Research Interest

 Dr. Abdel-Mageed’s research interest focuses on identifying molecular determinants of prostate cancer progression. One approach involves genetic engineering and selective delivery of stem cells to target “intracrine” production of androgens at tumor metastatic sites. In another study, Dr. Abdel-Mageed laboratory is exploring the role of patient derived adipose stem cells in promoting clonal expansion of metastasis through tumor-derived exosomes. Additionally, Dr. Abdel-Mageed is collaborating in projects pertaining to preclinical assessment of stem cell potentials in therapy and tissue reconstruction of genitourinary diseases.


Asim B. Abdel-Mageed



  • : 504-988-3634
    Fax: 504-988-5059

  • DEPARTMENTDepartment of Urology
    Tulane Center for Stem Cell Research & Regenerative Medicine
    Tulane University School of Medicine