Aurelio Leone
Aurelio Leone
Fomer Director

Department of Internal Medicine
City Hospital Massa


Assistant Professor Clinical and Experimental Cardiology La Spezia City Hospital
Director Internal Medicine and Cardiology City Hospital Pontremoli
Researcher Clinical Physiology CNR Pisa



Aurelio Leone, born in Roma, Italy on July 21, 1942, Physician and Researcher, he had his first job at the Pathological, Anatomy Institute of The University of Roma, Italy. In 1969 he worked as a Medical Researcher in Pisa, Italy, at the CNR Institute of Clinical Physiology and then as a clinical Cardiologist in La Spezia, Italy, from 1973 to 1985. Director of the Medical Division of Pontremoli City Hospital , Italy, from 1985 to 1999, he was chief of the Department of Internal Medicine of City Hospital in Massa, Italy, from 1999 to 2002. At present, he is an independent researcher, fellow of the Royal Society for Promotion of Health, London, UK (FRSPH), and Fellow of the American Society of Hypertension (FASH), as well as member of the World Heart Federation (WHF).

Research Interest

Cardiovascular Pathology, Cardiovascular risk factors, Smoking and Heart and Hypertension

Professional Activities:


Cardiology University of Roma
Internal Medicine University of Pisa
Preventive Medicine University of Genoa

Board Memberships And Affiliations

Former Consultant Cardiologist; Frsph, Fash

University of Pisa and Royal Society for Promotion of Health London



  1. Postinfarction Aneurysm: Factors Affecting Surgical Reparation. Sing Med J 1988; 29:576-579.
  2. Cigarettes Number Reinfarction and Death in Smoker Patients. Conference on Preventive Cardiology, Washington D.C. USA, 1989.
  3. Incidenza Autoptica di Occlusione Coronarica Totale nell’Infarto Miocardico Acuto. Cardiologia,1988; 12:68.
  4. Impegno Mediastinico Neoplastico e Polichemioterapia: Effetti sulla Funzionalità Cardiaca.  Cardiologia 1988; 12: 68.
  5. Randomised Trial of Intravenous Atenolol Among 16 027 Cases of Suspected Acute Myocardial Infarction: ISIS-1. Lancet 1986; July 12: 57-66.
  6. Oral Contraception, Ovarian Disorders and Tobacco in Myocardial Infarction of Woman. Pathologica 1986; 78: 237-242.
  7. Terapia con Amiodarone e Funzione Tiroidea: Modificazione degli Indici Umorali e Patologia Tiroidea Indotta dal Farrmaco. L’Anziano, Pacini Ed., Pisa 1985; 419-436.
  8. Il Monitoraggio Ematico della Lidocaina nel Cardiopatico Anziano: Problemi Farmacocinetici. L’Anziano, Pacini Ed., Pisa 1985; 313-318.
  9. L’Infarto Miocardico dell’Anziano: Osservazioni su 102 Casi Ricoverati in Unità Coronarica. L’Anziano, Pacini Ed., Pisa 1985; 297-305-
  10. L’Importanza del Fattore Emodinamico per il Determinismo e la Localizzazione delle Lesioni Aterosclerotiche nell’Uomo. L’Anziano, Pacini Ed., Pisa 1985;235-272.
  11. Marker di Morte Improvvisa Cardiaca nella Rottura Postinfartuale di Cuore. Il Cuore 1988; 4:581-589.
  12. Mortalità per Recidiva d’Infarto. Card Prev Riab 1986; 4: 9-11.
  13. L’Infarto Miocardico dell’Anziano. Analisi di 102 Ricoveri Consecutivi in Unità Coronarica (UCC). Min Cardioang 1986; 34: 529-533.
  14. Displasia Aritmogena del Ventricolo Destro: Una Possibile Causa di Morte Improvvisa. La Morte Improvvisa, Pacini Ed., Pisa 1986;305-310.
  15. Perché la Morte Improvvisa. La Morte Impovvisa, Pacini Ed, Pisa 1986;41-42.
  16. L’Età Avanzata: Caratteristiche e Aspetti Introduttivi Correlati al Fenomeno. L’Anziano, Pacini Ed., Pisa 1984; 21-23.
  17. Le Alterazioni Degenerative dei Muscoli nei Tossicodipendenti (td).Rivista Patologia Apparato Locomotore 1984; 4: 29-33.
  18. Parametri Bioumorali nei Pazienti Rianimati da Arresto Cardiaco. La Morte Imrovvisa, Pacini Ed., Pisa 1986; 321-325.
  19. Parametri Bioumorali nel Cardiopatico Anziano. L’Anziano, Pacini Ed. 1985; 307-312.
  20. Il Prolasso della Mitrale Quale Causa di Morte Improvvisa. La Morte Improvvisa, Pacini Ed., Pisa1986; 315-320.
  21. Passive Smoking in Infarcted Patients: Role of Indoor Exposure. Indoor and Ambient Air Quality, R Perry and PW Kirk Eds, Selper Lmt, London 1988, 211-214.
  22. La Localizzazione della Lesione Aterosclerotica. Rivalutazione del Fattore Emodinamico. Min Cardioang 1988; 36: 93-97.
  23. Il Timo e la Morte Improvvisa. La Morte Improvvisa, Pacini Ed. Pisa 1986; 103- 143.
  24. Introduzione. Giornate Mediche Spezzine Pacini Editore Pisa 1980; 4.
  25. Fibrillazione Ventricolare Recidivante in un Soggetto con Infarto Miocardico Acuto. G Ital Cardiol 1979; 9 Suppl1:192.
  26. Relation Between Genetic and Non-genetic Factors in Congenital Heart Disease. Excerpta Medica Inernational Congrss Series No 426 1977; 251.
  27. Morphology of Myocardial Infarction. Methods and Achievements in Experimental Pathology, G Jasmin and M Cantin Eds, S Karger Basel 1981; 10:244-284.
  28. Risoluzione Tardiva di BAV in Corso di Infarto Miocardico Acuto. XIV Congresso Nazionale di Cardiologia 1983;54.
  29. Prognosi a Distanza dell’Infarto Miocardico Acuto Complicato da Fibrillazione Ventricolare Primitiva. Atti III Internazionale di Cardiologia, Modena 1980, GEA Ed.; 3-6.
  30. Participation of Renal Electrolytes in the Mechanism of Edema in Congestive Heart Failure: Studies on Cardiomyophatic hamsters. £rd Annual Meeting of the International Study Group for Research in Cardiac Metabolism 1970; 37.
  31. Ruolo dei Fattori Genetici e non Genetici nella Etiologia delle Cardiopatie Congenite. Rivista degli Ospedali 1979; 3: 179-182.
  32. Importanza delle Aritmie Premonitrici della Fibrillazione Ventricolare Primitiva (PVF) in Corso di Infarto Acuto. Boll Soc Ital Cardiol 1981; 12:2205-2208.
  33. Osservazioni sulla Fibrillazione Ventricolare Primitiva (FVP) in Corso di Infarto Miocardico Acuto. G Ital Cardiol 1978; 8 Suppl 2:126.
  34. Alcuni Rilievi Statistici su un Quinquennio di Attività di una Unità Coronarica. IX Congresso Nazionale di Cardiologia, Firenze 1978; 28.
  35. Cigarette Smoking in relation to Coronary Disease:Hypothesis on the Mechanism of Myocardial Ischemia. Fifth World Conference on Smoking and Health. Winnipeg, Canada 1983; 97-98.
  36. Resultats Dans la Therapie de l’Arret Cardiaque et Respiratoire, Dommages d’Organ et d’Evolution Clinique des Survecus. Revista Espanola de Cardiologia 1972 ,VI Congreso Europeo de Cardiologia.
  37. The Importance of Intrauterine Cardiac Arrhithmia Diagnosis in Relation to a Possible Early Postnatal Management (Drug and/or Cardiac Pacing). PACE 1979;303.
  38. Modificazioni Istomorfologiche e Funzionali della Neuroipofisi dopo Iniezione Endovenosa di Estratti Renali Corticali ad Attività Reninica. Il Progresso Medico 1967;23: 821-827.
  39. Le Aritmie nell’Infarto Miocardico Acuto: Considerazioni su 299 Casi Seguiti in Unità di Cura Intensiva Coronarica. Annali di Medicina Navale 1977; 82: 361-372.
  40. Su un Caso di Fibrillazione Atriale Parossistica in Giovane Portatore di Sindrome di Wolff-Parkinson-White. Annali di Medicina Navale 1977; 82: 171-184.
  41. Evoluzione dei Disturbi della Conduzione Atrio-Ventricolare nell’Infarto Acuto. Boll Soc Ital Cardiol 1972; 17: 1228-1233.
  42. Left Ventricular Function in Heroin Addicts. XII Interamerican Congress of  Cardiology, Proceedings 1985; 1- 5.
  43. I Disturb di Conduzione e l’Elettrostimolazione Cardiaca nell’Infarto Miocardico Diaframmatico Acuto. Cardiol Prat 1977; 28: 79-81.
  44. Effetti Indotti dal Salasso Parziale e Totale sulla Struttura Istologica Postipofisaria. La Ricerca Scientifica 1967; 37/9: 785-793.
  45. Myocardial Ischemia: a Good Reason of Smoking Cessation. Symposium on Smoking and Health in the Southeuropean Countries, Barcelona, 1984: 49.
  46. Betabloccanti nella Fase Acuta dell’Infarto: Quali i Reali Limiti di Impiego. Card Prev Riab 1984; 2: 219-221.
  47. Rein et Surrenales dans l’Insuffisance Cardiaque Experimentale. L’Union Medicale du Canada 1971; 100:60-692.
  48. Role du Tabac et de la Contraception Orale dans l’Infarctus du Myocarde de la Femme. Description d’un Cas. Pathologica 1984; 76: 493-498.
  49. Cardiac Hypertrophy: a Pathogenetic Factor in Rupture of Infarcted Heart. Pathologica 1983; 75: 533-540.
  50. Impiego della Disopiramide e.v. nel Trattamento delle Aritmie Ventricolari Refrattarie Sintomatiche. Min Cardioang 1984; 32: 151-156.
  51. Myocardial Infarction and Coronary Damage in the Smokers: Histopathologic Feature. XII Interamerican Congress of Cardiology, Vancouver, Canada 1985;1-4.
  52. Necropsy Studies in Myocardial Infarction with Minimal or No Coronry Luminal Reduction Due to Atherosclerosis. Circulation 1974; 49: 1127-1131.
  53. Myocardial Blood Flow Changes in Acute Myocardial Infarction.  Myocardial Blood Flow in Man. Methods and Significance in Coronary Disease, A. Maseri Editor 1972 Minerva Medica Torino; 359-373.
  54. Il Ruolo del Fumo nel Determinismo della Cardiopatia Coronarica. Ipotesi sul Possibile Meccanismo di Danno. Min Cardioang 1984; 32: 435-439.
  55. Morphology of Acute Myocardial Infarction in Relation to Coronary Thrombosis. American Heart Journal 1974; 87: 65-75.
  56. Attuaki Orientaenti sull’Impiego dei Farmaci Vasodilatatori nello scompenso Cardiaco. Farmaco Flash 1978; 8: 1.
  57. Effetti della Disopiramide in Vena nel Trattamento delle Aritmie Ventricolatri Refrattarie – Esperienze Preliminari su 7 Pazienti Ricoverati in Unità Coronarica. Giornale di Clinica e Fisiopatologia Cardiovascolare 1982; 1 Suppl 1: 51-54.
  58. Lidocaine in Acute Myocardial Infarction: Be Aware of Serum Level! World Congress of Cardiology Abstract Book 1986; 813.
  59. Cardiac Hypertrohy: Pathophysiologic Factor in Rupture of Infarcted Heart. IX World Congress of Cardiology, Moscow Russia 1982; 0681.
  60. Parametri Morfofunzionali Cardiaci Strumentali nei Tossicodipendenti. Le Tossicodipendenze, M. Lopez e A. Leone Eds, Pacini, Pisa 1983; 263-268.
  61. AIDS e Tossicomania: Parametri Immunobiologici e Aspetti Clinici. Le Tossicodipendenze, M. Lopez e A. Leone Eds Pacini;Pisa 1983; 305-310.
  62. Le Tossicodipendenze: un Approccio Introduttio al Problema. Le Tossicodipendenze, M. Lopez e A. Leone  Eds, Pacini, Pisa  1983; XI-XII.
  63. La Masticazione delle Foglie di Coca: Analisi Etnica del Fenomeno. Le Tossicodipendenze, M. Lopez e A. Leone Eds, Pacini, Pisa 1983; 13-19.
  64. La Morphologie de l’Infarctus du Myocarde. Giornate Mediche Spezzine, M. Lopez e A. Leone Eds, Pacini Pisa 1981; 33-71.
  65. Participation of Renal Electrolytes in the Mechanism of Edema in Congestive Heart Failure:Studies on Cardiomyopathic Hamsters.  Myocardiology, E Bjusz and G Rona Eds, University Park Press, Baltimore 1972; 303-324.
  66. L’Infarto del Miocardio in Patologia Umana e Sperimentale. Giornate Mediche Spezzine, M. Lopez e A: Leone Eds, Pacini, Pisa 1981; 19-31.
  67. Sperimentazione Clinica di un Nuovo Farmaco (Verapamil) nel Trattamento delle Aritmie. Annali di Medicina Navale 1976; 81: 193-202.
  68. Osservazioni Anatomo-Patologiche su un Caso di Sindrome di Klippel-Feil. Bollettino della Società Italiana di Patologia 1968; 1-5.
  69. L’Intervento d’Urgenza: L’Unità Coronarica. Incontri Cardiologici Malesci, Lerici 1973; 1-7.
  70. La Fibrillazione Ventricolare Primitiva in Corso di Infarto Miocardico Acuto. Osservazioni su un Gruppo di Pazienti Ricoverati in Unità Coronarica. Min Cardioang 1980; 28: 383-388.
  71. Le Basi Anatomo-Patologiche delle Tossicodipendenze: Le Tossicodipendenze, M. Lopez e A. Leone Eds, Pacini Pisa 1983; 165-220.
  72. Topography of Coronary Lesions and Their Relation to Heart Weight in Patients with Myocardial Infarction. Cardiologia 1988; 33: 755-758.
  73. Topography of Coronary Lesion and Their Relation to Heart Weight in Infarcted Patients. Pathologica 1988; 80: 105-110.
  74. Long-term Prognosis of Infarcted Smokers: Is It Affected by Smoking Cessation? Smoking and Health 1987; M. Aoki et al. Eds, Elsevier Science Publishers BV 1988; 723-726.
  75. Aneurismectomia Postinfartuale del Venricolo Sinistro. Un Ruolo Protettivo nei Confronti della fibrillazione Ventricolare (FV). Min Cardioang 1986; 34: 301-305.
  76. Postinfarction Cardiac Rupture: A Challenge to Try Surgical Reparation. The Thai Journal of Surgery 1986; 7: 143-148.
  77. Significato Clinico e Prognostico della Sindrome Coronarico-Cerebrale. L’Emergenza, GC Benza et al. Eds., ANMCO 1988, 85.
  78. Epirubicina in Regime FAC e Funzione Cardiaca. L’Emergenza, GC Benza et al. Eds., ANMCO 1988; 91.
  79. Emergency CABG After Unsuccessful PTCA. L’Emergenza, GC Benza et al. Eds., ANMCO 1988; 131.
  80. Our Experience on Diagnosis and Staging of Lung Carcinoma. First Agrigento International Conference on Imaging and Therapy of Lung Cancer 1988; 168.
  81. Epirubicin and B-Interferon in the Treatment of Pleural Mesothelioma:  Preliminary Results. First Agrigento International Conference on Imaging and Therapy of Lung Cancer 1988;169.
  82. Chemotherapic Treatment of No Small Cell Lung Carcinoma, by Using Cis-platino and 5-Fluorouracile: the Authors’ Experience. First Agrigento International Conference on Imaging and Therapy of Lung Cancer 1988; 166.
  83. Radiotherapy in the Teatment of Lung Cancer: Prevention of Infective Diseases by the Use of Thimostimulines. First Agrigento International Conference on Imaging and Therapy of Lung Cancer 1988; 170.
  84. Postinfarction Cardiac Rupture: A Challange to Try Surgical Reparation. G ItalCardiol 1987; 17: 252-258.
  85. Il Ponente Ligure. L’Emergenza, GC Benza et al. Eds., ANMCO 1988; 7-13.
  86. Su un Caso di Sindrome di Wolff-Parkinson-White con Gravi Disturbi del Ritmo in un Giovane non Cardiopatico. Atti Congresso Nazionale ANMCO Firenze; Luigi Pozzi, Roma 1976;627-629.
  87. Gamma Globuline, Complemento e Fibrina nei Leucociti Urinari di Individui Affetti da Nefropatie Glomerulari. Minerva Nefrologica 1970; 17: 115-120.
  88. Considerazioni Anatomo-Cliniche nella Rottura di Cuore in Corso di Infarto Miocardico Acuto. Min Cardioang 1982; 30: 159-162.
  89. Il Significato dell’Ipertrofia Cardiaca nella Rottura di Cuore in Corso di Infarto Miocardico Acuto. Osservazioni Cliniche e Istopatologiche. Min Cardioang 1984; 32: 441-444.
  90. Marker di Morte Improvvisa nella Rottura Postinfartuale di Cuore. L’Emergenza, GC Benza et al Eds., ANMCO 1988; 51-52.
  91. L’Angiografia Coronarica Post-mortem nello Studio Anatomo-Patologico dl Cuore. G Ital Cardiol 1972; 2: 688-692.
  92. Alcune Considerazioni sulla Farmacoterapia dei Portatori di Pace-Maker. Min Med 1981; 72: 11-14.
  93. Epidemiological Reports of Lung Cancer in Lunigiana. First Agrigento International Conference on Imaging and Therapy of Lung Cancer 1988; 194.
  94. Epirubicin and B-Interferon in the Treatment of Pleural Mesothelioma. A Phase 1 Study. Lung Cancer Advanced Concepts and Present Status, G Motta Ed, Genoa 1989; 291-295.
  95. Mediastinal Involvement More Than Radio-Chemotheray Impairs Cardiac Function in Non-Resectable Thoracic Neoplasms. 9th Biennial Asian Congress on Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Taipei , Abstract Book,1989; F-18.9.
  96. Mediastinal Involvement More Than Radio/Chemotherapy Impairs Cardiac Function in Thracic Neoplasms. 9th Biennial AsianCongress on Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Taipei, Abstract Book 1989; F-25.2.
  97. Ischemic Electrocardiographic Changes in Stressed Neonate. III World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology Bangkok, Abstracts 1989; F-43.
  98. Are We Able to Prevent Death from Postinfarction Cardiac Rupture by an Early Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment?  9th Biennial Asian Congress on Thoracc and Cardiovascular Surgery, Taipei, Abstract Book 1989; F-14.1.
  99. Trattamento del Carcinoma Polmonare Non Microcitoma con Cis-platino e 5-FU Associato a Cis-platino e ARA-C: Risultati Preliminari. Accademia Medica Alessandrina 1988; 185-189.
  100. Beta-blocking Drugs in Smoker Infarcted Patients. Il Cuore 1989; 6: 799-804.
  101. Tobacco and Its Products:It’s Imperative a Uniform Normtive Law for the European Economic Comunity. World Conference on Tobacco&Health, Perth Western Australia, Abstracts 1990; 7/13.
  102. Quantitative Assessment of Cardiac Performance of Healthy and Infarcted People in Indoor Passive Smoking. World Conference on Tobacco&Health, Perth, Western Australia, Abstracts 1990; 4/10.
  103. Life Threatening Arrhythmias After Intravenous Lidocaine Alone or with Magnesium in Myocardial Infarction Complicated by Ventricular Fibrillation. Philippine Journal of Cardiology 1990; 19: 1/67.
  104. Number of Cigarettes Reinfarction/Death in Continuing Smokers. Il Cuore 1990; 7: 233-236.
  105. Impegno Mediastinico Neoplastico e Polichemioterapia: Effetti sulla Funzionalità Cardiaca. Il Cuore 1990; 7: 367-372
  106. Carcinoma Polmonare Inoperabile: Cosa Può Dirci La Radiologia di Routine sull’Andamento del Trattamento Chemioterapico.  Atti del Convegno Regionale Toscano “L’Addome Acuto nella Diagnostica per Immagini 1988;  233-241
  107. Introduzione. I Fattori di Rischio Coronarico, A. Leone Ed., MSD 1990; 5.
  108. Il Fumo. I Fattori di Rischio Coronarico,  A. Leone Ed, MSD 1990; 11-19.
  109. Postinfarction Cardiac Rupture in the Nineties: Do We Know Determinating Factors. 8th Asean Congress of Cardiology 1990; 70.
  110. Antiplatelet Treatment with Ticlopidine in Unstable Angina. A Controlled Multicenter Clinical Trial. Circulation 1990; 82: 17-26.
  111. Ischemic Electrocardiographic Changes in Stressed Neonate. Il Cuore 1991; 8: 61-66.
  112. Tobacco and Its Products: It’S Imperative to Get A Uniform Law for the European Economic Community. The Global War. Proceedings of the Seventh World Conference on Tobacco and Health 1991; 715-716.
  113. Quantitative Assessment of Cardiac Performance of Healthy and Infarcted People in Indoor Passive Smoking. Proceedings of the Seventh World Conference on Tobacco and Health 1991; 514-515.
  114. Mediastinal Involvement in Non-Resectable Thoracic Neoplasms Impairs Cardiac Function  More Than Radiotherapy or Chemotherapy. Il Cuore 1991; 8: 175-180.
  115. Life-Threatening Arrhythmias After Intravenous Lidocaine Alone or with Magnesium in Myocardial Infarction Complicated by Ventricular Fibrillation. Singapore Med J 1991; 32: 169-170.
  116. Therapy of Ventricular Arrhythmias in Thyrotoxic Patients Without Cardiac Disease. Second International Workshop on New Trends in Cardiovascular Therapy and Technology, Abstract Book Genoa 1991;  133.
  117. Neoplastic Mediastinal Involvement and Cardiac Function: Current News. II International Meeting on Recent Prgress in Oncology,  Cagliari 1991; 162.
  118. Histopathologic Coronar Patterns in Infarcted Patients and PTCA. The 10th Asian-Pacific Congress of Cardiology, Seoul, Abstracts 1991;216.
  119. Lidocaine Low-dose Combined with Magnesium Sulfate in Warning Ventricular Arrhythmias. The 10th Asian-Pacific Congress of Cardiology, Seoul, Abstracts 1991; 125.
  120. Indoor Passive Smoking: Its Effect on Cardiac Performance. Int J Cardiol 1991; 33: 247-252.
  121. Isolated Lesions of Left Anterior Descending Coronary and Bypass: Histopathologic Study. 10th Biennial Asian Congress on Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Bali, Programme Book 1991; 55.
  122. Il Fumo di Sigaretta: Un Potente Fattore di Rischio Cardiovascolare. Il Cuore 1991; 8:573-580.
  123. Are We Able to Prevent Death Due to Postinfarction Cardiac Rupture by Early Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment? Jpn Heart J 1991; 32: 635-644.
  124. Campaign Against Smoking: Little Battles to Win a War!  8th World Conference on Tobacco or Health, Buenos Aires, Abstracts, Posters and Videos 1992; 035.
  125. Smoking Control in Public Offices: Heavy Legislative Deficiency in Italy. 8th World Conference on Tobacco or Health, Buenos Aires, Abstracts, Posters and Videos 1992; 482.
  126. Cardiovascular Damage from Smoking: Fact or Belief? 8th World Conference on Tobacco or Health, Buenos Aires, Abstacts, Posters and Videos 1992; 084.
  127. Ventricular Arrhythmias by Passive Smoke in Patients with Pre-existing Myocardial Infarction. JACC 1992; 19: 256A.
  128. Idrotorace Saccato Recidivante in Bronchitico Cronico: Un Insolito Caso Diagnostico. Atti Convegno per Immagini del Torace d’Urgenza, Massa 1991; 1- 5.
  129. Pravastatin in Primary Hypercholesterolemia. 9th Asian Congress of Cardiology, Kuala Lumpur 1992; 149.
  130. Study of ST-segment in Postinfarction Cardiac Rupture.9th Asian Congress of Cardiology, Kuala Lumpur 1992; 368.
  131. L’Insufficienza Cardiaca Congestizia Oggi. Introduzione. Atti del Congresso L’Insufficienza Cardiaca Congestizia Oggi, A. Leone Ed., Maina di Carrara 1992.
  132. Postinfarction Cardiac Rupture in the Nineties: Do We Know Determinating Factors? Singapore Med J 1992; 33:282-286.
  133. The Heart: A Target Organ for Cigarette Smoking. J Smoking-Related Dis 1992; 3: 197-201.
  134. Electrocardiogram During Postinfarction Cardiac Rupture: Analysis of ST-segment. Il Cuore 1992; 9: 413-418.
  135. Polichemioterapia e Impegno Neoplastico Mediastinico: Ruolo della Diagnostica per Immagini. La Radiologia Medica 1992; 4 Suppl 1: 159.
  136. Cardiovascular Damage from Smoking: A Fact or Belief? Int J Cardiol 1993; 38: 113-117.
  137. Histopathologic Coronary Patterns in People with Acute Myocardial Infarction and PTCA. Singapore Med J 1933; 34: 118-120.
  138. Indoor Passive Smoking and  Cardiac Performance: Mechanisms Able to Cause Heart Failure. The Journal of Heart Failure 1993; 191.
  139. Low  Dose Lidocaine Combined with Magnesium Sulfate in Warning Ventricular Arrhythmias. Jpn Heart J 1993; 34: 23-28.
  140. The Theorem of Cardiac Damage from Passive Smoking. 3rd International Conference on Preventive Cardiology, Oslo, Abstract Book 1993;  296.
  141. Indoor Passive Smoking and Cardiac Performance: Mechanisms Able to Cause Heart Failure. J Smoking-Related Dis 1993; 4: 213-217.
  142. Pathologic Features of Mediastinal Masses. 11th Biennial Asian Congress on Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Kuala Lumpur 1993; 394.
  143. A Rview of the Antithrombotic Therapy after Cardiac Surgery. 11th Biennial Asian Congress on Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Kuala Lumpur, 1993; 98.
  144. Features of Cardiac Damage from Cigarette Smoking. The International Congress of Smoking Cessation, Glasgow, Abstracts 1993; 39.
  145. The Esprim Trial: Short-term Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction with Molsidomine. Lancet 1994; 344: 91-97.
  146. Features of Ischaemic Cardiac Pathology Resulting from cigarette Smoking. J Smoking-Related Dis 1994; 5: 109-114.
  147. Smoking Habit and Alcohol Consumption in Schoolboys. 9e Conference Mondiale sur le Tabac et la Santè, Paris 1994; P-137.
  148. Effects of Passive Smoking and Atropine on Cardiovascular Parameters of Healthy Volunteers and Athletes. 9e Conference Mondiale sur le Tabac et la Santè Paris 1994, 0-276.
  149. Smoking Problem: A Letter to a Congress. 9e Conference sur le Tabac et la Santè 1994; P-72.
  150. Harmful Effects of Passive Smoking in a Patient with Ischaemic Heart Disease. 10th Asean Congress of Cardiology, Bangkok, Abstracts 1994; 104.
  151. Types of Death from cute Myocardial Infarction  Before and After Thrombolysis: A Pathologic Study. 10th Asean Congress of Cardiology, Bangkok, Abstracts 1994; 217.
  152. Cigarette Smoking and Cardiovascular Damage: Analytic Review of the Subject. Singapore Med J 1994; 35: 492-494.
  153. Effects of Passive Smoking and Atropine on Cardiovascular Variables in Healthy Volunteers  and Athletes. J Smoking-Related Dis 1995;6: 43-47.
  154. Passive Smoking Causes Cardiac Alterations in Post-MI Subjects. International Journal of Smoking Cessation Volume 4, Issue 3; 42-43.
  155. Effect of Lidocaine  and Magnesium onVentricular Arrhythmia of Elderly with Acute Heart Failure. The 11th Asian-Pacific Congress of Cardiology, Bali, Abstracts 1995; 0-111.
  156. Effects of PTCA; Aortocoronary Bypass and Combined Techniques in Stable Angina: A Study of Exercise Stress Testing. The 11th Asian-Pacific Congress of Cardiology, Bali, Abstracts 1995; 0-187.
  157. Il Cardiopatico Anziano:  Una Realtà da non Trascurare nelle Divisioni Mediche Ospedaliere. XCVI Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Medicina Interna, Roma, Abstracts 1995; 228.
  158. Letter. J Smoking-Related Dis 1995; 6:133.
  159. Cigarette Smoking and Health of the Heart. J Roy Soc Health 1955; December:354-355.
  160. Smoking Habit and Alcohol Consumption in Schoolboys. Tobacco and Health, K. Slama Ed., Plenum Press New York and London 1995; 589-590.
  161. Cardiovascular Parameters of Healthy Volunteers  After Passive Smoking and Atropine. Tobacco and Health, K. Slama Ed., Plenum Press New York and London 1995; 545-546.
  162. Smoking Problem: Letter to a Congress. Tobaco and Health, K. Slama Ed, Plenum Press New York and London 1995; 1003-1004.
  163. Effetti della PTCA, Bypass Aortocoronarico e Procedure Combinate ell’Angina da Sorzo: Valutazione con Test Ergometrico. G Ital Cardiol 1995; 25 suppl 1: 435.
  164. Blood Pressure After Cerebral Infarction and Haemorrhage. 23rd Congress of the International Society of Internal Medicine, A.V. Aquino et al. Eds, Monduzzi Bologna 1996; 269-272.
  165. A Controlled Trial of Verapamil in Patients After Acute Myocardial Infarction: Results of the Calcium Antagonist Reinfarction Italian Study (CRIS). Am J Cardiol 1996; 77: 365-369.
  166. Acute Pulmonary Edema in a Medical Division: Etiology and Predictors of Death. The Journal of Heart Failure 1996; 3: 62.
  167. Causes of Smoking in Adolescents. Smoke Free Europe , Conference on Tobacco or Health, Helsinki, Abstracts 1996; 185.
  168. Smoking and Health  of the Heart: Relationship Between Clinical Signs and Mechanisms of Damage. Smoke Free Europe  , Conference on Tobacco or Health, Helsinki, Abstracts 1996; 98-99.
  169. Causes of Death from Myocardial Infarction Before and After Thrombolysis Era: A Pathologic Study. Singapore Med J 1996; 37: 270-272.
  170. Caratteristiche dell’Ospedalizzazione dei Pazienti Anziani Prima e Dopo l’Avvio del Pagamento a Prestazione (Sistema DRG-ROD). Ann Ital Med Int 1996; 11: 220-227.
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