Professional Activities:
Membership of learned societies:
- Diabetes UK
- European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)
- NEURODIAB (Diabetic Neuropathy Study Group of the EASD)
- International Diabetes Federation
- Association of Physicians of Great Britain and Ireland 2012 – To date
- Royal College of Physicians (UK) 1988 – To date
Prizes, Awards, Distinctions:
- Hugh Goffe Scholarship - 1976. Sevenoaks School, Kent
- Plender Academic Award - 1979. Sevenoaks School, Kent
- MB ChB degree with Distinction - 1984. University of Bristol
- The North of England Neurological Association prize for the best presentation of an original paper. Harrogate, 1994
- My Research Fellows have won:
- Best Poster Prize at 3 recent Annual Meetings of Diabetes UK (2007,2008,2010)
- Best Poster Prize at an international diabetes symposium “Diabetes: Threat to Mankind”– Helsinki 2013Oral Presentation Prize at the ADA – Chicago 2013
- The Dawn Ind. Memorial Chalice prize of the Neuropathy Trust (patients’ organisation) – 2009
- “NHS Hero” Award from Chairman of Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Trust - 2012
Previous Appointments:
Aug 1984-Jul 1985: PRHO, Ryehope General Hospital, Sunderland & Frenchay Hospital, Bristol
Aug 1985-Jul 1988: Senior House Officer in Medicine, Princess of Wales Hospital, Bridgend & Walsgrave Hospital, Coventry, UK
Nov 1988-Oct 1989: Medical Registrar, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK
Nov 1989-Sep 1991: Research Registrar to Prof. JD Ward, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK
Oct 1991-Jul 1993: Career Registrar to Prof. JD Ward, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK
Aug 1993-Jan 1997: Senior Registrar in Diabetes/Endocrinology and General Medicine, Liverpool Rotation, UK
Educational Activities
- Lectures on “Diabetic complications” for all 4th year Medical students (around 300)
- Interactive teaching: year round ward rounds and clinics for undergraduate Medical Students; end of attachment Exams; opportunity for feed back from students.
- Letter of commendation for excellence in Phase 4 Medical Student teaching based on student evaluation
- Final-Year Undergraduate Medical Examiner
- Lectures for Postgraduate students in MSc in Endocrinology on Diabetes; setting exam questions for these students and marking the exam papers
- Post Graduate Teaching for the M.R.C.P .for Royal College of Physicians (UK)
- PACES examiner for the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
- Organiser of the annual Sheffield Diabetes Masterclass, a national meeting to update GPs, Diabetes Specialist trainee doctors, Diabetes Specialist Nurses and Consultants. I have convened 5 meetings of around 100-170 attendees. The meeting consists of interactive workshops, plenary lectures by international level speakers and a Key Note Lecture
- Co-Chair and co-organiser of the 7th International Symposium on Diabetic Neuropathy (Toronto, 2009)
- Co-organiser of the 6th EASD/IDF/ADA Post Graduate Diabetes Meeting (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Nov 1-3, 2011) attended by 300 doctors from 20 African countries
- Organiser of the annual Sheffield Diabetic Neuropathy Training Fellowship for 10 Chinese professors (key opinion leaders in diabetic neuropathy) selected by the Chinese Diabetes Society from all over China. This intensive 3-week fellowship held in November has interactive, hands-on workshops; and contributions from neuropathy experts from the UK, Europe and the USA, and covers all aspects of diabetic neuropathies.
Research Supervision
I have supervised many higher degrees [7 MDs (
UK degree equivalent to a PhD); 1PhD; 1 MPhil; 1 MSc and 3 B Med Sci students) in the last 10 years:
- Dr S Eaton – The involvement of the Central Nervous System in Diabetic Neuropathy, MD Awarded (University of Nottingham) 2004
- Prof S Rajbhandari – The evolution of diabetic complications: the Sheffield Prospective Diabetes Study. MD Awarded (University of Sheffield) 2004
- Dr C Quattrini - Neural and Vascular factors in painful diabetic neuropathy. MPhil awarded (University of Sheffield) 2004
- Dr Atakilt Tekle - Malnutrition related diabetes in Ethiopia. MSc awarded with distinction (University of Sheffield) 2002
- Dr L Scott - Investigations into structural and functional abnormalities in early human diabetic neuropathy. MD awarded (University of Sheffield) 2005
- Dr J Elliott PhD, Post Doc, neuropathy research 2005-6
- Ms Claire MacDermot - Bariatric Surgery and Diabetes. B Med Sci (University of Sheffield) 2007
- Dr D Selvarajah – Central nervous system involvement in diabetic neuropathy. PhD awarded (University of Sheffield) 2010
- Dr Jefferson Marquis PhD, Post Doc neuropathy research 2008-10
- Tom Cash - The impact of painful diabetic neuropathy on physical and mental functioning. B Med Sci awarded with 1st Class honours (University of Sheffield) 2011
- Lloyd Thomas - Sleep disorders and quality of life in painful diabetic neuropathy. B Med Sci (University of Sheffield) 2012
- Dr Rajiv Gandhi - Insights into the pathogenesis of painful and painless diabetic neuropathy. MD awarded (University of Sheffield) 2014
- Dr Misbah Oleolo - Spectral analysis of HRV and Dynamic Pupillography for the early diagnosis of Autonomic Neuropathy. Research for MD completed, to be submitted in 2014
- Dr Marni Grieg. The microvascular perfusion characteristics of the pain processing areas of the brain diabetes. MD in progress (funded by EFSD)
- Dr Pallai Shillo. Peripheral biomarkers of painful diabetic neuropathy. MD in Progress (part funded by the Welcome Trust)
Educational Videos
I have made major contributions in the making of the following videos:
- "Dual Paths in the Management of Diabetic Foot Problems", Sheffield 1991
- "Diabetes Foot Care", Liverpool1993
- “Managing Neuropathic Pain” (CD-ROM), Sheffield, 2003
- “Managing Neuropathic Pain” (CD-ROM), Sheffield, 2005
- Diabetic Neuropathy – Focus Medica – (CD-ROM) 2009 and 2010
- “Virtual Pain Clinic” 2012; sponsored by Eli Lilly
- “Painful diabetic neuropathy – the patient journey” 2012 sponsored by Eli Lilly
- “The epidemiology, pathogenesis and treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy” 2013 sponsored by Eli Lilly (for web-based education)
Other Teaching Activities
- Lectures on Diabetic neuropathy and the diabetic foot in the annual Sheffield Diabetes course for nurses organised by the University of Sheffield
- Lecture on “Health service in Ethiopia” to MSc students on health management
- Lectures on “Management of Diabetic Foot problems” to practice nurses, podiatrists and GPs
- Participation in the EASD Postgraduate Course – plenary lecture and running a workshop (Lviv, Ukraine 2013)
- Invited State of the art Lectures at international postgraduate education meetings including at the EASD and ADA (detailed in presentations to learned societies on pages 10-15
Local Committees
- Elected Senior Registrar Representative at the Specialist Training and Education Committee for Medicine, for North West Region, 1994-97
- Senior Registrar representative at the Specialist Sub-Committee for Diabetes for North West Regional Health authority, 1993-94
- Consultant representative at the Committee for the Implementation of the Protocol for Emergency Admissions, Royal Hallamshire Hospital (RHH), 1997–2004
- Clinical lead for Sub-directorate of Diabetes Royal Hallamshire Hospital, 1999–2002
- President of the Sheffield branch of Diabetes UK, 2007-To date
- Founder & Chair of SHARE (Sheffield Health Action Resource for Ethiopia). This is a Charity Medical link of Sheffield Teaching Hospitals (STH) with Ethiopia. SHARE has made over 50 trips to Ethiopia in the last 10 years, trained many doctors and nurses in diabetes and other specialities who have now returned to Ethiopia and become key figures, including the incoming Africa Region President of the IDF, Dr Ahmed Reja who obtained his specialist training in diabetes in Sheffield (M Phil). 2000-To date
- Member of the Excecutive Council of Sheffield Medico- Chirargical Society 2005-9
- Discretionary Points Committee member for Staff Grade & Associate Specialists 2006-08
- Academic Director (Head) of Diabetes Research for Sheffield Teaching Hospitals and the University of Sheffield 2011-To date
Professional Excellence, Innovations And Leadership
Developing a high quality service
1) The use of Electrical Spinal Cord Stimulation for the treatment of severe painful neuropathy not responding to drugs (Tesfaye et al., Lancet 1996). This treatment is now established in clinical practice, is offered at STH and 3 other UK centres for intractable painful neuropathy.
2) Development of a "State of the Art "MDT Painful Diabetic Neuropathy service in 2009 with Clinical Psychology support & Comprehensive Pain Management Program. This service for diabetic patients is the first of its kind in the UK.
- I received the Neuropathy Trust national award in 2009. The 'Dawn Ind. Memorial Chalice' is presented yearly to recognise the good work of individuals and the development of patient-centred services helping neuropathy sufferers.
- I developed a MDT Foot Service including doctors, vascular surgeon, Specialist nurse, podiatrists and orthotists, with Fast Track access for urgent Foot problems seen on referral day (1993), using the Foot Hot Line (2011). This clinic is never cancelled, averaging 3000 patients/year, reducing lower-limb amputation risk. I introduced novel, Podiatry-led Neuropathic Ulcer Healing Clinic in 2000 (first of its kind in the UK). This dramatically reduced hospital foot admissions (£18K investment led to £35K saving; presented at Budapest EASD) & has now grown to 6 clinics per week across STH.
Delivering a high quality service
- In 2010/11 I conducted a major Service Evaluation on how we can improve the Painful Neuropathy Service as part of 2 BMed Sci research, and have implemented the findings of this audit to improve our service to patients. We now offer a Multi-modal Pain Management Service that is tailored to individual patient requirements. As part of this, we offer patients with severe painful diabetic neuropathy not responding to pharmacotherapy 8 weekly group sessions (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy – ACT) facilitated by a clinical psychologist. Pain management is based on the 2010 NICE Guidance, the committee of which I was a member. We are one of 3 UK centres that offer spinal cord stimulation for drug resistant painful neuropathy.
- I offer a high quality Neuropathy Diagnostic Service that utilises the latest equipments such as Computer Assisted Sensory Evaluation. My painful neuropathy service attracts national and international referrals (50% of all referrals).
- In 2012, I received the “NHS Hero Award from the Chairman of Sheffield Teaching Hospitals for excellence in patient care. This national NHS award scheme allows patients to thank members of staff who have helped them through difficult times.
- I do 2 Inpatient Diabetes ward rounds that have led to earlier discharge of patients from hospital and reduced harm events. Our team won the BMJ PATIENT SAFETY Award in 2011.
- I mentored/trained 3 Research Fellows to achieve higher degrees, who have now joined me as my consultant colleagues and a resource for STH and the University of Sheffield.
Professional And External Development Activities
National Committees
- Vice chairman of Diabetes UK Science and Research Committee 2009 - To date
- Member of the Council for Health Care Professional of Diabetes UK 2009 -To date
- Member of Association of Physicians of United Kingdom and Ireland 2011 - To date
- Member of the Diabetes Advisory Group for National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) on:
- Insulin Glargine
- Thiozolidinediones (2003)
- Reviewer of the NICE guidelines for Type 2 Diabetes – 2008
- Member of NICE committees on Neuropathic Pain 2010 and 2013
- Member of the Cardiovascular/Diabetes/Renal Medicines Expert Advisory Group of the Commission on Human Medicines (MHRA – UK’s FDA equivalent) 2003 –10
- Member of the Joint DH/MRC Research Advisory Committee on Diabetes (a national body with meetings held at the Medical Research Council).
- Member of the National Glycaemic Control Working Group. This is a national body with 10 members that developed National Clinical Practice Guidelines for glycaemic control in Type 2 diabetes. 1998 –2001
- Founder & Steering Committee Member of DESMOND (Diabetes Education for Self Management Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed) a national body developing best models of education for the management of Type 2 diabetes. 2002 - To date
International Committees
- Chairman of the International Consensus panel on Diabetic Neuropathy 2009-11
- Chairman of NEURODIAB (Neuropathy Study Group of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes). This is the largest scientific diabetic neuropathy group in the world with members from North America, Europe and Asia. 2006-9
- Vice Chairman of NEURODIAB 2003-5
- Member of the International Insulin Foundation (IIF). Our mission is to create sustainable nation-wide access to affordable and reliable sources of insulin through projects that improve distribution and the educated use of insulin by people with Type 1 diabetes currently unable to obtain it. 2008-To date
- Member for the EURODIAB Type1 Complications Study Group (An International Study Group funded by the European Community) 1997-To Date
- Member of the Board of Directors of the Quantitative Sensation Testing Society (QST-S). This is a global QST standardising society 2004 – To date,
- Member of several International Diabetes Advisory Boards:
- UK Ruboxistaurin (PKC beta inhibitor) Advisory Group sponsored by Eli Lilly (2004-7)
- European Neuropathic Pain Advisory Group (sponsored by Pfizer 2006-7)
- UK Advisory Group on Rosuvostatin (Sponsored by Astra Zeneca 2005-7)
- European Diabetic Painful Neuropathy Advisory Group (sponsored by Eli Lilly 2005-14)
- Global Painful Neuropathy Advisory Group (sponsored by Pfizer 2010-To date)
- European Painful Neuropathy Advisory Group (Worwag Pharma 2007-To date)
- European Diabetic Neuropathy Advisory Group (Neuropad 2005-To date)
- Global Diabetic Neuropathy Advisory Group (Neurometrix 2009-To date)
- Global Diabetic Neuropathy Advisory Group (Impeto Medical 2008-To date)
Associate Editorship
- Associate Editor of Diabetologia (Journal of EASD) (2001-2003)
- Associate Editor of Journal of Experimental Diabetes Research
- Associate Editor Frontiers in Endocrinology (2011- To date)
- Associate Editor of European Endocrinology 2008 - To date
- Associate Editor of Diabetes Management (2010 - To date)
- Advisory Board of Diabetes Therapy (2010 - To date)
- Editorial Advisory Board for Recent Patents on Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Drug Discovery (EMI)’- (2011-To date)
Recent (2010-14) journal reviewer for:
New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, Lancet Neurology, Nature Reviews Neurology, Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, Nature Reviews Endocrinology, Diabetologia (Journal of EASD), Diabetes Care (Journal of ADA), Diabetes, Diabetic Medicine (Journal of Diabetes UK), Journal of Diabetes and its Complications, Diabetes Nutrition and Metabolism, Obesity, Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research, European Journal of Clinical Investigation, Diabetes Research in Clinical Practice, Experimental Diabetes Research, Journal of Peripheral Nervous System, Journal of Neurological sciences, European Journal of Pain, Journal of Rehabilitation medicine, European Journal of Neurology, Biomed Central (BMC) Neurology, Journal Rehabilitation, Metabolism (clinical and Experimental), Muscle and Nerve, J Diabetes Metab Disorders, Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes, Neuroendocrinology, Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology etc. I also review of Books on Diabetes and Diabetic Neuropathy
Reviewer Of Reaserch Grant Applications
- Regular (annual) grant reviewer for Diabetes UK including “Special Calls”
E.g. Special call for complications grant – reviewed 16 grant applications in 2009
- Reviewer of an application for Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) programme (NIHR) funded by the Medical Research Council (MRC) – 2008/9
- Reviewer of grant applications for the Welcome Trust 2008; 2010
- Regular reviewer of grants for the Juvenile Diabetes research Foundation (JDRF) – 4 applications in 2008; 1 application 2010; 4 applications in 2011
- Bupa foundation grant review 2010
- European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD) 2011
- Dutch Diabetes research Foundation 2012
- Reviewer of an application for Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB) programme (NIHR) 2012
- Reviewer of an application for Health Technology Assessment (HTA) programme (NIHR) 2013
- Miscellaneous grants including Local Charitable Foundations, Hospital Trusts in the UK (e.g. Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Joint Research Committee 2013) etc.
Chairmanship Of Scientific Sessions/Abstract Review Committees
- Chair “Diabetic Complications” session, EASD, Munich, September 2004
- Chair “Education Awards” & “Diabetic Complications” sessions, Diabetes UK, Glasgow, April 2005
- Chair “Neuropathy” oral session, EASD, Athens, September 2005
- Chair “Neuropathy” oral session, Diabetes UK, Birmingham, March 2006
- Chair Painful neuropathy session of EFNS, Glasgow, September 2006
- Chair “Neuropathy” oral session, EASD, Copenhagen, September 2006
- Abstract review Committee for ADA and EASD 2006
- Abstract Review Committee EASD 2009
- Abstract Review Committee ADA 2010, 2011, 2012
- Abstract Review Committee IDF 2011
- Chair of Neuropathy Symposium ADA, Orlando, FL 2010
- Chair of Neuropathy Symposium Diabetes UK, London 2011
- Chair of Neuropathy oral session EASD Lisbon, September 2011
- Abstract Review Committee ADA 2012
- Abstract Review Committee EASD 2012
- Chair of the Oral and Poster Sessions at ADA in Philadelphia, 2012
- EASD Program Committee for 2013 (Barcelona)
- Chair of the Neuropathy Session at an International Diabetes Symposium (“Diabetes: a threat to Mankind”) Helsinki 8th June 2013
- Chair of Symposium on Diabetic Neuropathy EASD 2013
Oral Presentations & Invited Lectures To Learned Societies
Over the past 5 years I have given invited lectures at all the major diabetes meetings (IDF ’09,’11; the EASD in 2005, ‘08, ‘12 and the ADA 2006, ’08) as well as Chinese Diabetes Society (2012), Japanese Diabetes Society (2009), Brazilian Diabetes Association meetings (2013) etc.. My team have also had oral presentations in almost all Neuropathy Sessions of the EASD and ADA for the past 10 years.
- Association of Physicians of Great Britain and Ireland. Exercise induced conduction velocity increment predicts impaired peripheral blood flow in diabetic neuropathy. Sheffield, UK; 12th April 1991
- Columbia University Department of Endocrinology Seminars. “Vascular factors in diabetic neuropathy.” New York City, USA; 27th June 1990
- EURODIAB IDDM Complications meeting. Demonstration of cardiovascular autonomic function tests to delegates. Pisa, Italy; 2-4 May 1990
- Anglo-Danish-Dutch Diabetes Group. “Impaired blood flow in diabetic neuropathy”. Kerkrade, Netherlands; 5-9 June 1991
- NEURODIAB (Diabetic Neuropathy Study Group of the EASD) meeting. 2 presentations: (1) Exercise induced conduction velocity increment: a marker of impaired peripheral nerve blood flow. (2) Abnormalities of nerve vessel anatomy and blood flow in diabetic neuropathy. Cork, Ireland; 9-10 September, 1991
- EASD 27th annual meeting. Exercise induced conduction velocity increment: a marker of impaired nerve blood flow. Dublin, Ireland; 10-14 September 1991
- British Diabetic Association medical and scientific section. “Epineurial new vessel formation following institution of insulin therapy.” St. Andrew's, Scotland, 3-4 September 1992
- NEURODIAB (Diabetic Neuropathy Study Group of the EASD) meeting. “Is epineurial new vessel formation a feature of diabetic neuropathy?” Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, 6-7 September 1992
- 28th annual scientific meeting of the European Society for Clinical Investigation. “Microangiopathy in human diabetic neuropathy.” Toledo, Spain, April 1994
- Invited speaker at the Royal College of Physicians endocrine and diabetes education course. “Title: Pathogenesis and biochemical aspects of diabetic neuropathy.” Manchester, 17th February 1994
- Invited speaker at the EASD Symposium on Treatment of Diabetic Neuropathy. Title: Diabetic Neuropathy: Current treatment and potential therapeutic approaches. Dusseldorf, Germany, September 1994
- Invited speaker at the annual meeting of the North of England Neurological Association (NENA). “Exercise induced conduction velocity increment: a marker of impaired blood flow in diabetic neuropathy.” Won 1st prize for the best presentation of an original paper. Harrogate, UK, November 19th 1994
- Invited speaker. “Treatment of Diabetic Neuropathy” and co-chairman of the Neuropathy session at the 21st Congress of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolism meeting. Oradea, Romania, May 25-27, 1995
- EASD 31st annual meeting. “Electrical spinal cord stimulator: a new and effective treatment for chronic neuropathic pain. Stockholm, Sweden, September 12-16, 1995
- Invited speaker: Harvard Medical School Diabetes Research Seminars. “Vascular factors in diabetic neuropathy”. Boston, USA, November 1995
- Invited speaker on “The Epidemiology of diabetic neuropathy” at the European Diabetes Epidemiology Study Group (EDESG) 32nd annual meeting. Budapest, Hungary, May 2-4, 1997
- Invited speaker “Treatment options in diabetic neuropathy” at the Hungarian Diabetes Association meeting. Budapest, Hungary, April 16-19, 1998
- NEURODIAB meeting. Title: Prevalence of Autonomic neuropathy and potential risk factors in type 1 diabetes. Sitges, Spain, 5-7 September, 1998
- British Diabetic Association Medical and Scientific Section. “Prevalence of Autonomic neuropathy and potential risk factors in type 1 diabetes in Europe”. Harrogate, 7-9th October 1998
- Invited Speaker: “Management of erectile dysfunction in diabetes”. Ukrainian Diabetic Association Annual meeting. Kiev, Ukraine, 15th May 1999
- Invited Speaker: “Recent advances in the management of diabetes”. National Diabetes meeting Harrogate, UK, 24th February 2000
- Invited Speaker: “Advances in the management of diabetes”. Diabetes National meeting. London, October 2nd, 2000
- Invited speaker: “New perspectives in diabetic neuropathy.” (The Neuropathy lecture at the 17th International Diabetes Federation Congress). Mexico City, November 5-10, 2000
- Invited Speaker: “Modern management of type 2 diabetes”. National Diabetes Conference London, UK, March 2001
- Invited Speaker: “Advances in diabetes research”. 37th annual meeting of the Ethiopian Medical Association. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, May 19-22, 2001
- Invited Speaker: “Neuropathy: the essence of ulceration”. The Third Scottish Diabetic Foot Meeting. Dundee, Scotland, June 6th, 2001
- Invited Speaker: “Risk factors for diabetic neuropathy”. Annual meeting of European Diabetic Association Neuropathy study group (NEURODIAB). Aberdeen, Scotland, September 8th 2001
- Invited Speaker: “Advances in diabetic neuropathy”. New York State University annual Endocrine meeting. Buffalo, N.Y., USA, October 8th 2001
- Invited Speaker: Management of type 2 diabetes. WHO workshop. Bangalore, India, 18-21 November, 2001
- Invited Speaker: Meeting Treatment Challenges for Diabetic Neuropathy. Symposium on Diabetic Complications, EASD. Budapest, Hungary, 1st September 2002
- Invited Speaker: Peripheral Neuropathy: Implications for quality of life and survival. EASD Postgraduate Course in Diabetes. Budapest, Hungary, 6th September 2002
- Invited speaker: Interaction between neuropathy and peripheral arterial disease in diabetes. Consensus Conference organised by the American Diabetes Association. Washington DC, 6th May 2003
- Invited speaker: What is new in Diabetic Neuropathy? Symposium in Recent Advances in Diabetes. Dublin, Ireland, 9-10th May 2003
- Invited speaker: Path physiology and management of Painful Diabetic Neuropathy. Postgraduate Education Course in Diabetes and Endocrinology organised by RCP North West and Northern Ireland. Belfast, UK, 16th May 2003
- Invited Speaker: Painful and Painless neuropathy: Current methods of investigation. Symposium on Diabetic Neuropathy, International Diabetes Federation meeting. Paris, France, August 2003
- Invited Speaker: Hot topics in Diabetes; Diabetic Neuropathy, Annual Meeting of the Medical and Scientific Section of Diabetes UK. Birmingham, UK, March 25th 2004
- Invited Speaker: Diabetic neuropathy: the paradox of pain and insensitivity, Biannual Meeting of the Malvern International Foot Conference. Malvern, UK, May 12th 2004
- Invited Speaker: Management of difficult Diabetic Neuropathy. Meeting of Association of British Consultant Dialectologists (ABCD). Manchester, UK, May 21st 2004
- Invited Speaker: Diabetic neuropathy. 6th Pan Arab Congress of Diabetes and Endocrinology. Alexandria, Egypt, March 2-4, 2005
- Invited Speaker: Diabetic neuropathy: the strongest risk factor for the diabetic foot. Diabetic foot Journal Conferences Edinburgh, Scotland, March 15th; also repeated in London, UK, on the 11th October 2005.
- Invited Speaker: Hot topics in Diabetes; Diabetic Neuropathy, Annual Meeting of the Medical and Scientific Section of Diabetes UK. Glasgow, Scotland, April 21st 2005
- Invited Speaker: Measurement of peripheral neuropathy; Neurodiab Meeting. Portoheli, Greece, September 8th 2005
- Invited Speaker: The role of microvascular disease in the aetiology of diabetic peripheral neuropathy; Diabetic Complications Symposium, EASD Meeting, Athens, Greece, September 10th 2005
- Invited Speaker: Plenary Lecture on “Diabetic Neuropathy”. Workshop on “Management of difficult diabetic neuropathy” “Beyond Boundary Meeting for Immerging Diabetologists” – organised by the Oxford Centre for Diabetes Endocrinology /Metabolis , Oxford, UK, October 7th 2005
- Invited Speaker: Microvascular factors and Diabetic Neuropathy. French Diabetes Physicians meeting, Paris, France, January 26th 2006
- Invited Speaker: New medications for Diabetic Neuropathy. Symposium on Diabetic Neuropathy. American Diabetes Association annual meeting. Washington DC, USA, 11th June 2006
- Invited Speaker: New developments in the pathogenesis and treatment of Diabetic Neuropathy. The Oxford Symposium, Exeter College, Oxford, UK, June 29th 2006
- Invited Speaker and Chairman: Advances in clinical Outcomes for Painful Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy. Symposium on Neuropathic Pain - Mind and Body Global Educational Tour. European Federation for neurological Association (EFNS) meeting. Glasgow, Scotland, 3rd September 2006
- Invited Speaker: Prevalence of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathic Pain: A European perspective. Symposium on Advances in the Treatment of Peripheral Neuropathic Pain. Milan, Italy, 4-5 October 2006
- Invited Speaker: Epidemiology and pathogenesis of Diabetic Neuropathy. 7th International Symposium of Diabetic Neuropathy. Cape Town, South Africa, 30th of November 2006
- Invited Speaker: The Challenge of Diabetic Neuropathy. Jersey, 29th January 2007
- Invited Speaker and Chair: Advances in the management of Painful Diabetic Neuropathy: Painful Neuropathy Symposium of APC of Diabetes UK. Glasgow, Scotland, 15th March 2007
- Invited Speaker: Advances in the management of Painful Diabetic Neuropathy. Hot Topics session of APC of Diabetes UK. Glasgow, Scotland, 16th March 2007
- Invited Speaker: Advances in clinical Outcomes for Painful Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy. Symposium on Neuropathic Pain – European Federation for neurological Association (EFNS) meeting. Brussels, Belgium, 25th August 2007
- Invited Speaker: Clinical Assessment of Neuropathy. Take Control Peaks and Valleys European Diabetes Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, February 28 – March 1, 2008
- Invited Speaker: Advances in the management of Painful Diabetic Neuropathy. Hot Topics session of APC of Diabetes UK. Glasgow, Scotland, 7th March 2008
- Invited Speaker: Epidemiology, pathogenesis and treatment of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathic Pain. Diabetes Update Meeting. Stratford-upon-Avon, UK, 15th April, 2008
- Invited Speaker: Advances in the management of Painful Peripheral Neuropathic Pain: Symposium on Advances in the Treatment of Peripheral Neuropathic Pain. Brussels, Belgium, 6th May, 2008
- Invited Speaker: Epidemiology, pathogenesis and management of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathic Pain. Symposium on Advances in the Treatment of Peripheral Neuropathic Pain. Athens, 8th May 2008
- Invited Speaker: Pathogenesis & management of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathic Pain: Symposium on Advances in the Treatment of Peripheral Neuropathic Pain. Viseu, Portugal, 9th May 2008
- Invited Speaker: CNS involvement in painful diabetic neuropathy. Symposium on Painful Diabetic Neuropathy. American Diabetes Association annual meeting. San Francisco, June 11th 2008
- Invited Speaker: Recent advances in the management of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathic Pain. Symposium on Diabetic Neuropathy, EASD, Rome, 9th September 2008
- Invited Speaker: Recent advances in the management of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathic Pain. Symposium on Diabetic Neuropathy, Diabetes UK satellite symposium Glasgow, 10th March 2009
- Invited Speaker: Workshop on Diabetic Neuropathies. Young Diabetologists Forum (YDF), Diabetes UK satellite workshop. Glasgow, Scotland, 10th March 2009
- Invited Speaker: Managing Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathic Pain. Speakers training in Diabetic Neuropathy. Turin, Italy, 6th March 2009
- Invited Speaker: Recent advances in the evidence based management of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathic Pain. 11th Pan-Hellenic Greek Diabetology Congress. Alexandropoulis, Greece, 26th March 2009
- Invited Speaker: Recent advances in the management of Diabetic Neuropathy. Symposium on unsolved issues in Diabetic Neuropathy. 52nd Annual Japanese Diabetes society meeting, Osaka, Japan, 22nd May 2009
- Invited Speaker: Clinical Perspectives in the diagnosis and management of DPNP Belgian Pain Society meeting. Brussels, Belgium, 5th September 2009
- Invited Speaker: Diabetic neuropathy: where are we now? 8th ISDN/ 19th Neurodiab meeting. Toronto, Canada, 18th October 2009
- Invited Speaker: Can we treat diabetic neuropathy? Symposium on Diabetic Foot. 20th International Diabetes Federation meeting. Montreal, Canada, October 20th 2009
- Invited Speaker: 10th Annual Abracadabra Diabetes Nursing Conference: Management of Diabetic Neuropathy. Manchester, UK, 5th February 2010
- Invited Speaker: Diabetic Neuropathy - A Traditional Neuropathic Pain? Annual conference of British Pain Society – Symposium “Focusing on the Spectrum of Neuropathic Pain”. Manchester, UK, 13th April 2010
- Invited Speaker: Pathogenesis of painful diabetic neuropathy. 50th annual meeting of Japanese Society of Neurology - Tokyo, Japan, May 19-22, 2010
- Invited Speaker: Recent advances in the pathogenesis and management of painful Diabetic Neuropathy. Bi-annual conference of Malvern International Foot Conference. Malvern, UK, 12-14 May 2010
- Invited Speaker: The pathogenesis and management of painful Diabetic Neuropathy. NeupSIG meeting (International Association for the Study of Pain). Athens, 26 May 2010
- Invited Speaker: Pathological insights and Management of painful Diabetic Neuropathy. Northern Greece Diabetes Association meeting. Thessaloniki, Greece 29th May, 2010
- Invited Speaker: Diagnosis, Pathogenesis and Management of Diabetic Neuropathy. Beijing, China, July 2010
- Invited Speaker: Diagnosis, Pathogenesis and Management of Diabetic Neuropathy. Guangzhou, China, July 2010
- Invited Speaker: Diagnosis, Pathogenesis and Management of Diabetic Neuropathy. Annual Chinese Foot Conference, Harbin, China, July 2010
- Invited Speaker: New insights into the pathogenesis and management of painful diabetic neuropathy. Seminar for Japanese Delegates at the EASD. Stockholm, Sweden, 20-24 September 2010
- Invited Speaker: CNS manifestation of Diabetic Neuropathy. 8th International Diabetes Federation meeting of Western Pacific Region. Bussan, South Korea, October 17-20, 2010
- Invited Speaker: Management of Painful Diabetic Neuropathy. Symposium on Diabetic Neuropathy. 8th International Diabetes Federation meeting of Western Pacific Region. Bussan, South Korea, October 17-20, 2010.
- Invited Speaker: Recent Advances in the Pathogenesis and Management of Diabetic Neuropathy. Annual Meeting of French Speaking Countries, Geneva, Switzerland 22nd January 2011
- Invited Speaker: Central Nervous System Involvement in Diabetic Neuropathy. Symposium on Imaging and Diabetes, Diabetes UK, London, UK, 30 March 2011
- Invited Speaker: Recent Advances in the Pathogenesis and Management of Diabetic Neuropathy. 6th International Diabetic Foot meeting. Amsterdam, Holland, May 11th 2011
- Invited Speaker: Diabetic Neuropathies: Diagnosis, Assessment and Management. 54th Annual Japanese Diabetes Society Meeting. Sapporo, Japan, May 20th 2011
- Invited Speaker: Recent Advances in the Pathogenesis and Management of Diabetic Neuropathy. Lecture Tour - Jeddah, Riyadh, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, 28-31 May 2011
- Invited Speaker: Recent Advances in the Pathogenesis and Management of Diabetic Neuropathy. Lecture Tour: Muscat, Oman; Abu Dhabi & Dubai, UAE, 1-3 June 2011
- Invited Speaker: Diabetic Neuropathy: Central Involvement. Neurodiab Meeting Porto, Portugal, 9th September 2011
- Invited Speaker: Recent Advances in the Pathogenesis and Management of Diabetic Neuropathy. Annual DiaEgypt meeting Cairo, Egypt, 5th October 2011
- Invited Speaker: Recent Advances in the Pathogenesis and Management of Diabetic Neuropathy. Annual Pan Arab Endocrinology meeting, Beirut, Lebanon, 6th October 2011
- Invited Speaker: Painful Diabetic Neuropathy: Diagnosis, Pathogenesis and Management. Update on Diabetes; Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 7th October 2011
- Invited Speaker: Recent Advances in the Pathogenesis and Management of Diabetic Neuropathy. 6th EASD Postgraduate Meeting on Diabetes, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2nd November 2011
- Invited Speaker: Management of Painful Diabetic Neuropathy. Meeting of “Recognised Diabetic Foot Clinics of Belgium”, Brussels, 19th November 2011
- Invited Speaker and Chair: Painful Diabetic Neuropathy. Regional Postgraduate Meeting on Painful Diabetic Neuropathy, Vienna, Austria 24-25 November 2011
- Invited Speaker: Management of Diabetic Neuropathy. International Diabetes Federation meeting, Dubai, UAE 7th December 2011
- Invited Speaker. Advances in the pathogenesis and management of Painful diabetic neuropathy. Russian Diabetes Association meeting. St Petersburg, Russia, 25-27 April 2012
- Invited Speaker. The management of painful diabetic neuropathy. Regional Diabetes Study Day, Weetwood Hall, Nr Leeds, UK, 31 May 2012
- Invited Speaker. The management of painful diabetic neuropathy. Young Diabetologist Forum. Belfast, UK, 20th April 2012
- Invited Speaker. New insights into the pathogenesis and management of painful diabetic neuropathy. British Pain Society meeting (satellite Symposium), Liverpool, UK, 24th April 2012
- Invited Speaker for a Webcast – sponsored by Pfizer. The burden and management of painful diabetic neuropathy. Webcast to doctors in Europe filmed in Sheffield, UK, 26th June 2012
- Invited Speaker. Optimizing drug therapy for painful diabetic neuropathy. International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) satellite Symposium, Milan, Italy, 27 August 2012
- Invited Speaker. Optimizing drug therapy for painful diabetic neuropathy. NEURODIAB annual meeting, Dresden, Germany, 27 September 2012
- Invited Speaker. Advances in the management of Diabetic Neuropathy. EASD annual meeting, Berlin, Germany, 5th October 2012
- Invited Speaker. Management of Painful Diabetic Neuropathy. Diabetic Foot Conference, London, 18th October 2012
- Invited Speaker. Advances in the management of Diabetic Neuropathy. PRIMED UPDATE MEETINGS, London 15th November and Birmingham, UK, 20th November 2012
- Invited Speaker. Effective management of diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain. 13th Annual Professional Diabetes Symposium. Kings Lynn, Wed 7th November
- Invited Speaker. Advances in the management of Diabetic Neuropathy. Mexican Endocrinology and Nutrition Society, Leon, Mexico, 28th November 2012
- Invited Speaker. Behind the mask - New developments in the pathogenesis and management Diabetic Neuropathy. Symposium funded by Pfizer, ADA meeting in Dubai, UAE, 4th December 2012
- Invited Speaker. Advances in the pathogenesis and management of Diabetic Neuropathy. Chinese Diabetes Society annual meeting, Chengdu, China, 7th December 2012
- Invited Speaker and Chair. Treatment options for painful of Diabetic Neuropathy. International meeting for Pain specialists and Endocrinologists from 20 countries organized by Pfizer, Istanbul, Turkey, 17-18 January 2013
- Invited Speaker. New developments in the management of Diabetic Neuropathy. Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) London, UK, 30th January 2013
- Invited Speaker. Advances in the pathogenesis and management of Diabetic Neuropathy. 10th Turkish neuropathic Pain Congress. Antalya, Turkey 8-10 March 2013
- Invited Speaker. The management of painful diabetic neuropathy in primary care. Diabetes UK annual MSS meeting. Manchester 15 March 2013
- Invited Speaker. The management of DPNP and improving outcomes for patients. Take Control – Peaks & Valleys: Innovations and Insights in Diabetes Management Beijing, China, 21–23 March 2013
- Invited Speaker. New developments in the pathogenesis and treatment of Diabetic Neuropathy. EASD Postgraduate Course. Lviv, Ukraine 19-20th April 2013
- Invited Speaker. Overcoming challenges in elderly patients with painful diabetic neuropathy: towards evidence-based individualized pain therapy. Erlwood, London, UK, 16th May 2013
- Invited Speaker. The epidemiology, pathogenesis and evidence-based treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy. 7th Pain and 2nd CNS Latin American Forum. Merida, Mexico, 31st May-1st June 2013
- Invited Speaker and Chair. Meeting the needs of patients: From theory to clinical practice – interactive case discussions. In a Symposium on Functional Outcomes in Patients with Painful Diabetic Neuropathy. Frankfurt, Germany, 13-14th June 2013
- Invited Speaker: 1. Somatic Diabetic Neuropathies 2. Management of painful diabetic neuropathy. Brazilian Diabetes Association annual meeting, Florianopolis, Brazil, 9-11 October 2013
- Invited Speaker. The pathogenesis and treatment of diabetic neuropathy. Tianjin University Diabetes Conference, Tianjin, China, 17th October 2013
- Invited Speaker. Clinical perspectives on the diagnosis and management of painful diabetic neuropathy. MIMS Diabetes Conference, Earls Court, London, UK, 16th May 2013
- Invited Speaker. Clinical perspectives on the diagnosis and management of painful diabetic neuropathy. MIMS Diabetes Conference, Earls Court, London 24th October 2013
- Invited Speaker. Neuropathies and treatment strategies. The tidal wave of Diabetes – Prevention vs. Complications. Diabetes UK, York, UK, Wednesday 6th November