello studio dello stato ipercoagulabile.Seminario di coagulazione Padova,22 ottobre 1993
  9. Girolami A.,Prandoni P.,Simioni P.,Bernardi E.,Cella G.,Cogo A.,Girolami B.,Polistena P.,Scarano L.,Villalta S.,Zanardi S.,Zanon E. La malattia tromboembolica venosa 14. Lettura al 95° Congresso della Società Italiana di Medicina Interna ,Firenze 1994, Il Policlinico Sez. Prat. 101:643-658,1994
  10. Girolami A.,Zanon E.,Radossi P..,Gavasso S. Prothrombin Time using thromboplastins of different origin in Hemophilia BM patients American Journal of Hematology, 47,245-246,1994
  11. Girolami A.,Prandoni P.,Simioni P.,Girolami B.,Scarano A.,Zanon E.The pathogenesis of venous thromboembolism Haematologica 80 :25-35,1995
  12. Zanon E , Saracino M.A.,Simioni P.,Scarano L.,Girolami B.,Girolami A Recombinant thromboplstin ihnibition assay for the detection of lupus anticoagulant Clinical and Laboratory Haematology 17,231-235,1995
  13. Zanon E.,Saracino M.A.,Simioni P.,Cogo A.,Fadin M.A.,Gavasso S.Girolami A. Prevalence of antiphospholipid antibodies and lupus anticoagulant in juvenile patients with objectively documented deep vein thrombosis.Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/ Hemostasis 2,69-73, 1996
  14. Girolami A., Zanon E.,Zanardi S.,Saracino MA,Simioni P. Thromboembolic disease developing during oral contraceptives therapy in young females with antiphospholipid antibodies Blood Coag Fibrinol. 7,497-501,1996
  15. Simioni P.,Prandoni P.,Zanon E.,Saracino MA,Scudeller A.,Villalta S.,Scarano L.,Girolami B.,Benedetti L.,Girolami A. Deep vein thrombosis and lupus anticoagulant: a case control study Thromb.Haemostas. 76,187-189, 1996
  16. Zanon E.,Simioni P,Saracino M.A.,Prandoni P.,Girolami B.,Sardella C.,Girolami A. Antiphospholipid antibodies do not seem to be associated with deep vein thrombosis: a case control study Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/ Hemostasis 3,156-167,1997
  17. Girolami A., Simioni P.,Venturelli U.,Girolami B.,Zanon E.Factor V antigen levels in APC resistance,in factor V deficiency and in combined APC resistance and factor V deficiency(pseudohomozygosis for APC resistance) Blood Coag Fibrinol.8,245-248,1997
  18. Girolami A.,Prandoni P.,Zanardi S.,Girolami B.,Zanon E. Isolated iliac vein thrombosis during oral contraceptive therapy in three”normal” women Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/ Hemostasis 3,284-287,1997
  19. Girolami A., Zanon E.,Gavasso S.,Girolami B., Zerbinati P. Factor V antigen is decreased in both types of combined factor V and factor VIII congenital defects Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/ Hemostasis 4,164-166,1998
  20. Zanon E., Pittoni M.,Vaselli G.,Tagariello G.,Girolami B.,Saracino M.A.,Girolami A. Anticardiolipin antibodies in haemophiliac and nonhemophilia patients with chronic hepatitis C Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/ Hemostasis 4,164-166,1998
  21. Girolami A.,Simioni P., Zanon E.,Girolami B.,Marchiori A. Factor V Leiden ( Activated Protein C Resistance) versus factor V deficiency in Padua,Italy Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/ Hemostasis 4,164-166,1998
  22. Zanon E.,Zerbinati P., Bertomoro A., Girolami B.,Girolami A.Frequent but low titer factor VIII inhibitors in haemophilia A patients treated with high purity concentrates Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis 1999 ;10:117-20.
  23. Saviolo-Negrin N., Cristante F., Zanon E.,Canalini M.,Stocco D. Psychological aspects and coping of parents with a haemophilic child: a quantitative approach Haemophilia 5,63-68,1999
  24. Vianello F.,Tison T.,Tagariello G.,Zerbinati P.,Zanon E., Scarano L.,Girolami A. Serological markers of autoimmunity in patients with hemophilia A: the role of hepatitis C virus infection ,-interferon and factor VIII treatment in skewing the immune system toward autoreactivity Blood Coagul. Fibrinolysis 10:393-397,1999
  25. Girolami A., Zanon E., Tormene D.,Girolami B.,Carraro G. It is not sure yet whether the nt 20210 G to A prothrombin polymorphism represents a cause of familial venous thrombophiliaBlood Coagul. Fibrinolysis 10:339-401,1999
  26. Zanon E, Prandoni P, Vianello F, Saggiorato G, Carraro G, Bagatella P, Girolami A
Anti-beta2-glycoprotein I antibodies in patients with acute venous thromboembolism: prevalence and association with recurrent thromboembolism. Thromb Res 1999 15;96:269-74
  27. Girolami A, Prandoni P, Zanon E, Bagatella P, Girolami B
Venous thromboses of upper limbs are more frequently associated with occult cancer as compared with those of lower limbs.
Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 1999 ;10:455-7
  28. Girolami A, Zanon E, Bertomoro A, Gavasso S, Fadin MCombined factor V and factor VII deficiency due to an independent segregation of the two defects.Clin Appl Thromb Hemost 1999 ;5:136-8
  29. Girolami A, Simioni P, Girolami B, Zanon E
Low incidence of venous thrombosis in homozygous patients with NT 20210 G to a prothrombin polymorphism.Clin Appl Thromb Hemost 1999;5:205-7
  30. Bilora F, Dei Rossi C, Girolami B, Casonato A, Zanon E, Bertomoro A, Girolami A
Do hemophilia A and von Willebrand disease protect against carotid atherosclerosis? A comparative study between coagulopathics and normal subjects by means of carotid echo-color Doppler scan.Clin Appl Thromb Hemost 1999 ;5:232-5
  31. Zanon E, Martinelli F, Bacci C, Zerbinati P, Girolami AProposal of a standard approach to dental extraction in haemophilia patients. A case-control study with good results Haemophilia 2000 ;6:533-6
  32. Vianello F, Zanon E, Zerbinati P, Innella B, Girolami ADisappearance of FVIII inhibitors in a severe hemophilia A newborn after steroid treatment correlates with a cytokine shift toward a T-helper 2 pattern.Haematologica 2000 ;85:1114-1115
  33. Zanon E, Vianello F, Casonato A, Girolami A.Early transfusion of factor VIII/von Willebrand factor concentrates seems to beeffective in the treatment of gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with vonWillebrand type III disease.Haemophilia 2001 ;7:500-3
  34. Vianello F, Belvini D, Dal Bello F, Tagariello G, Zanon E, Lombardi AM, Zerbinati P, Girolami A.Mild bleeding diathesis in a boy with combined severe haemophilia B (C(10400)-->T) and heterozygous factor V Leiden.Haemophilia 2001 ;7:511-4
  35. Bilora F, Boccioletti V, Zanon E, Petrobelli F, Girolami A. Hemophilia A, von Willebrand disease, and atherosclerosis of abdominal aorta andleg arteries: factor VIII and von Willebrand factor defects appear to protectabdominal aorta and leg arteries from atherosclerosis.Clin Appl Thromb Hemost 2001 ;7:311-3
  36. Girolami A, Tormene D, Simioni P, Zanon E.Long-term use of oral contraceptive therapy in women with the prothrombin 20210G-A polymorphism without thrombotic complications: a study of 13 women (12heterozygotes and 1 homozygote).Thromb Res 2001 1;102:205-10
  37. Bilora F, Boccioletti V, Girolami B, Zanon E, Armani M, Petrobelli F, Girolami A.Are antiphospholipid antibodies an independent risk factor for atherosclerosis? 52. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost 2002 ;8:103-13
  38. Girolami A, Spiezia L, Rossi F, Zanon E.Oral contraceptives and venous thromboembolism: which are the safestpreparations available?Clin Appl Thromb Hemost 2002 ;8:157-62
  39. Vianello F, Lombardi AM, Dal Bello F, Zanon E, Cabrio L, Girolami A.Conformation sensitive gel electrophoresis for detection of factor X gene mutations.Thromb Res 2002 15;107:51-4
  40. Zanon E, Martinelli F, Bacci C, Cordioli G, Girolami A. Safety of dental extraction among consecutive patients on oral anticoagulanttreatment managed using a specific dental management protocol.Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis. 2003 ;14:27-30.


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